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Published in: Calcolo 4/2016

Open Access 01-12-2016

Iterative method for solving nonlinear singular problems

Authors: Agnieszka Prusińska, Alexey Tret’yakov

Published in: Calcolo | Issue 4/2016

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The aim of our work is to present a method (p-factor method) for solving nonlinear equations of the form
$$\begin{aligned} F(x)=0, \quad F:\mathbb {R}^n\rightarrow \mathbb {R}^m, \end{aligned}$$
in singular (irregular) case, i.e. when the matrix \(F'(x)\) is singular at an initial point \(x_0\) of an iterative sequence \(\{x_k\}\), \(k=1,2,\ldots \) We investigate conditions that have to be fulfilled at the initial point \(x_0\) to obtain the existence of solution of nonlinear equation \(F(x)=0\), prove convergence of the presented p-factor method and give estimation of convergence rate for this method.
Research of the second author is supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research Grant No 14-07-00805 and the Council for the State Support of Leading Scientific Schools Grant 4640.2014.1 and by the Russian Academy of Sciences, Presidium Programme P-8.

1 Introduction

We consider the problem of a construction of a numerical method (or an iterative sequence \(\{x_k\}\), \(k=1,2,\ldots \)) for solving a system of nonlinear equations
$$\begin{aligned} F(x)=0, \end{aligned}$$
where \(F: \mathbb {R}^n\rightarrow \mathbb {R}^m\), \(m\le n\) and F is singular at the initial point \(x_0\). The problem (1) is called regular at the point \(x_{0}\) if \(\mathrm{rank }F'(x_{0})=m\). Otherwise, it is called nonregular (singular).
Usually, for proving convergence of the numerical method and obtaining an estimation of a convergence rate, a local convergence is supposed, i.e. the initial point \(x_0\) of the iterative sequence is assumed to belong to some neighborhood \(U_{\varepsilon }(x^{*})=\{x: \Vert x-x^{*}\Vert <\varepsilon \}\), \(\varepsilon >0\) of a solution \(x^{*}\) to the system (1) and moreover this solution has to exist. For this reason, an important problem in construction numerical method one can faced is to prove the existence of solution in some neighborhood of the initial point and moreover to fix assumptions on a neighborhood of the starting point so that the constructed numerical method is convergent.
For the classical Newton (or Gauss–Newton) method in regular case,
$$\begin{aligned} x_{k+1}=x_k-\left( F'(x_0)\right) ^{-1}_R F(x_k), \quad k=1,2,\ldots , \end{aligned}$$
where \(\left( F'(x_0)\right) ^{-1}_R=F'(x_0)\left( F'(x_0)F'(x_0)^T\right) ^{-1}\), the existence of a solution \(x^{*}\) in neighborhood of the initial point \(x_0\) is guaranteed by Theorem 1 from the Sect. 2. And if the assumptions of Theorem 1 are valid, for the Newton method we have geometrical estimation of convergence rate:
$$\begin{aligned} \Vert x_{k+1}-x^{*}\Vert \le q \Vert x_k-x^{*}\Vert , \quad k=0,1,2,\ldots , \quad q\in (0,1). \end{aligned}$$
However, one of the main requirements for the method convergence, existence of solutions and estimation of the convergence rate is nonsingularity of the Jacobian matrix \(F'(x_0)\). In a singular case, when \(\left( F'(x_0)\right) ^{-1}_R\) does not exist, the situation is much more complicated.
In the paper we present a numerical method (p-factor method) for solving equations in the case when \(F'(x_0)\) is singular. We prove a theorem on existence of solutions and justify convergence and estimation of the rate of convergence to the described method.
One could wonder why we propose a new method instead of choosing another initial point and then using the classical method. It is because of the fact that even if one choose a starting point which is not singular it could happened that the next iteration might give rejection effect, that is \(\Vert x_1-x^{*}\Vert \gg \Vert x_0-x^{*}\Vert \). The method described in this paper allows to avoid such effects and gives quadratic rate of convergence.
The construction of p-regularity introduced in [7] gives new possibilities for description and investigation of the set of solutions in the singular case. We use some of the methods to prove the conditions of the existence of local solutions to nonlinear singular equations in [4] and then some other results in the case with non-zero p-kernel (see [5]) and also give a description of a tangent cone in singular case [6].
