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2015 | Book

Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases

European Conference, ECML PKDD 2015, Porto, Portugal, September 7-11, 2015, Proceedings, Part I

Editors: Annalisa Appice, Pedro Pereira Rodrigues, Vítor Santos Costa, Carlos Soares, João Gama, Alípio Jorge

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

Book Series : Lecture Notes in Computer Science


About this book

The three volume set LNAI 9284, 9285, and 9286 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, ECML PKDD 2015, held in Porto, Portugal, in September 2015.

The 131 papers presented in these proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 483 submissions. These include 89 research papers, 11 industrial papers, 14 nectar papers, and 17 demo papers. They were organized in topical sections named: classification, regression and supervised learning; clustering and unsupervised learning; data preprocessing; data streams and online learning; deep learning; distance and metric learning; large scale learning and big data; matrix and tensor analysis; pattern and sequence mining; preference learning and label ranking; probabilistic, statistical, and graphical approaches; rich data; and social and graphs. Part III is structured in industrial track, nectar track, and demo track.

Table of Contents

Erratum to: Bayesian Active Clustering with Pairwise Constraints

Erratum to: Chapter 15 in: A. Appice et al. (Eds.)Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in DatabasesDOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-23528-8_15

Yuanli Pei, Li-Ping Liu, Xiaoli Z. Fern
Erratum to: Scalable Metric Learning for Co-Embedding

Erratum to: Chapter 39 in: A. Appice et al. (Eds.)Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in DatabasesDOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-23528-8_39

Farzaneh Mirzazadeh, Martha White, András György, Dale Schuurmans
Erratum to: Predicting Unseen Labels Using Label Hierarchies in Large-Scale Multi-label Learning

Erratum to: Chapter 7 in: A. Appice et al. (Eds.)Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in DatabasesDOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-23528-8_7

Jinseok Nam, Eneldo Loza Mencía, Hyunwoo J. Kim, Johannes Fürnkranz

Research Track - Classification, Regression and Supervised Learning

Data Split Strategiesfor Evolving Predictive Models

A conventional textbook prescription for building good predictive models is to split the data into three parts: training set (for model fitting), validation set (for model selection), and test set (for final model assessment). Predictive models can potentially evolve over time as developers improve their performance either by acquiring new data or improving the existing model. The main contribution of this paper is to discuss problems encountered and propose workflows to manage the allocation of newly acquired data into different sets in such dynamic model building and updating scenarios. Specifically we propose three different workflows (parallel dump, serial waterfall, and hybrid) for allocating new data into the existing training, validation, and test splits. Particular emphasis is laid on avoiding the bias due to the repeated use of the existing validation or the test set.

Vikas C. Raykar, Amrita Saha
Discriminative Interpolation for Classification of Functional Data


modus operandi

for machine learning is to represent data as feature vectors and then proceed with training algorithms that seek to optimally partition the feature space

$$S\subset {\mathbb {R}}^{n}$$

into labeled regions. This holds true even when the original data are functional in nature, i.e. curves or surfaces that are inherently varying over a continuum such as time or space. Functional data are often reduced to summary statistics, locally-sensitive characteristics, and global signatures with the objective of building comprehensive feature vectors that uniquely characterize each function. The present work directly addresses representational issues of functional data for supervised learning. We propose a novel

classification by discriminative interpolation


framework wherein functional data in the same class are adaptively reconstructed to be more similar to each other, while simultaneously repelling nearest neighbor functional data in other classes. Akin to other recent nearest-neighbor metric learning paradigms like stochastic


-neighborhood selection and large margin nearest neighbors, our technique uses class-specific representations which gerrymander similar functional data in an appropriate parameter space. Experimental validation on several time series datasets establish the proposed discriminative interpolation framework as competitive or better in comparison to recent state-of-the-art techniques which continue to rely on the standard feature vector representation.

Rana Haber, Anand Rangarajan, Adrian M. Peter
Fast Label Embeddings via Randomized Linear Algebra

Many modern multiclass and multilabel problems are characterized by increasingly large output spaces. For these problems, label embeddings have been shown to be a useful primitive that can improve computational and statistical efficiency. In this work we utilize a correspondence between rank constrained estimation and low dimensional label embeddings that uncovers a fast label embedding algorithm which works in both the multiclass and multilabel settings. The result is a randomized algorithm whose running time is exponentially faster than naive algorithms. We demonstrate our techniques on two large-scale public datasets, from the Large Scale Hierarchical Text Challenge and the Open Directory Project, where we obtain state of the art results.

Paul Mineiro, Nikos Karampatziakis
Maximum Entropy Linear Manifold for Learning Discriminative Low-Dimensional Representation

Representation learning is currently a very hot topic in modern machine learning, mostly due to the great success of the deep learning methods. In particular low-dimensional representation which discriminates classes can not only enhance the classification procedure, but also make it faster, while contrary to the high-dimensional embeddings can be efficiently used for visual based exploratory data analysis.

In this paper we propose Maximum Entropy Linear Manifold (MELM), a multidimensional generalization of Multithreshold Entropy Linear Classifier model which is able to find a low-dimensional linear data projection maximizing discriminativeness of projected classes. As a result we obtain a linear embedding which can be used for classification, class aware dimensionality reduction and data visualization. MELM provides highly discriminative 2D projections of the data which can be used as a method for constructing robust classifiers.

