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EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics

Issue 2/2016

Content (5 Articles)


Tools for primal degenerate linear programs: IPS, DCA, and PE

Jean Bertrand Gauthier, Jacques Desrosiers, Marco E. Lübbecke

Research Paper

Assessing the impact of urban off-hour delivery program using city scale simulation models

Satish V. Ukkusuri, Kaan Ozbay, Wilfredo F. Yushimito, Shri Iyer, Ender F. Morgul, José Holguín-Veras

Research Paper

Capacitated vehicle routing problem with sequence-based pallet loading and axle weight constraints

Hanne Pollaris, Kris Braekers, An Caris, Gerrit K. Janssens, Sabine Limbourg

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