Throughout this paper we assume that the mapping \(F:\mathbb {R}^n\rightarrow \mathbb {R}^m\) is continuously p-times differentiable on \(\mathbb {R}^n\) and its pth order derivative at \(\;x\in \mathbb {R}^n\;\) will be denoted as \(F^{(p)}(x)\) (a symmetric multilinear map of p copies of \(\mathbb {R}^n\) to \(\mathbb {R}^m\)) and the associated p-form is
$$\begin{aligned} F^{(p)}(x)[h]^{p}=F^{(p)}(x)[\underbrace{h,\ldots ,h}_{p}]. \end{aligned}$$
Let X and Y are sets. We denote by \(2^{Y}\) the set of all subsets of the set Y. Any mapping \(\varPhi : X{\rightarrow } 2^{Y}\) is said to be a multimapping (or a multivalued mapping) from X into Y. For a linear operator \(\; \varLambda :X\rightarrow Y,\;\) we define by \(\; \varLambda ^{-1}_{R}\;\) its right inverse, that is \(\varLambda ^{-1}_{R}:Y \rightarrow 2^{X}\) and \( \varLambda ^{-1}_{R}y=\left\{ x\in X: \varLambda x = y\right\} . \) Of course, \( \varLambda \varLambda ^{-1}_{R}=I_{Y}. \) Furthermore, we shall use the “norm” of such right inverse operator
$$\begin{aligned} \Vert \varLambda ^{-1}_{R}\Vert =\max _{\Vert y\Vert =1}\min \{\Vert x\Vert : \varLambda x =y,\;\; x\in X\}, \end{aligned}$$
and so
$$\begin{aligned} \left\| \left( F^{(p)}(x_{0})\right) ^{-1}_R\right\| =\max _{\Vert y\Vert =1}\min \left\{ \Vert x\Vert : F^{(p)}(x_{0})[x]^{p} =y,\;\; x\in \mathbb {R}^n\right\} . \end{aligned}$$
In our further considerations, under notion \(\varLambda ^{-1}\) we shall mean just right inverse operator (multivalued) with the norm defined by (3).
The set \(M(x^{*})=\left\{ x\in U: F(x)=F(x^{*})=0\right\} \) is called the solution set for the mapping F in neighborhood U of \(x^{*}\).
We call \(h\in \mathbb {R}^n\) a tangent vector to a set \(M\subseteq \mathbb {R}^n\) at \(x^{*} \in M\) if there exist \(\varepsilon > 0\) and a function \(r:[0,\varepsilon ]\rightarrow \mathbb {R}^n\) such that \(x^{*}+th+r(t)\in M\), where \(t\in [0,\varepsilon ]\) and \(\Vert r(t)\Vert =o(t).\)
The collection of all tangent vectors at \(x^{*}\) is called the tangent cone to M at \(x^{*}\) and it is denoted by \(T_{1}M(x^{*})\).
We recall two auxiliary lemmas. The first of these lemmas is a “multivalued” generalization of the contraction mapping principle. By \(\mathrm{dist}(A_{1},A_{2})\) we mean the Hausdorff distance between sets \(A_{1}\) and \(A_{2}.\)
Lemma 1
(Contraction multimapping principle [2]) Assume that we are given a multimapping
$$\begin{aligned} \varPhi : U_{\varepsilon }(z_{0})\rightarrow 2^{\mathbb {R}^{n}}, \end{aligned}$$
on a ball \(U_{\varepsilon }(z_{0})=\left\{ z: \rho (z,z_{0})\le \varepsilon \right\} \;\;(\varepsilon >0)\) where the sets \(\varPhi (z)\) are non-empty and closed for any \(z\in U_{\varepsilon }(z_{0}).\) Further, assume that there exists a number \(\theta ,\; 0<\theta <1\) such that
\(\mathrm{dist}(\varPhi (z_{1}),\varPhi (z_{2}))\le \theta \rho (z_{1},z_{2})\) for any \(z_{1},z_{2}\in U_{\varepsilon }(z_{0})\)
\(\rho (z_{0},\varPhi (z_{0}))<(1-\theta ) \varepsilon .\)
Then, for every number \(\varepsilon _{1}\) which satisfies the inequality
$$\begin{aligned} \rho (z_{0},\varPhi (z_{0}))<\varepsilon _{1}<(1-\theta )\varepsilon , \end{aligned}$$
there exists \(z\in B_{\varepsilon _{1}/(1-\theta )}(z_{0})=\left\{ \omega : \rho (\omega ,z_{0})\le \varepsilon _{1}/(1-\theta )\right\} \) such that
$$\begin{aligned} z\in \varPhi (z). \end{aligned}$$
Lemma 2
[2] Let \(\varLambda \in \mathcal {L}(\mathbb {R}^n,\mathbb {R}^m).\) We set
$$\begin{aligned} C(\varLambda )=\max _{\Vert y\Vert =1}\min \left\{ \Vert x\Vert : x\in \mathbb {R}^n, \; \varLambda x=y\right\} . \end{aligned}$$
If \(\;\mathrm{Im}\varLambda = \mathbb {R}^m,\) then \(C(\varLambda )<\infty .\)

2 Elements of p-regularity theory

Let us consider the case when the regularity condition fails but the mapping F is p-regular. We construct the p-factor operator under the assumption that \(\mathbb {R}^m\) is decomposed into an orthogonal sum
$$\begin{aligned} \mathbb {R}^m=Y_{1}\oplus \cdots \oplus Y_{p}, \end{aligned}$$
where \(Y_{1}=\hbox {Im} F'(x_{0})\), and the remaining spaces are defined as follows. Let \(Z_{1}=\mathbb {R}^m,\) \(Z_{2}=Y_{1}^{\perp }\), and let \(P_{Z_{2}}:Y\rightarrow Z_{2}\) be the orthogonal projection onto \(Z_{2}\). Let \(Y_{2}\) be a linear span of the image of the quadratic map \(P_{Z_{2}}F''(x_{0})[\cdot ]^{2}.\) More generally, define inductively,
$$\begin{aligned} Y_{i}=\hbox {span}\hbox { Im }P_{Z_{i}} F^{(i)}(x_{0})[\cdot ]^{i}\subseteq Z_{i}, \quad i=2, \ldots , p-1, \end{aligned}$$
where \(Z_{i}=\left( Y_{1}\oplus \cdots \oplus Y_{i-1}\right) ^{\perp }\) with respect to \(\mathbb {R}^m,\) \(i=2,\ldots ,p\) and \(P_{Z_{i}}:\mathbb {R}^m\rightarrow Z_{i}\) is the orthogonal projection onto \(Z_{i}\), \(i=2, \ldots ,p.\) Finally, \(Y_{p}=Z_{p}.\) The order p is the minimum number for which (5) holds.