We provide both empirical evaluation as well as some interesting theoretical properties of our objective function such us scale and affine transformation invariance, connections with PCA and bounding of the expected balanced accuracy error.

Wojciech Marian Czarnecki, Rafal Jozefowicz, Jacek Tabor
Novel Decompositions of Proper Scoring Rules for Classification: Score Adjustment as Precursor to Calibration

There are several reasons to evaluate a multi-class classifier on other measures than just error rate. Perhaps most importantly, there can be uncertainty about the exact context of classifier deployment, requiring the classifier to perform well with respect to a variety of contexts. This is commonly achieved by creating a scoring classifier which outputs posterior class probability estimates. Proper scoring rules are loss evaluation measures of scoring classifiers which are minimised at the true posterior probabilities. The well-known decomposition of the proper scoring rules into calibration loss and refinement loss has facilitated the development of methods to reduce these losses, thus leading to better classifiers. We propose multiple novel decompositions including one with four terms: adjustment loss, post-adjustment calibration loss, grouping loss and irreducible loss. The separation of adjustment loss from calibration loss requires extra assumptions which we prove to be satisfied for the most frequently used proper scoring rules: Brier score and log-loss. We propose algorithms to perform adjustment as a simpler alternative to calibration.

Meelis Kull, Peter Flach
Parameter Learning of Bayesian Network Classifiers Under Computational Constraints

We consider online learning of Bayesian network classifiers (BNCs) with reduced-precision parameters, i.e. the conditional-probability tables parameterizing the BNCs are represented by low bit-width fixed-point numbers. In contrast to previous work, we analyze the learning of these parameters using reduced-precision arithmetic only which is important for computationally constrained platforms, e.g. embedded- and ambient-systems, as well as power-aware systems. This requires specialized algorithms since naive implementations of the projection for ensuring the sum-to-one constraint of the parameters in gradient-based learning are not sufficiently accurate. In particular, we present generative and discriminative learning algorithms for BNCs relying only on reduced-precision arithmetic. For several standard benchmark datasets, these algorithms achieve classification-rate performance close to that of BNCs with parameters learned by conventional algorithms using double-precision floating-point arithmetic. Our results facilitate the utilization of BNCs in the foresaid systems.

Sebastian Tschiatschek, Franz Pernkopf
Predicting Unseen Labels Using Label Hierarchies in Large-Scale Multi-label Learning

An important problem in multi-label classification is to capture label patterns or underlying structures that have an impact on such patterns. One way of learning underlying structures over labels is to project both instances and labels into the same space where an instance and its relevant labels tend to have similar representations. In this paper, we present a novel method to learn a joint space of instances and labels by leveraging a hierarchy of labels. We also present an efficient method for pretraining vector representations of labels, namely label embeddings, from large amounts of label co-occurrence patterns and hierarchical structures of labels. This approach also allows us to make predictions on labels that have not been seen during training. We empirically show that the use of pretrained label embeddings allows us to obtain higher accuracies on unseen labels even when the number of labels are quite large. Our experimental results also demonstrate qualitatively that the proposed method is able to learn regularities among labels by exploiting a label hierarchy as well as label co-occurrences.

Jinseok Nam, Eneldo Loza Mencía, Hyunwoo J. Kim, Johannes Fürnkranz
Regression with Linear Factored Functions

Many applications that use empirically estimated functions face a

curse of dimensionality

, because integrals over most function classes must be approximated by sampling. This paper introduces a novel


-algorithm that learns

linear factored functions

(LFF). This class of functions has structural properties that allow to analytically solve certain integrals and to calculate point-wise products. Applications like

belief propagation


reinforcement learning

can exploit these properties to break the curse and speed up computation. We derive a regularized greedy optimization scheme, that learns factored basis functions during training. The novel regression algorithm performs competitively to

Gaussian processes

on benchmark tasks, and the learned LFF functions are with 4-9 factored basis functions on average very compact.

Wendelin Böhmer, Klaus Obermayer
Ridge Regression, Hubness, and Zero-Shot Learning

This paper discusses the effect of hubness in zero-shot learning, when ridge regression is used to find a mapping between the example space to the label space. Contrary to the existing approach, which attempts to find a mapping from the example space to the label space, we show that mapping labels into the example space is desirable to suppress the emergence of hubs in the subsequent nearest neighbor search step. Assuming a simple data model, we prove that the proposed approach indeed reduces hubness. This was verified empirically on the tasks of bilingual lexicon extraction and image labeling: hubness was reduced with both of these tasks and the accuracy was improved accordingly.

Yutaro Shigeto, Ikumi Suzuki, Kazuo Hara, Masashi Shimbo, Yuji Matsumoto
Solving Prediction Games with Parallel Batch Gradient Descent

Learning problems in which an adversary can perturb instances at application time can be modeled as games with data-dependent cost functions. In an equilibrium point, the learner’s model parameters are the optimal reaction to the data generator’s perturbation, and vice versa. Finding an equilibrium point requires the solution of a difficult optimization problem for which both, the learner’s model parameters and the possible perturbations are free parameters. We study a perturbation model and derive optimization procedures that use a single iteration of batch-parallel gradient descent and a subsequent aggregation step, thus allowing for parallelization with minimal synchronization overhead.

Michael Großhans, Tobias Scheffer
Structured Regularizer for Neural Higher-Order Sequence Models

We introduce both joint training of neural higher-order linear-chain conditional random fields (NHO-LC-CRFs) and a new structured regularizer for sequence modelling. We show that this regularizer can be derived as lower bound from a mixture of models sharing parts, e.g. neural sub-networks, and relate it to ensemble learning. Furthermore, it can be expressed explicitly as regularization term in the training objective.

