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Novel Metamaterial Compact Planar MIMO Antenna Systems with Improved Isolation for WLAN Application

Authors: Yalda Torabi, Reza Omidi

Published in: Wireless Personal Communications | Issue 1/2018

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In this paper, two element multiple input–multiple output (MIMO) meander line antenna systems with improved isolation performance and compact size are proposed and fabricated in WLAN frequency band. To increase isolation among antenna elements, a novel metamaterial spiral S-shaped resonator is embedded between two radiating elements. The proposed resonator has planar configuration and miniaturized size and is capable of blocking electromagnetic propagation between antenna elements by exhibiting negative effective permeability in the desired frequency band. To illustrate and evaluate the design process, two design samples are fabricated and tested in WLAN frequency band and the agreement among measurement and simulation results approves the design method. In the frequency range of 2.38–2.48 GHz, some MIMO communication system requirements like total active reflection coefficient, envelope correlation coefficient and capacity loss are tested on design samples which show satisfactory results, so this method can be employed in designing array antennas for small mobile communication systems. The designed MIMO antenna systems separated by 13.8 mm (less than λ/9), has better than − 40 dB isolation coefficient and near zero correlation coefficient and capacity loss at the operating frequency (2.4 GHz).

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Novel Metamaterial Compact Planar MIMO Antenna Systems with Improved Isolation for WLAN Application
Yalda Torabi
Reza Omidi
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Wireless Personal Communications / Issue 1/2018
Print ISSN: 0929-6212
Electronic ISSN: 1572-834X