Define the following mappings \(f_{i}:U\rightarrow Y_{i},\) \(f_{i}(x)=P_{Y_{i}}F(x),\) \(i=1,\ldots ,p,\) where \(\;P_{Y_{i}}:\mathbb {R}^m\rightarrow Y_{i}\;\) is the orthogonal projection onto \(\;Y_{i}\), \(i=1,\ldots ,p\) (see e.g. [8]). It is obvious that \(F(x)=f_1(x)+\cdots +f_p(x)\).
If \(F^{(i)}(x_0)=0\), where \(i=1,\ldots ,p-1\) then we say that F is completely degenerate at \(x_0 \in \mathbb {R}^n\) up to the order p. Note that \(f^{(i)}_k(x_0)=0\), \(i=1,\ldots ,k-1\), \(k=1,\ldots ,p\).
Definition 1
The linear operator \(\varLambda _h\in \mathcal {L}(\mathbb {R}^n,Y_{1}\oplus \cdots \oplus Y_{p})\) is defined for \(h\in \mathbb {R}^n\) by
$$\begin{aligned} \varLambda _{h}(x)=f'_{1}(x_{0})x+ f''_{2}(x_{0})[h]x+\cdots + \frac{1}{(p-1)!}f^{(p)}_{p}(x_{0})[h]^{p-1}x, \quad \hbox {for } x\in \mathbb {R}^n \end{aligned}$$
and is called the p-factor operator along h at the point \(x_{0}.\)
Sometimes it is convenient to use the following equivalent definition of p-factor operator \(\widetilde{\varLambda }_{h}\in \mathcal {L}\left( \mathbb {R}^n,Y_{1}\times \cdots \times Y_{p}\right) \) for \(h \in \mathbb {R}^n,\)
$$\begin{aligned} \widetilde{\varLambda }_{h}(x)=\left( f'_{1}(x_{0})x, f''_{2}(x_{0})[h]x,\ldots , \frac{1}{(p-1)!}f^{(p)}_{p}(x_{0})[h]^{p-1}x\right) , \quad \hbox { for } x\in \mathbb {R}^n. \end{aligned}$$
We also introduce the corresponding multivalued right inverse operator,
$$\begin{aligned} \varLambda ^{-1}_h=\left\{ x: y=\varLambda _h(x), y\in \mathbb {R}^m\right\} , \end{aligned}$$
and nonlinear operator
$$\begin{aligned} \varPsi [h]^{p}=\left( f'_{1}(x_{0})[h], f''_{2}(x_{0})[h]^{2},\ldots ,\frac{1}{(p-1)!} f^{(p)}_{p}(x_{0})[h]^{p}\right) \end{aligned}$$
and \(\varPsi ^{-1}(y)=\left\{ h\in \mathbb {R}^n: y=\varPsi [h]^{p}\right\} \). It is easy to see that \(\varPsi [h]^{p}=\widetilde{\varLambda }_h(h).\)
Let us introduce the following set
$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {H}_{p}(x_{0}):=\left\{ h: f'_{1}(x_{0})h+ f''_{2}(x_{0})[h]^{2}+\cdots + \frac{1}{(p-1)!}f^{(p)}_{p}(x_{0})[h]^{p}=0\right\} . \end{aligned}$$
We can write it also as follows
$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {H}_{p}(x_{0})=\bigcap \limits _{i=1}^{p}\mathrm{Ker}^{i}f^{(i)}_{i}(x_{0}), \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \mathrm{Ker}^{i}f^{(i)}_{i}(x_{0})=\left\{ h\in \mathbb {R}^n:f^{(i)}_{i}(x_{0})[h]^{i}=0 \right\} . \end{aligned}$$
For our further considerations we need a generalization of the notion of regular mapping.
Definition 2
We say that the mapping F is p-regular at \(x_{0}\) along h if \(\hbox {rank} \varLambda _{h}=m\).
Definition 3
We say that the mapping F is p-regular at \(x_{0}\) if either it is p-regular along every h from the set \(\hbox {H}_{p}(x_{0})\setminus \{0\} \hbox { or } \hbox { H}_{p}(x_{0}) ={\{0\}}.\)

3 Regular case

In regular case the tangent cone to a solution set of the Eq. (1) equals to the kernel of the first derivative of the mapping F,  i.e. \(T_{1}M(x_{0})=\mathrm{Ker}F'(x_{0})\). To investigate regular nonlinear problems one can apply classical results, such as Lyusternik theorem, implicit function theorem, Lagrange–Euler optimality conditions.