We exemplify its effectiveness by exploring the introduced NHO-LC-CRFs for sequence labeling. Higher-order LC-CRFs with linear factors are well-established for that task, but they lack the ability to model non-linear dependencies. These non-linear dependencies, however, can be efficiently modeled by neural higher-order input-dependent factors. Experimental results for phoneme classification with NHO-LC-CRFs confirm this fact and we achieve state-of-the-art phoneme error rate of


on TIMIT using the new structured regularizer.

Martin Ratajczak, Sebastian Tschiatschek, Franz Pernkopf
Versatile Decision Trees for Learning Over Multiple Contexts

Discriminative models for classification assume that training and deployment data are drawn from the same distribution. The performance of these models can vary significantly when they are learned and deployed in different contexts with different data distributions. In the literature, this phenomenon is called dataset shift. In this paper, we address several important issues in the dataset shift problem. First, how can we automatically detect that there is a significant difference between training and deployment data to take action or adjust the model appropriately? Secondly, different shifts can occur in real applications (e.g., linear and non-linear), which require the use of diverse solutions. Thirdly, how should we combine the original model of the training data with other models to achieve better performance? This work offers two main contributions towards these issues. We propose a Versatile Model that is rich enough to handle different kinds of shift without making strong assumptions such as linearity, and furthermore does not require labelled data to identify the data shift at deployment. Empirical results on both synthetic shift and real datasets shift show strong performance gains by achieved the proposed model.

Reem Al-Otaibi, Ricardo B. C. Prudêncio, Meelis Kull, Peter Flach
When is Undersampling Effective in Unbalanced Classification Tasks?

A well-known rule of thumb in unbalanced classification recommends the rebalancing (typically by resampling) of the classes before proceeding with the learning of the classifier. Though this seems to work for the majority of cases, no detailed analysis exists about the impact of undersampling on the accuracy of the final classifier. This paper aims to fill this gap by proposing an integrated analysis of the two elements which have the largest impact on the effectiveness of an undersampling strategy: the increase of the variance due to the reduction of the number of samples and the warping of the posterior distribution due to the change of priori probabilities. In particular we will propose a theoretical analysis specifying under which conditions undersampling is recommended and expected to be effective. It emerges that the impact of undersampling depends on the number of samples, the variance of the classifier, the degree of imbalance and more specifically on the value of the posterior probability. This makes difficult to predict the average effectiveness of an undersampling strategy since its benefits depend on the distribution of the testing points. Results from several synthetic and real-world unbalanced datasets support and validate our findings.

Andrea Dal Pozzolo, Olivier Caelen, Gianluca Bontempi

Clustering and Unsupervised Learning

A Kernel-Learning Approach to Semi-supervised Clustering with Relative Distance Comparisons

We consider the problem of clustering a given dataset into


clusters subject to an additional set of constraints on relative distance comparisons between the data items. The additional constraints are meant to reflect side-information that is not expressed in the feature vectors, directly. Relative comparisons can express structures at finer level of detail than must-link (ML) and cannot-link (CL) constraints that are commonly used for semi-supervised clustering. Relative comparisons are particularly useful in settings where giving an ML or a CL constraint is difficult because the granularity of the true clustering is unknown.

Our main contribution is an efficient algorithm for learning a kernel matrix using the log determinant divergence (a variant of the Bregman divergence) subject to a set of relative distance constraints. Given the learned kernel matrix, a clustering can be obtained by any suitable algorithm, such as kernel


-means. We show empirically that kernels found by our algorithm yield clusterings of higher quality than existing approaches that either use ML/CL constraints or a different means to implement the supervision using relative comparisons.

Ehsan Amid, Aristides Gionis, Antti Ukkonen
Bayesian Active Clustering with Pairwise Constraints

Clustering can be improved with

pairwise constraints

that specify similarities between pairs of instances. However, randomly selecting constraints could lead to the waste of labeling effort, or even degrade the clustering performance. Consequently, how to


select effective pairwise constraints to improve clustering becomes an important problem, which is the focus of this paper. In this work, we introduce a Bayesian clustering model that learns from pairwise constraints. With this model, we present an active learning framework that iteratively selects the most informative pair of instances to query an oracle, and updates the model posterior based on the obtained pairwise constraints. We introduce two information-theoretic criteria for selecting informative pairs. One selects the pair with the most uncertainty, and the other chooses the pair that maximizes the marginal information gain about the clustering. Experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method over state-of-the-art.

Yuanli Pei, Li-Ping Liu, Xiaoli Z. Fern
ConDist: A Context-Driven Categorical Distance Measure

A distance measure between objects is a key requirement for many data mining tasks like clustering, classification or outlier detection. However, for objects characterized by categorical attributes, defining meaningful distance measures is a challenging task since the values within such attributes have no inherent order, especially without additional domain knowledge. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised distance measure for objects with categorical attributes based on the idea that categorical attribute values are similar if they appear with similar value distributions on correlated context attributes. Thus, the distance measure is automatically derived from the given data set. We compare our new distance measure to existing categorical distance measures and evaluate on different data sets from the UCI machine-learning repository. The experiments show that our distance measure is recommendable, since it achieves similar or better results in a more robust way than previous approaches.

