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2011 | Book

Foundations of Mathematical and Computational Economics

Author: Kamran Dadkhah

Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg


About this book

This is a book on the basics of mathematics and computation and their uses in economics for modern day students and practitioners. The reader is introduced to the basics of numerical analysis as well as the use of computer programs such as Matlab and Excel in carrying out involved computations. Sections are devoted to the use of Maple in mathematical analysis. Examples drawn from recent contributions to economic theory and econometrics as well as a variety of end of chapter exercises help to illustrate and apply the presented concepts.

Table of Contents


Basic concepts and methods

Chapter 1. Mathematics, Computation, and Economics
Many believe that mathematics is one of the most beautiful creations of humankind, second only to music. The word creation, however, may be disputed. Have humans created something called mathematics? Then how is it that we increasingly discover that the world, and indeed the universe around us, obey one or another mathematical law? Perhaps to the faithful, the answer is clear: A higher power is the greatest mathematician of all. A worldly answer may be that humans discovered, rather than created, mathematics. Thus, wherever we look, we see mathematical laws at work. Whether humans created mathematics and it just so happened that the world seems to be mathematical, or the universe is a giant math problem and human beings are discovering it, we cannot deny that mathematics is extremely useful in every branch of science and technology, and even in everyday life. Without math, most likely we would be still living in caves. But what is mathematics? And why are so many afraid of it?
Kamran Dadkhah
Chapter 2. Basic Mathematical Concepts and Methods
This chapter and the next two have three objectives. First, to introduce the reader to some basic concepts and formulas that will be needed in later chapters. Second, to serve as an introduction to computation and numerical methods and the use of Excel and Matlab procedures. The present chapter is devoted to mathematics and Chap. 3 is an introduction to computation and Chap. 4 will concentrate on probability theory and statistics. Those who are familiar with the material may want to glance through these chapters and move on. A third function of the chapters is to provide a handy reference for readers who, in reading later chapters, might feel a need to refresh their understanding of a concept or to check a formula.
Kamran Dadkhah
Chapter 3. Basic Concepts of Computation
The importance of computation in engineering, communication, finance, and everyday life needs no elaboration. Numerical analysis is the branch of mathematics dealing with computation. But one might question the need for such a specialized field. Computation is easy and we all know how to perform it.
Kamran Dadkhah
Chapter 4. Basic Concepts and Methods of Probability Theory and Statistics
Probability theory is the branch of mathematics that deals with random events, that is, events whose occurrence we cannot predict with certainty. Random phenomena are a feature of every sphere of natural and social existence and of life. From the genetic makeup of plants, animals, and human beings to planetary configurations, from games such as poker and backgammon to movements in financial markets, and from weather patterns to social and political events (such as elections results), we witness stochastic or random phenomena.
Kamran Dadkhah

Linear Algebra

Chapter 5. Vectors
We have already encountered two-dimensional numbers and variables in the case of complex variables. Two, three,..., and n dimensional numbers are simply extensions of the concept of a number. For example, we can speak of the length of a string, which would be a one-dimensional number. Or we could talk of the length and width of a page, which would be two-dimensional. A three-dimensional number could represent length, width, and height of a room. Multidimensional numbers are of great importance in all sciences including economics. Such numbers provide economy in exposition and facilitate the manipulation and analysis of complex questions.
Kamran Dadkhah
Chapter 6. Matrices and Matrix Algebra
Matrices and matrix algebra are efficient tools for dealing with multi-dimensional numbers and variables. We represent multi-dimensional numbers and variables by vectors, and matrices are needed to manipulate and transform them. For instance, we can easily solve systems of linear equations using matrix algebra. In addition, matrices are handy tools for storing and compactly representing arrays of data in statistical and econometric formulas. Furthermore, matrix algebra makes it possible to write short programs to carry out computation involving large amounts of data. The present chapter is an introduction to matrix algebra as well as the basics of matrix computation with Matlab. The next chapter is devoted to more advanced topics in matrix algebra.
Kamran Dadkhah
Chapter 7. Advanced Topics in Matrix Algebra
In this chapter we build on the basic matrix theory we learned in Chap. 6 and present a number of advanced topics. The techniques and tools we acquire will prove quite useful in many areas of mathematics, economics, computation, and particularly, econometrics. The knowledge of eigenvalues and eigenvectors in Sect. 7.4 are crucial for understanding and solving systems of differential equations in Chap. 17. Such equations, in turn, play an important role in macroeconomic analysis. We shall learn several ways of factoring a matrix into two matrices, techniques which are of immense importance for efficient computation.
Kamran Dadkhah