Besides description of the solution set and formulation of optimality conditions, very important problem is to give a guarantee of existence of a solution in some neighborhood of an initial point.
We quote one of the modifications of the theorem about existence of solutions of Eq. (1) in regular case (see e.g. [1]).
Theorem 1
Let \(F:\mathbb {R}^n\rightarrow \mathbb {R}^m,\) \(F\in \mathcal {C}^{2}(U_{\varepsilon }(x_{0})),\) \(\varepsilon >0\), \(F'(x_{0})\ne 0\), \(\eta =\Vert F(x_{0})\Vert ,\) F is regular at \(x_0\) and \(\delta =\left\| [F'(x_{0})]^{-1}\right\| \), \(c=\max \nolimits _{x \in U_{\varepsilon }(x_{0})} \Vert F''(x)\Vert . \) If the following conditions
\(\delta \cdot c \cdot \varepsilon \le \frac{1}{6}\),
\(\delta \cdot \eta \le \frac{\varepsilon }{2}\)
are valid then the equation \(F(x)=0\) has a solution \(x^{*} \in U_{\varepsilon }(x_{0})\), the method (2) converges to \(x^{*}\) and the following estimation holds:
$$\begin{aligned} \Vert x_{k+1}-x^{*}\Vert \le q \Vert x_k-x^{*}\Vert , \quad k=1,2,\ldots , q\in (0,1). \end{aligned}$$
For the proof see [4].

4 Singular case

We can generalize the above results and give the necessary conditions that have to be valid for existence of solutions in the singular case, i.e. when \(F'(x_0)\) is singular. First, let us recall two lemmas that are essential in the proof of Theorems 2 and 3.
Lemma 3
[3] Let U be an open subset of \(\mathbb {R}^n\) such that \([a,b]\subset U.\) If \(f:U\rightarrow \mathbb {R}^m\) and \(f\in \mathcal {C}^{1}(U)\) then
$$\begin{aligned} \left\| f(b)-f(a)-\varLambda (b-a)\right\| \le \max \limits _{\xi \in [a,b]} \Vert f'(\xi )-\varLambda \Vert \cdot \Vert a-b\Vert , \hbox { for any } \varLambda \in \mathcal {L}(\mathbb {R}^n,\mathbb {R}^m). \end{aligned}$$
Lemma 4
[4] Let \(S : \mathbb {R}^n\rightarrow \mathbb {R}^m=Y_1\oplus \cdots \oplus Y_p\) be a nonlinear operator of the form \(S(x)=\left( S_{1}(x),S_{2}(x),\ldots ,S_{p}(x)\right) ,\) where \(S_{r}(x)\) is r-form, \(r=1,\ldots ,p\). If
$$\begin{aligned} c=\max _{z\ne 0}\left\| S^{-1}\left( \frac{z}{\Vert z\Vert }\right) \right\| =\max _{z\ne 0}\min \left\{ \Vert x\Vert : S(x)=\frac{z}{\Vert z\Vert }\right\} <\infty , \end{aligned}$$
then for \(y=\left( y_{1},\ldots ,y_{p}\right) ,\) \(y_i\in Y_i,\) \(i=1,\ldots ,p\), where \(\Vert y\Vert =\Vert y_1\Vert +\ldots +\Vert y_p\Vert ,\) we have
$$\begin{aligned} \left\| S^{-1}(y)\right\| \le c \cdot p \left( \Vert y_{1}\Vert +\cdots +\Vert y_{p}\Vert ^{\frac{1}{p}}\right) . \end{aligned}$$
For the singular case we have the following generalization of the Theorem 1.
Theorem 2
Let \(F:\mathbb {R}^n\rightarrow \mathbb {R}^m,\) \(F\in \mathcal {C}^{p+1}(U_{\varepsilon }(x_0))\), \(\varepsilon >0\) and there exists h, such that \(h\in \varPsi ^{-1} (-F(x_0))\setminus \{0\}\), \(\hat{h}=\frac{h}{\Vert h\Vert }\) and F is p-regular at \(\;x_{0}\;\) along h. Moreover, assume that for a given \(\varepsilon \) the following conditions are satisfied
\( c_{3} p^{2}\delta ^{\frac{1}{p}}\le \frac{1}{3}\varepsilon ,\)
\(0<\delta < 1,\)
\(\frac{4}{3}\left( 4^{p}-1\right) c_{1} c_{2} \varepsilon \le \frac{1}{2},\)
where \(\delta = \left\| F(x_{0})\right\| \ne 0\), \(c_{1}=\left\| \varLambda _{\widehat{h}}^{-1}\right\| \), \(c_{2}=\max \nolimits _i \max \nolimits _{x\in U_{\varepsilon }(x_0)} \left\| f^{(i+1)}_{i}(x)\right\| <\infty ,\) \(i=1,\ldots ,p,\) \(c_{3}=\left\| \varPsi ^{-1}\right\| <\infty \). Then the equation \(F(x)=0\) has a solution \(x^{*} \in U_{\varepsilon }(x_0).\)
For the proof see [4]. Notice that if \(p=1\) then Theorem 2 reduces to the Theorem 1. If \(p\ge 2\) then \(F'(x_0)\) is singular and we have singular case.