Markus Ring, Florian Otto, Martin Becker, Thomas Niebler, Dieter Landes, Andreas Hotho
Discovering Opinion Spammer Groups by Network Footprints

Online reviews are an important source for consumers to evaluate products/services on the Internet (e.g. Amazon, Yelp, etc.). However, more and more fraudulent reviewers write fake reviews to mislead users. To maximize their impact and share effort, many spam attacks are organized as campaigns, by a


of spammers. In this paper, we propose a new two-step method to discover spammer groups and their targeted products. First, we introduce NFS (Network Footprint Score), a new measure that quantifies the likelihood of products being spam campaign targets. Second, we carefully devise


to cluster spammers on a 2-hop subgraph induced by top ranking products. We demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of our approach on both synthetic and real-world datasets from two different domains with millions of products and reviewers. Moreover, we discover interesting strategies that spammers employ through case studies of our detected groups.

Junting Ye, Leman Akoglu
Gamma Process Poisson Factorization for Joint Modeling of Network and Documents

Developing models to discover, analyze, and predict clusters within networked entities is an area of active and diverse research. However, many of the existing approaches do not take into consideration pertinent auxiliary information. This paper introduces Joint Gamma Process Poisson Factorization (J-GPPF) to jointly model network and side-information. J-GPPF naturally fits sparse networks, accommodates separately-clustered side information in a principled way, and effectively addresses the computational challenges of analyzing large networks. Evaluated with hold-out link prediction performance on sparse networks (both synthetic and real-world) with side information, J-GPPF is shown to clearly outperform algorithms that only model the network adjacency matrix.

Ayan Acharya, Dean Teffer, Jette Henderson, Marcus Tyler, Mingyuan Zhou, Joydeep Ghosh
Generalization in Unsupervised Learning

We are interested in the following questions. Given a finite data set

$$\mathcal {S}$$

, with neither labels nor side information, and an unsupervised learning algorithm

$$\mathsf {A}$$

, can the generalization of

$$\mathsf {A}$$

be assessed on

$$\mathcal {S}$$

? Similarly, given two unsupervised learning algorithms,

$$\mathsf {A}_1$$


$$\mathsf {A}_2$$

, for the same learning task, can one assess whether one will generalize “better” on future data drawn from the same source as

$$\mathcal {S}$$

? In this paper, we develop a general approach to answering these questions in a reliable and efficient manner using mild assumptions on

$$\mathsf {A}$$

. We first propose a concrete generalization criterion for unsupervised learning that is analogous to prediction error in supervised learning. Then, we develop a computationally efficient procedure that realizes the generalization criterion on finite data sets, and propose and extension for comparing the generalization of two algorithms on the same data set. We validate the overall framework on algorithms for clustering and dimensionality reduction (linear and nonlinear).

Karim T. Abou-Moustafa, Dale Schuurmans
Multiple Incomplete Views Clustering via Weighted Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with $$L_{2,1}$$ Regularization

With the advance of technology, data are often with multiple modalities or coming from multiple sources. Multi-view clustering provides a natural way for generating clusters from such data. Although multi-view clustering has been successfully applied in many applications, most of the previous methods assumed the completeness of each view (


, each instance appears in all views). However, in real-world applications, it is often the case that a number of views are available for learning but none of them is complete. The incompleteness of all the views and the number of available views make it difficult to integrate all the incomplete views and get a better clustering solution. In this paper, we propose MIC (Multi-Incomplete-view Clustering), an algorithm based on weighted nonnegative matrix factorization with

$$ L_{2,1} $$

regularization. The proposed MIC works by learning the latent feature matrices for all the views and generating a consensus matrix so that the difference between each view and the consensus is minimized. MIC has several advantages comparing with other existing methods. First, MIC incorporates weighted nonnegative matrix factorization, which handles the missing instances in each incomplete view. Second, MIC uses a co-regularized approach, which pushes the learned latent feature matrices of all the views towards a common consensus. By regularizing the disagreement between the latent feature matrices and the consensus, MIC can be easily extended to more than two incomplete views. Third, MIC incorporates

$$ L_{2,1} $$

regularization into the weighted nonnegative matrix factorization, which makes it robust to noises and outliers. Forth, an iterative optimization framework is used in MIC, which is scalable and proved to converge. Experiments on real datasets demonstrate the advantages of MIC.

Weixiang Shao, Lifang He, Philip S. Yu
Solving a Hard Cutting Stock Problem by Machine Learning and Optimisation

We are working with a company on a hard industrial optimisation problem: a version of the well-known Cutting Stock Problem in which a paper mill must cut rolls of paper following certain

cutting patterns

to meet customer demands. In our problem each roll to be cut may have a different size, the cutting patterns are semi-automated so that we have only indirect control over them via a list of continuous parameters called a request, and there are multiple mills each able to use only one request. We solve the problem using a combination of machine learning and optimisation techniques. First we approximate the distribution of cutting patterns via Monte Carlo simulation. Secondly we cover the distribution by applying a k-medoids algorithm. Thirdly we use the results to build an ILP model which is then solved.