Chapter 8. Differentiation: Functions of One Variable
In the early 1870s three economists, William Stanley Jevons, Carl Menger, and Léon Walras, in three different countries, England, Austria, and Switzerland, simultaneously, but independently, made discoveries that profoundly changed economics. They broke with classical economics in terms of the basis for valuation of goods and services.1
Kamran Dadkhah
Chapter 9. Differentiation: Functions of Several Variables
In this chapter we shall extend the concept and methods of differentiation to functions of several variables. Most economic relationships involve more than one variable and their analysis require the methods of this chapter. In addition, many economic models consist of several equations. Tracing the effect of a change in one variable in an equation throughout the model is a preoccupation of economics. In later sections we shall learn how to solve such problems. Differentiation plays an important role in statistics and econometrics as well. In particular, derivation of least squares and maximum likelihood estimators rely on differentiation. Differentiation of functions of several variables brings up the issues of continuity and differentiability. We discussed these subjects in the previous chapters and their extension to the case of functions of several variables, using notations developed in this chapter, is straightforward. Therefore, we will not revisit these topics in this chapter.
Kamran Dadkhah
Chapter 10. The Taylor Series and Its Applications
Apparently it started with a discussion in Child’s Coffeehouse where Brook Taylor (1685–1731) got the idea for the now famous series. He was talking with his friend John Machin about solving Kepler’s problem. As it turned out, the Taylor series was of such importance that Lagrange called it “the basic principle of differential calculus.” Indeed, it plays a very important part in calculus as well as in computation, statistics, and econometrics. As it is well known, a calculator or computer can only add and, in fact, can deal only with 0 s and 1 s. So how is it possible that you punch in a number and then press a button, and the calculator finds the logarithm or exponential of that number? Similarly, how can a machine capable of only adding give you the sine and cosine of an angle, find solutions to an equation, and find the maxima and minima of a function? All these and more can be done due to the Taylor series.
Kamran Dadkhah
Chapter 11. Integration
In Chap. 8 we saw that by taking the derivative of the total cost function with respect to the amount of output, we can obtain the marginal cost function. Because an integral is the inverse of the derivative, we may ask if the reverse is true. The answer is, yes, almost. By taking the integral of the marginal cost function we can get the total cost function up to an additive constant (indefinite integral). Whereas the mathematical logic for this will become clear later, the economic logic should be evident to the reader. A knowledge of fixed cost is not contained in the marginal cost function, and, therefore, we will know the total cost function, except for the amount of the fixed cost that we will show by the unknown constant C.
Kamran Dadkhah


Chapter 12. Static Optimization
A theory or model is the tool by which we organize our thought about a phenomenon and has to have the ability to explain or forecast. Economic processes are the outcome of the interaction of decisions made by many economic agents. It follows that any economic theory has to be based on some model of decision making by economic agents, be it individual, household, firm, or government. Preferably the behavioral assumptions underlying such a model are applicable to a variety of agents and do not vary in an ad hoc manner, because a science worthy of the name cannot consist of a bunch of unrelated models, each of which is applicable to only a special case. Indeed, it is quite easy to find a rationalization for any event or phenomenon after the fact.
Kamran Dadkhah
Chapter 13. Constrained Optimization
In a scene in The Godfather, the late Marlon Brando, playing Don Vito Corleone, tells his son, “Well, this wasn’t enough time, Michael. It wasn’t enough time.” There is never enough time, nor is there ever enough money. In personal life, in the affairs of a company or university, and in the government budget, there are never enough resources, be it time, money, or energy. Economics has always been concerned with optimal allocation of scarce resources to competing and unbounded wants. We can imagine that if resources were infinite or wants were limited, there would be no economic problems. Thus, in deciding the family consumption, the hiring for a university, the number and types of courses to offer in a discipline, the amount of R&D expenditures in the company, the allocation of the federal budget among national defense, education, and welfare programs, we face the same problem of allocating scarce resources to achieve the best result possible. But if the behavior of economic decision makers is determined by choosing the best allocation subject to budget constraints, then the starting point of economic theory of households and firms ought to be constrained optimization.
Kamran Dadkhah
Chapter 14. Dynamic Optimization
In the real world time passes and, if you think about it, you will agree with me that the only truly exogenous variable in economic models is time. Dynamic analysis takes time into consideration in an essential way. In this chapter we shall discuss dynamic optimization and, in the next three chapters, the modeling of economic behavior over time. In Chaps. 12 and 13, we studied static optimization to find the maximum or minimum point of a function with or without constraints on the variables involved. In this chapter we are interested in optimization over time.
Kamran Dadkhah

Differential and Difference Equations

Chapter 15. Differential Equations
Economic life is a dynamic process and it seems natural to model economic phenomena using differential equations. An objection may be raised here that in economics all variables are measured at discrete time intervals. Therefore, models that treat time as a continuous variable may not be suitable for economic analysis. We can offer two counterarguments.
Kamran Dadkhah
Chapter 16. Difference Equations
Change is the essence of economic life. Production, income, prices, money in circulation, exchange rates, and other economic variables are increasing or decreasing all the time. Jobs are created and destroyed, some activities and products disappear, and new ones replace them. On a longer horizon, economic institutions undergo gradual evolution and sometimes abrupt changes. Yet it is rare that we observe a clean break with the past as if yesterday did not exist. The past exerts an influence on the present.
Kamran Dadkhah
Chapter 17. Dynamic Systems
The rationale behind dynamic models in general and in economic analysis in particular was discussed in Chaps. 14, 15, and 16. The reason for a system of difference or differential equations follows the same logic, except that here more than one dynamic process is at work and, therefore, we need more than one equation to describe these processes. Analysis of dynamic systems is a vast field of inquiry and could be the subject of a multivolume book. Here we confine ourselves to two topics that are deemed most useful for economic analysis: the solution of linear systems of homogeneous differential equations with constant coefficients and qualitative analysis of a system of differential equations using phase portrait.
Kamran Dadkhah
Foundations of Mathematical and Computational Economics
Kamran Dadkhah
Copyright Year
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Electronic ISBN
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