Remark 1
(Sequential p-regularity) The assumptions of Theorem 2 can be relax if we consider the sequence:
$$\begin{aligned} \xi _0=0, \xi _{k+1}= \xi _k-\varLambda _{h}^{-1}\left( f_1(x_0+ h+\xi _k)+\cdots + f_p(x_0+ h+\xi _k)\right) ,\quad k=1,2,\ldots . \end{aligned}$$
Namely, instead of p-regularity of F at \(x_0\) we can assume p-regularity F on \(\{\xi _k\}\), \(k=1,2,\ldots \). It means that instead of surjectivity of \(\varLambda _h\) we can require that \(\mathrm{Im}\varLambda _h=Y'_1\oplus \cdots \oplus Y'_p\) and \(f_i(x_0+ h+\xi _k)\in Y'_i,\) where \(Y'_i\subseteq Y_i\), \(i=1,\ldots ,p\), \(k=0,1,\ldots .\)
Remark 2
We choose \(x\in \mathbb {R}^{n}\) as a representative of the set \(\varLambda _{h}^{-1}(y)\) if \(\Vert x\Vert =\min \left\{ \Vert z\Vert : \varLambda _{h}(z)=y\right\} \). We will write then \(\varLambda _{h}^{-1}(y)=x\).
Consider the following method (p-factor method)
$$\begin{aligned} z_0=x_0+h, \; z_{k+1}=z_k-\varLambda _h^{-1}(F(z_k)), \quad k=0,1,2,\ldots . \end{aligned}$$
Theorem 3
Suppose that for F, \(x_0\), h, \(\varepsilon \), \(\delta \) the assumptions of Theorem 2 are valid. Then the sequence defined in (8) converges to the solution \(x^{*}\in U_{\varepsilon }(x_0)\) and the following estimation of convergent rate holds:
$$\begin{aligned} \Vert z_{k+1}-x^{*}\Vert \le q \Vert z_k-x^{*}\Vert , \quad k=0,1,2,\dots , q\in (0,1). \end{aligned}$$
Consider the following equivalent form of the sequence (8).
$$\begin{aligned} \xi _0=0, \; \xi _{k+1}=\xi _k-\varLambda _h^{-1}(F(x_0+h+\xi _k)),\quad k=0,1,2,\dots . \end{aligned}$$
We prove that \(\forall _k \Vert \xi _{k+1}-\xi _k\Vert \le \frac{1}{2}\Vert \xi _k-\xi _{k-1}\Vert \). For this purpose we define a multivalued mapping \(\varPhi _{h}: U_{\varepsilon }(x_{0})\rightarrow 2^{\mathbb {R}^n},\) such that
$$\begin{aligned}&\varPhi _{h}(x)\in x -\varLambda ^{-1}_h(f_{1}(x_{0}+h+x)+\cdots + f_{p}(x_{0}+h+x))\\&\quad =x -\varLambda ^{-1}_h(F(x_{0}+h+x)), \quad x\in U_{\varepsilon }(x_{0}). \end{aligned}$$
The sets \(\varPhi _{h}(x)\) are non-empty because \(\varLambda _h\) is a surjection for any \(x\in U_{\varepsilon }(x_{0}).\) Moreover, for any \(y\in Y_{1}\times \cdots \times Y_{p}\) the sets \(\varLambda ^{-1}_h(y)\) are linear manifolds parallel to \(\mathrm{Ker}\varLambda _h,\) and hence the sets \(\varPhi _{h}(x)\) are closed for any \(x\in U_{\varepsilon }(x_{0}).\) Taking into account Remark 2 we can write \(\Vert \xi _{k+1}-\xi _k\Vert =\mathrm{dist}\left( \varPhi _{h}(\xi _{k+1}),\varPhi _{h}(\xi _{k})\right) \). We prove that
$$\begin{aligned} \mathrm{dist}\left( \varPhi _{h}(\xi _{k+1}),\varPhi _{h}(\xi _{k})\right) \le \frac{1}{2} \Vert \xi _{k}-\xi _{k-1}\Vert , \end{aligned}$$
for \(\xi _{k+1},\xi _{k}\in U_{\frac{\varepsilon }{2}}(x_{0})\) such that \(\Vert \xi _{j}\Vert \le \frac{\Vert h\Vert }{R},\) \(j=k,k+1,\) where