Steven D. Prestwich, Adejuyigbe O. Fajemisin, Laura Climent, Barry O’Sullivan

Data Preprocessing

Markov Blanket Discovery in Positive-Unlabelled and Semi-supervised Data

The importance of Markov blanket discovery algorithms is twofold: as the main building block in constraint-based structure learning of Bayesian network algorithms and as a technique to derive the optimal set of features in filter feature selection approaches. Equally, learning from partially labelled data is a crucial and demanding area of machine learning, and extending techniques from fully to partially supervised scenarios is a challenging problem. While there are many different algorithms to derive the Markov blanket of fully supervised nodes, the partially-labelled problem is far more challenging, and there is a lack of principled approaches in the literature. Our work derives a generalization of the conditional tests of independence for partially labelled binary target variables, which can handle the two main partially labelled scenarios:




. The result is a significantly deeper understanding of how to control false negative errors in Markov Blanket discovery procedures and how unlabelled data can help.

Konstantinos Sechidis, Gavin Brown
Multi-view Semantic Learning for Data Representation

Many real-world datasets are represented by multiple features or modalities which often provide compatible and complementary information to each other. In order to obtain a good data representation that synthesizes multiple features, researchers have proposed different multi-view subspace learning algorithms. Although label information has been exploited for guiding multi-view subspace learning, previous approaches either fail to directly capture the semantic relations between labeled items or unrealistically make Gaussian assumption about data distribution. In this paper, we propose a new multi-view nonnegative subspace learning algorithm called Multi-view Semantic Learning (MvSL). MvSL tries to capture the semantic structure of multi-view data by a novel graph embedding framework. The key idea is to let neighboring intra-class items be near each other while keep nearest inter-class items away from each other in the learned common subspace across multiple views. This nonparametric scheme can better model non-Gaussian data. To assess nearest neighbors in the multi-view context, we develop a multiple kernel learning method for obtaining an optimal kernel combination from multiple features. In addition, we encourage each latent dimension to be associated with a subset of views via sparseness constraints. In this way, MvSL is able to capture flexible conceptual patterns hidden in multi-view features. Experiments on two real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

Peng Luo, Jinye Peng, Ziyu Guan, Jianping Fan
Unsupervised Feature Analysis with Class Margin Optimization

Unsupervised feature selection has been attracting research attention in the communities of machine learning and data mining for decades. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised feature selection method seeking a feature coefficient matrix to select the most distinctive features. Specifically, our proposed algorithm integrates the Maximum Margin Criterion with a sparsity-based model into a joint framework, where the class margin and feature correlation are taken into account at the same time. To maximize the total data separability while preserving minimized within-class scatter simultaneously, we propose to embed K-means into the framework generating pseudo class label information in a scenario of unsupervised feature selection. Meanwhile, a sparsity-based model,

$$\ell _{2,p}$$

-norm, is imposed to the regularization term to effectively discover the sparse structures of the feature coefficient matrix. In this way, noisy and irrelevant features are removed by ruling out those features whose corresponding coefficients are zeros. To alleviate the local optimum problem that is caused by random initializations of K-means, a convergence guaranteed algorithm with an updating strategy for the clustering indicator matrix, is proposed to iteratively chase the optimal solution. Performance evaluation is extensively conducted over six benchmark data sets. From our comprehensive experimental results, it is demonstrated that our method has superior performance against all other compared approaches.

Sen Wang, Feiping Nie, Xiaojun Chang, Lina Yao, Xue Li, Quan Z. Sheng

Data Streams and Online Learning

Ageing-Based Multinomial Naive Bayes Classifiers Over Opinionated Data Streams

The long-term analysis of opinionated streams requires algorithms that predict the polarity of opinionated documents, while adapting to different forms of concept drift: the class distribution may change but also the vocabulary used by the document authors may change. One of the key properties of a stream classifier is adaptation to concept drifts and shifts; this is typically achieved through ageing of the data. Surprisingly, for one of the most popular classifiers, Multinomial Naive Bayes (MNB), no ageing has been considered thus far. MNB is particularly appropriate for opinionated streams, because it allows the seamless adjustment of word probabilities, as new words appear for the first time. However, to adapt properly to drift, MNB must also be extended to take the age of documents and words into account.

In this study, we incorporate ageing into the learning process of MNB, by introducing the notion of


for words, on the basis of the recency of the documents containing them. We propose two fading versions, gradual fading and aggressive fading, of which the latter discards old data at a faster pace. Our experiments with Twitter data show that the ageing based MNBs outperform the standard accumulative MNB approach and manage to recover very fast in times of change. We experiment with different data granularities in the stream and different data ageing degrees and we show how they “work together” towards adaptation to change.

Sebastian Wagner, Max Zimmermann, Eirini Ntoutsi, Myra Spiliopoulou
Drift Detection Using Stream Volatility

Current methods in data streams that detect concept drifts in the underlying distribution of data look at the distribution difference using statistical measures based on mean and variance. Existing methods are unable to proactively approximate the probability of a concept drift occurring and predict future drift points. We extend the current drift detection design by proposing the use of historical drift trends to estimate the probability of expecting a drift at different points across the stream, which we term the expected drift probability. We offer empirical evidence that applying our expected drift probability with the state-of-the-art drift detector, ADWIN, we can improve the detection performance of ADWIN by significantly reducing the false positive rate. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that investigates this idea. We also show that our overall concept can be easily incorporated back onto incremental classifiers such as VFDT and demonstrate that the performance of the classifier is further improved.

David Tse Jung Huang, Yun Sing Koh, Gillian Dobbie, Albert Bifet
Early Classification of Time Series as a Non Myopic Sequential Decision Making Problem

Classification of time series as early as possible is a valuable goal. Indeed, in many application domains, the earliest the decision, the more rewarding it can be. Yet, often, gathering more information allows one to get a better decision. The optimization of this time vs. accuracy tradeoff must generally be solved online and is a complex problem.