$$\begin{aligned} R=\max \limits _i R_{i}, R_{i}= \max \left\{ 1,\frac{2}{\varepsilon \cdot c_{2}}\cdot \frac{1}{(i-1)!}\left\| f^{(i)}_{i}(x_{0})\right\| \right\} ,\quad i=1,\ldots ,p. \end{aligned}$$
Let \(\varLambda _{h,i}=\frac{1}{(i-1)!}f_{i}^{(i)}(x_{0})[h]^{i-1}, \; i=1,\ldots ,p\), \(s_{1}=x_{0}+h+\xi _{k},\) \(s_{2}=x_{0}+h+\xi _{k-1}.\) Then
$$\begin{aligned}&\mathrm{dist}\left( \varPhi _{h}(\xi _{k+1}),\varPhi _{h}(\xi _{k})\right) = \inf \left\{ \Vert z_{1}-z_{2}\Vert :z_{1}\in \varPhi _{h}(\xi _{k}),\;z_{2}\in \varPhi _{h}(\xi _{k+1})\right\} \\&\quad =\inf \left\{ \Vert z_{1}-z_{2}\Vert :\varLambda _h(z_{i+1})=\varLambda _h(\xi _{k-i})- \left( f_{1}(s_{i+1})+\cdots +f_{p}(s_{i+1})\right) ,\;i=0,1\right\} \\&\quad \le \inf \left\{ \Vert z\Vert :\varLambda _h(z)=\varLambda _h(\xi _{k}-\xi _{k-1})- \left( f_{1}(s_{1})-f_{1}(s_{2})+\cdots +f_{p}(s_{1})- f_{p}(s_{2})\right) \right\} \\&\quad =\inf \Bigg \{\Vert z\Vert :\varLambda _h(z)= \Bigg (\varLambda _{h,1}(\xi _{k}-\xi _{k-1})-f_{1}(s_{1})+f_{1}(s_{2})\\&\qquad +\cdots +\frac{1}{\Vert h\Vert ^{p-1}}\left( \varLambda _{h,p}(\xi _{k}-\xi _{k-1})-f_{p}(s_{1})+ f_{p}(s_{2})\right) \Bigg )\Bigg \}\\&\quad \le \inf \Bigg \{\Vert z\Vert :z= \varLambda ^{-1}_h\Bigg (\varLambda _{h,1}(\xi _{k}-\xi _{k-1})-f_{1}(s_{1})+f_{1}(s_{2})\\&\qquad +\cdots +\frac{1}{\Vert h\Vert ^{p-1}}\left( \varLambda _{h,p}(\xi _{k}-\xi _{k-1})-f_{p}(s_{1})+ f_{p}(s_{2})\right) \Bigg )\Bigg \}\\&\quad \le c_{1}\cdot \sum _{i=1}^{p}\frac{1}{\Vert h\Vert ^{i-1}}\left\| f_{i}(s_{1})-f_{i}(s_{2})- \varLambda _{h,i}(s_{1}-s_{2})\right\| . \end{aligned}$$
Taking into account Lemma 3, we have
$$\begin{aligned}&\left\| f_{i}(s_{1})-f_{i}(s_{2})-\varLambda _{h,i}(s_{1}-s_{2})\right\| \nonumber \\&\quad \le \sup _{\theta \in [0,1]}\left\| f_{i}'(s_{2} +\theta (s_{1}-s_{2}))-\varLambda _{h,i}\right\| \cdot \left\| \xi _{k}-\xi _{k-1}\right\| .\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; \end{aligned}$$
As \(f_{i}\) is completely degenerate up to the order i we obtain the following Taylor expansion
$$\begin{aligned}&f_{i}'(s_{2}+\theta (s_{1}-s_{2}))\\&\quad =f_{i}'(x_{0})+\ldots +\frac{f_{i}^{(i)} (x_{0})[s_{2}-x_{0}+\theta (s_{1}-s_{2})]^{i-1}}{(i-1)!}+\omega _{i}(h,\xi _{k},\xi _{k-1},\theta )\nonumber \\&\quad = \frac{f_{i}^{(i)} (x_{0})[s_{2}-x_{0}+\theta (s_{1}-s_{2})]^{i-1}}{(i-1)!}+\omega _{i}(h,\xi _{k},\xi _{k-1},\theta ),\nonumber \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \left\| \omega _{i}(h,\xi _{k},\xi _{k-1},\theta )\right\| \le \sup _{x\in U_{\varepsilon }(x_{0})} \left\| f_{i}^{(i+1)}(x)[h+\xi _{k-1}+\theta (s_{1}-s_{2})]^{i}\right\| . \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&f_{i}^{(i)} (x_{0})[s_{2}-x_{0}+\theta (s_{1}-s_{2})]^{i-1}=f^{(i)}_{i}(x_{0})[h+\xi _{k-1}+\theta (s_{1}-s_{2})]^{i-1} \nonumber \\&\quad =\sum _{t=0}^{i-1}\left( ^{i-1} _{\;\;t}\right) f^{(i)}_{i}(x_{0})[h]^{i-1-t}[\xi _{k-1}+\theta (s_{1}-s_{2})]^{t}\\&\quad =f^{(i)}_{i}(x_{0})[h]^{i-1}+\sum _{t=1}^{i-1}\left( ^{i-1} _{\;\;t}\right) f^{(i)}_{i}(x_{0})[h]^{i-1-t} [\xi _{k-1}+\theta (s_{1}-s_{2})]^{t}. \nonumber \end{aligned}$$