This paper presents a formal criterion that expresses this trade-off in all generality together with a generic sequential meta algorithm to solve it. This meta algorithm is interesting in two ways. First, it pinpoints where choices can (

have to

) be made to obtain a computable algorithm. As a result a wealth of algorithmic solutions can be found. Second, it seeks online the earliest time in the future where a minimization of the criterion can be expected. It thus goes beyond the classical approaches that myopically decide at each time step whether to make a decision or to postpone the call one more time step.

After this general setting has been expounded, we study one simple declination of the meta-algorithm, and we show the results obtained on synthetic and real time series data sets chosen for their ability to test the robustness and properties of the technique. The general approach is vindicated by the experimental results, which allows us to point to promising perspectives.

Asma Dachraoui, Alexis Bondu, Antoine Cornuéjols
Ising Bandits with Side Information

We develop an online learning algorithm for bandits on a graph with side information where there is an underlying Ising distribution over the vertices at low temperatures. We are motivated from practical settings where the graph state in a social or a computer hosts network (potentially) changes at every trial; intrinsically partitioning the graph thus requiring the learning algorithm to play the bandit from the current partition. Our algorithm essentially functions as a two stage process. In the first stage it uses “


” as the regularity measure to compute the state of the network by using the side label received and acting as a graph classifier. The classifier internally uses a polynomial time linear programming relaxation technique that incorporates the known information to predict the unknown states. The second stage ensures that the bandits are sampled from the appropriate partition of the graph with the potential for exploring the other part. We achieve this by running the adversarial multi armed bandit for the edges in the current partition while exploring the “cut” edges. We empirically evaluate the strength of our approach through synthetic and real world datasets. We also indicate the potential for a linear time exact algorithm for calculating the max-flow as an alternative to the linear programming relaxation, besides promising bounded mistakes/regret in the number of times the “cut” changes.

Shaona Ghosh, Adam Prügel-Bennett
Refined Algorithms for Infinitely Many-Armed Bandits with Deterministic Rewards

We consider a variant of the Multi-Armed Bandit problem which involves a large pool of a priori identical arms (or items). Each arm is associated with a deterministic value, which is sampled from a probability distribution with unknown maximal value, and is revealed once that arm is chosen. At each time instant the agent may choose a new arm (with unknown value), or a previously-chosen arm whose value is already revealed. The goal is to minimize the cumulative regret relative to the best arm in the pool. Previous work has established a lower bound on the regret for this model, depending on the functional form of the tail of the sample distribution, as well as algorithms that attain this bound up to logarithmic terms. Here, we present a more refined algorithm that attains the same order as the lower bound. We further consider several variants of the basic model, involving an anytime algorithm and the case of non-retainable arms. Numerical experiments demonstrate the superior performance of the suggested algorithms.

Yahel David, Nahum Shimkin

Deep Learning

An Empirical Investigation of Minimum Probability Flow Learning Under Different Connectivity Patterns

Energy-based models are popular in machine learning due to the elegance of their formulation and their relationship to statistical physics. Among these, the Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM), and its staple training algorithm contrastive divergence (CD), have been the prototype for some recent advancements in the unsupervised training of deep neural networks. However, CD has limited theoretical motivation, and can in some cases produce undesirable behaviour. Here, we investigate the performance of Minimum Probability Flow (MPF) learning for training RBMs. Unlike CD, with its focus on approximating an intractable partition function via Gibbs sampling, MPF proposes a tractable, consistent, objective function defined in terms of a Taylor expansion of the KL divergence with respect to sampling dynamics. Here we propose a more general form for the sampling dynamics in MPF, and explore the consequences of different choices for these dynamics for training RBMs. Experimental results show MPF outperforming CD for various RBM configurations.

Daniel Jiwoong Im, Ethan Buchman, Graham W. Taylor
Difference Target Propagation

Back-propagation has been the workhorse of recent successes of deep learning but it relies on infinitesimal effects (partial derivatives) in order to perform credit assignment. This could become a serious issue as one considers deeper and more non-linear functions, e.g., consider the extreme case of non-linearity where the relation between parameters and cost is actually discrete. Inspired by the biological implausibility of back-propagation, a few approaches have been proposed in the past that could play a similar credit assignment role. In this spirit, we explore a novel approach to credit assignment in deep networks that we call target propagation. The main idea is to compute targets rather than gradients, at each layer. Like gradients, they are propagated backwards. In a way that is related but different from previously proposed proxies for back-propagation which rely on a backwards network with symmetric weights, target propagation relies on auto-encoders at each layer. Unlike back-propagation, it can be applied even when units exchange stochastic bits rather than real numbers. We show that a linear correction for the imperfectness of the auto-encoders, called difference target propagation, is very effective to make target propagation actually work, leading to results comparable to back-propagation for deep networks with discrete and continuous units and denoising auto-encoders and achieving state of the art for stochastic networks.

Dong-Hyun Lee, Saizheng Zhang, Asja Fischer, Yoshua Bengio
Online Learning of Deep Hybrid Architectures for Semi-supervised Categorization

A hybrid architecture is presented capable of online learning from both labeled and unlabeled samples. It combines both generative and discriminative objectives to derive a new variant of the Deep Belief Network, i.e., the Stacked Boltzmann Experts Network model. The model’s training algorithm is built on principles developed from hybrid discriminative Boltzmann machines and composes deep architectures in a greedy fashion. It makes use of its inherent “layer-wise ensemble" nature to perform useful classification work. We (1) compare this architecture against a hybrid denoising autoencoder version of itself as well as several other models and (2) investigate training in the context of an incremental learning procedure. The best-performing hybrid model, the Stacked Boltzmann Experts Network, consistently outperforms all others.

Alexander G. Ororbia II, David Reitter, Jian Wu, C. Lee Giles
Scoring and Classifying with Gated Auto-Encoders

Auto-encoders are perhaps the best-known non-probabilistic methods for representation learning. They are conceptually simple and easy to train. Recent theoretical work has shed light on their ability to capture manifold structure, and drawn connections to density modeling. This has motivated researchers to seek ways of auto-encoder scoring, which has furthered their use in classification. Gated auto-encoders (GAEs) are an interesting and flexible extension of auto-encoders which can learn transformations among different images or pixel covariances within images. However, they have been much less studied, theoretically or empirically. In this work, we apply a dynamical systems view to GAEs, deriving a scoring function, and drawing connections to Restricted Boltzmann Machines. On a set of deep learning benchmarks, we also demonstrate their effectiveness for single and multi-label classification.

Daniel Jiwoong Im, Graham W. Taylor
Sign Constrained Rectifier Networks with Applications to Pattern Decompositions

In this paper we introduce sign constrained rectifier networks (SCRN), demonstrate their universal classification power and illustrate their applications to pattern decompositions. We prove that the proposed two-hidden-layer SCRN, with sign constraints on the weights of the output layer and on those of the top hidden layer, are capable of separating any two disjoint pattern sets. Furthermore, a two-hidden-layer SCRN of a pair of disjoint pattern sets can be used to decompose one of the pattern sets into several subsets so that each subset is convexly separable from the entire other pattern set; and a single-hidden-layer SCRN of a pair of convexly separable pattern sets can be used to decompose one of the pattern sets into several subsets so that each subset is linearly separable from the entire other pattern set. SCRN can thus be used to learn the pattern structures from the decomposed subsets of patterns and to analyse the discriminant factors of different patterns from the linear classifiers of the linearly separable subsets in the decompositions. With such pattern decompositions exhibiting convex separability or linear separability, users can also analyse the complexity of the classification problem, remove the outliers and the non-crucial points to improve the training of the traditional unconstrained rectifier networks in terms of both performance and efficiency.

Senjian An, Qiuhong Ke, Mohammed Bennamoun, Farid Boussaid, Ferdous Sohel
Aggregation Under Bias: Rényi Divergence Aggregation and Its Implementation via Machine Learning Markets

Trading in information markets, such as machine learning markets, has been shown to be an effective approach for aggregating the beliefs of different agents. In a machine learning context, aggregation commonly uses forms of linear opinion pools, or logarithmic (log) opinion pools. It is interesting to relate information market aggregation to the machine learning setting.

In this paper we introduce a spectrum of compositional methods, Rényi divergence aggregators, that interpolate between log opinion pools and linear opinion pools. We show that these compositional methods are maximum entropy distributions for aggregating information from agents subject to individual biases, with the Rényi divergence parameter dependent on the bias. In the limit of no bias this reduces to the optimal limit of log opinion pools. We demonstrate this relationship practically on both simulated and real datasets.

We then return to information markets and show that Rényi divergence aggregators are directly implemented by machine learning markets with isoelastic utilities, and so can result from autonomous self interested decision making by individuals contributing different predictors. The risk averseness of the isoelastic utility directly relates to the Rényi divergence parameter, and hence encodes how much an agent believes (s)he may be subject to an individual bias that could affect the trading outcome: if an agent believes (s)he might be acting on significantly biased information, a more risk averse isoelastic utility is warranted.

Amos J. Storkey, Zhanxing Zhu, Jinli Hu

Distance and Metric Learning

Higher Order Fused Regularization for Supervised Learning with Grouped Parameters

We often encounter situations in supervised learning where there exist possibly groups that consist of more than two parameters. For example, we might work on parameters that correspond to words expressing the same meaning, music pieces in the same genre, and books released in the same year. Based on such auxiliary information, we could suppose that parameters in a group have similar roles in a problem and similar values. In this paper, we propose the Higher Order Fused (HOF) regularization that can incorporate smoothness among parameters with group structures as prior knowledge in supervised learning. We define the HOF penalty as the Lovász extension of a submodular higher-order potential function, which encourages parameters in a group to take similar estimated values when used as a regularizer. Moreover, we develop an efficient network flow algorithm for calculating the proximity operator for the regularized problem. We investigate the empirical performance of the proposed algorithm by using synthetic and real-world data.

Koh Takeuchi, Yoshinobu Kawahara, Tomoharu Iwata
Joint Semi-supervised Similarity Learning for Linear Classification

The importance of metrics in machine learning has attracted a growing interest for distance and similarity learning. We study here this problem in the situation where few labeled data (and potentially few unlabeled data as well) is available, a situation that arises in several practical contexts. We also provide a complete theoretical analysis of the proposed approach. It is indeed worth noting that the metric learning research field lacks theoretical guarantees that can be expected on the generalization capacity of the classifier associated to a learned metric. The theoretical framework of

$$(\epsilon , \gamma , \tau )$$

-good similarity functions [


] has been one of the first attempts to draw a link between the properties of a similarity function and those of a linear classifier making use of it. In this paper, we extend this theory to a method where the metric and the separator are jointly learned in a semi-supervised way, setting that has not been explored before, and provide a theoretical analysis of this joint learning via Rademacher complexity. Experiments performed on standard datasets show the benefits of our approach over state-of-the-art methods.