Thus, inserting (14) into (13) and then putting the obtained formula into (11), we get
$$\begin{aligned}&\left\| f_{i}(s_{1})- f_{i}(s_{2})-\varLambda _{h,i}(s_{1}-s_{2})\right\| \nonumber \\&\quad \le \sup _{\theta \in [0,1]}\left\| \frac{\sum _{t=1}^{i-1}\left( ^{i-1} _{\;\;t}\right) f^{(i)}_{i}(x_{0})[h]^{i-1-t} [\xi _{k}+\theta (s_{1}-s_{2})]^{t}}{(i-1)!}+\omega _i(h,\xi _{k},\xi _{k-1},\theta )\right\| \nonumber \\&\qquad \cdot \left\| \xi _{k}-\xi _{k-1}\right\| . \end{aligned}$$
Let \(F(x_{0})=(y_{1},\ldots ,y_{p}),\) where \(y_{i}\in Y_{i}, \; i=1, \ldots ,p.\) Then from the assumption and the definition of norm in \(\mathbb {R}^n\) we have \(\Vert y_{1}\Vert +\cdots +\Vert y_{p}\Vert \le \delta .\) As \(R\Vert \xi _{j}\Vert \le \Vert h\Vert ,\) \(j=k-1,k\) we have \(\left\| h+\xi _{k-1}+\theta (s_{1}-s_{2})\right\| \le 4 \Vert h\Vert .\) Taking into account Lemma 4 and assumptions (3) and (2) of Theorem 2 we have
$$\begin{aligned} \Vert h\Vert\le & {} (1+\varDelta ) \Vert \varPsi ^{-1}(-F(x_{0}))\Vert \le (1+\varDelta )c_{3} p \left( \Vert y_{1}\Vert +\cdots +\Vert y_{p}\Vert ^{\frac{1}{p}}\right) \\\le & {} (1+\varDelta )c_{3} p^{2}\delta ^{\frac{1}{p}}\le \frac{\varepsilon }{2}, \end{aligned}$$
where \(0<\varDelta <\frac{1}{2}.\) This and the previous formulae imply
$$\begin{aligned} \left\| \omega _{i}(h,\xi _{k},\xi _{k-1},\theta )\right\| \le c_{2} \Vert h+\xi _{k-1}+\theta (s_{1}-s_{2})\Vert ^{i}\le 4^{i} c_{2} \frac{\varepsilon }{2}\Vert h\Vert ^{i-1}. \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \Vert \xi _{k-1}+\theta (s_{1}-s_{2})\Vert \le 3 \Vert h\Vert /R\le 3 \Vert h\Vert /R_{i}. \end{aligned}$$
Taking into account the definition of \(R_{i}\), we get
$$\begin{aligned}&\left\| \sum _{k=1}^{i-1}\left( ^{i-1} _{\;\;k}\right) f^{(i)}_{i}(x_{0})[h]^{i-1-k}[\xi _{k-1}+\theta (s_{1}-s_{2})]^{k}\right\| \nonumber \\&\quad \le \left\| f^{(i)}_{i}(x_{0})\right\| \cdot \sum _{k=1}^{i-1}\left( ^{i-1} _{\;\;k}\right) \Vert h\Vert ^{i-1-k}(3 \Vert h\Vert )^{k}/R^{k}_{i}\nonumber \\&\quad \le \left\| f^{(i)}_{i}(x_{0})\right\| \cdot \Vert h\Vert ^{i-1}\cdot 4^{i-1}/R_{i}\le 4^{i}(i-1)! \frac{\varepsilon }{2} c_{2} \Vert h\Vert ^{i-1}. \end{aligned}$$
Now, inserting (15)–(17) into (14) we obtain
$$\begin{aligned} \left\| f_{i}(s_{1})-f_{i}(s_{2})-\varLambda _{h,i} (s_{1}-s_{2})\right\| \le 4^{i}\varepsilon c_{2}\Vert h\Vert ^{i-1}\cdot \Vert \xi _{k}-\xi _{k-1}\Vert . \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&\Vert \xi _{k+1}-\xi _{k}\Vert \le c_{1} \cdot \sum _{i=1}^{p}\frac{1}{\Vert h\Vert ^{i-1}}4^{i} c_{2} \varepsilon \Vert h\Vert ^{i-1} \Vert \xi _{k}-\xi _{k-1}\Vert \\&\quad =\frac{4}{3}\left( 4^{p}-1\right) c_{1} c_{2}\varepsilon \Vert \xi _{k}-\xi _{k-1}\Vert \le \frac{1}{2} \Vert \xi _{k}-\xi _{k-1}\Vert \end{aligned}$$
which proves (10).
Let \(\xi _{1}\) be an element of \(\varPhi _{h}(\xi _{0})\) such that \(\xi _{1}\in \xi _{0}-\varPsi ^{-1}(F(x_{0}))\) and \(\Vert \xi _{1}-\xi _{0}\Vert \le (1+\varDelta )\Vert \varPsi ^{-1} (-F(x_{0})\Vert ,\) where \(0<\varDelta <\frac{1}{2}.\) Thus we have
$$\begin{aligned} \Vert \varPhi _{h}(\xi _{0})-\xi _{0})\le \Vert \xi _{1}-\xi _{0}\Vert \le (1+\varDelta ) c_{3} p^{2}\delta ^{\frac{1}{p}} \le \frac{1}{2}\varepsilon . \end{aligned}$$
From the above and from (10) we obtain that the sequence \(\xi _k\) is a Cauchy sequence hence there exists an element \(\xi ^{*}\) such that \(\xi ^{*}\in \varPhi _{h}(\xi ^{*}).\) It means that
$$\begin{aligned} 0\in \varLambda ^{-1}_h\left( f_{1}(x_{0}+h+\xi ^{*})+\cdots + f_{p}(x_{0}+h+\xi ^{*})\right) \end{aligned}$$
and hence \(\left( f_{1}(x_{0}+h+\xi ^{*})+\cdots + f_{p}(x_{0}+h+\xi ^{*})\right) =\mathbf {0}.\) Then for \(i=1, \ldots , p,\) \(f_{i}(x_{0}+h+\xi ^{*})=0\) which is equivalent to \(F(x_{0}+h+\xi ^{*})=\mathbf {0}.\) It follows that the sequence \(z_k=x_0+h+\xi _k\) is convergent to \(x^{*}=x_0+h+\xi ^{*}\) which is a solution of \(F(x)=0\).
The estimation (9) follows from (10). \(\square \)
We conclude with an example which is very easy but serves to illustrate the main idea of the method.
Consider Eq. (1) and let \(F:\mathbb {R}^2\rightarrow \mathbb {R}^2\) be the mapping given by
$$\begin{aligned} F(x^1,x^2)=\left( {\begin{matrix} x^1+x^2+(x^1+1)^3+2-10^{-3}\\ x^1 x^2+x^1+x^2+(x^2+1)^3+1+10^{-6} \end{matrix}} \right) . \end{aligned}$$
Let \(x_0=(-1,-1)^T\) be an initial point. One can easily verify that F is nonregular at \(x_0\). Indeed, \(F'(x^1,x^2)=\left( {\begin{matrix} 1+3(x^1+1)^2 &{} 1 \\ x^2+1 &{} x^1+3(x^2+1)^2+1 \\ \end{matrix}} \right) \) and \(\mathrm{rank }F'(-1,-1)\ne 2\), so the Newton method could not be applied. We will prove that F is 2-regular and construct 2-factor operator.
We can decompose the space \(\mathbb {R}^2\) as follows \(\mathbb {R}^2=Y_1\oplus Y_2\), where \(Y_1=\left\{ \left( {\begin{matrix} t \\ 0 \end{matrix}} \right) : t\in \mathbb {R}\right\} \) and \(Y_2=\left\{ \left( {\begin{matrix} 0 \\ r \end{matrix}} \right) : r\in \mathbb {R}\right\} \). Then we calculate norms of some elements to examine if the assumptions of Theorem 2 are satisfied. We obtain \(\delta =\frac{\sqrt{10^{6}+1}}{10^{6}}\), \(\hat{h}=\left( \begin{array}{cc} \frac{1-\sqrt{3}}{2\sqrt{2}} &{} \frac{1+\sqrt{3}}{2\sqrt{2}} \\ \end{array} \right) ^T\) and 2-factor operator is \(\varLambda _{\hat{h}}=\left( \begin{array}{cc} 1 &{} 1 \\ \frac{1+\sqrt{3}}{2\sqrt{2}} &{} \frac{1-\sqrt{3}}{2\sqrt{2}} \\ \end{array} \right) \). Hence, \(\mathrm{rank }\varLambda _{\hat{h}}=2\), so it is surjective. To verify all assumptions of Theorem 2 we calculate \(c_1\approx 1.414214\), \(c_2\approx 1\), \(c_3\approx 0.001\), \(\varepsilon =0.01\) and hence we can conclude that in \(\varepsilon \)-neighbourhood of \(x_0\) there exists a solution of (1).
We use the sequence (8) to find an approximation of the solution. Here \(\xi _1^1=0,\) \(\xi _1^2=0\) and one of the three solutions which is in \(\varepsilon \)-neighbourhood of \(x_0\) is \(x^{*}\approx (-1.000619933,-99838)\).
In the table one can see the six iterations of the method described in this paper.
\(\quad z^{1}_{k}\)
\(z^{1}_{k}-x^{1*} \)
\( -0.001619933\)
\( -0.998634\)
\( -0.00025393\)
\( -0.998344\)
\( 3.6067 \times 10^{-5}\)
\( -0.998343\)
\( -3.6637 \times 10^{-5}\)
\( 3.73067\times 10^{-5}\)
\( -0.998392\)
\( -3.7222\times 10^{-5}\)
\( -1.1933\times 10^{-5}\)
\( -0.998384\)
\( 1.1507\times 10^{-5}\)
\( -3.933\times 10^{-6}\)
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Iterative method for solving nonlinear singular problems
Agnieszka Prusińska
Alexey Tret’yakov
Publication date
Springer Milan
Published in
Calcolo / Issue 4/2016
Print ISSN: 0008-0624
Electronic ISSN: 1126-5434

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