Maria-Irina Nicolae, Éric Gaussier, Amaury Habrard, Marc Sebban
Learning Compact and Effective Distance Metrics with Diversity Regularization

Learning a proper distance metric is of vital importance for many distance based applications. Distance metric learning aims to learn a set of latent factors based on which the distances between data points can be effectively measured. The number of latent factors incurs a tradeoff: a small amount of factors are not powerful and expressive enough to measure distances while a large number of factors cause high computational overhead. In this paper, we aim to achieve two seemingly conflicting goals: keeping the number of latent factors to be small for the sake of computational efficiency, meanwhile making them as effective as a large set of factors. The approach we take is to impose a diversity regularizer over the latent factors to encourage them to be uncorrelated, such that each factor can capture some unique information that is hard to be captured by other factors. In this way, a small amount of latent factors can be sufficient to capture a large proportion of information, which retains computational efficiency while preserving the effectiveness in measuring distances. Experiments on retrieval, clustering and classification demonstrate that a small amount of factors learned with diversity regularization can achieve comparable or even better performance compared with a large factor set learned without regularization.

Pengtao Xie
Scalable Metric Learning for Co-Embedding

We present a general formulation of metric learning for co-embedding, where the goal is to relate objects from different sets. The framework allows metric learning to be applied to a wide range of problems—including link prediction, relation learning, multi-label tagging and ranking—while allowing training to be reformulated as convex optimization. For training we provide a fast iterative algorithm that improves the scalability of existing metric learning approaches. Empirically, we demonstrate that the proposed method converges to a global optimum efficiently, and achieves competitive results in a variety of co-embedding problems such as multi-label classification and multi-relational prediction.

Farzaneh Mirzazadeh, Martha White, András György, Dale Schuurmans

Large Scale Learning and Big Data

Adaptive Stochastic Primal-Dual Coordinate Descent for Separable Saddle Point Problems

We consider a generic convex-concave saddle point problem with a


structure, a form that covers a wide-ranged machine learning applications. Under this problem structure, we follow the framework of primal-dual updates for saddle point problems, and incorporate stochastic block coordinate descent with


stepsizes into this framework. We theoretically show that our proposal of adaptive stepsizes potentially achieves a sharper linear convergence rate compared with the existing methods. Additionally, since we can select “mini-batch” of block coordinates to update, our method is also amenable to


processing for large-scale data. We apply the proposed method to regularized empirical risk minimization and show that it performs comparably or, more often, better than state-of-the-art methods on both synthetic and real-world data sets.

Zhanxing Zhu, Amos J. Storkey
Hash Function Learning via Codewords

In this paper we introduce a novel hash learning framework that has two main distinguishing features, when compared to past approaches. First, it utilizes codewords in the Hamming space as ancillary means to accomplish its hash learning task. These codewords, which are inferred from the data, attempt to capture similarity aspects of the data’s hash codes. Secondly and more importantly, the same framework is capable of addressing supervised, unsupervised and, even, semi-supervised hash learning tasks in a natural manner. A series of comparative experiments focused on content-based image retrieval highlights its performance advantages.

Yinjie Huang, Michael Georgiopoulos, Georgios C. Anagnostopoulos
HierCost: Improving Large Scale Hierarchical Classification with Cost Sensitive Learning

Hierarchical Classification (HC) is an important problem with a wide range of application in domains such as music genre classification, protein function classification and document classification. Although several innovative classification methods have been proposed to address HC, most of them are not scalable to web-scale problems. While simple methods such as top-down “pachinko” style classification and flat classification scale well, they either have poor classification performance or do not effectively use the hierarchical information. Current methods that incorporate hierarchical information in a principled manner are often computationally expensive and unable to scale to large datasets. In the current work, we adopt a cost-sensitive classification approach to the hierarchical classification problem by defining misclassification cost based on the hierarchy. This approach effectively decouples the models for various classes, allowing us to efficiently train effective models for large hierarchies in a distributed fashion.

Anveshi Charuvaka, Huzefa Rangwala
Large Scale Optimization with Proximal Stochastic Newton-Type Gradient Descent

In this work, we generalized and unified two recent completely different works of Jascha [


] and Lee [


] respectively into one by proposing the


imal s




ewton-type gradient (PROXTONE) method for optimizing the sums of two convex functions: one is the average of a huge number of smooth convex functions, and the other is a nonsmooth convex function. Our PROXTONE incorporates second order information to obtain stronger convergence results, that it achieves a linear convergence rate not only in the value of the


function, but also for the


. The proofs are simple and intuitive, and the results and technique can be served as a initiate for the research on the proximal stochastic methods that employ second order information. The methods and principles proposed in this paper can be used to do logistic regression, training of deep neural network and so on. Our numerical experiments shows that the PROXTONE achieves better computation performance than existing methods.

Ziqiang Shi, Rujie Liu
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases
Annalisa Appice
Pedro Pereira Rodrigues
Vítor Santos Costa
Carlos Soares
João Gama
Alípio Jorge
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