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2018 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Observing Interoperability of IoT Systems Through Model-Based Testing

Authors : Koray Incki, Ismail Ari

Published in: Interoperability, Safety and Security in IoT

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Internet of Things (IoT) has drastically modified the industrial services provided through autonomous machine-to-machine interactions. Such systems comprise of devices manufactured by various suppliers. Verification is a challenge due to high heterogeneity of composing devices. In this paper, we present initial results of model-based interoperability testing for IoT systems to facilitate automatic test case generation. We utilize messaging model of Constrained Application Protocol so as to deduce complex relations between participating devices. We use Complex-Event Processing (CEP) techniques in order to streamline the verification process after generating proper runtime monitors from sequence diagrams. We demonstrate our solution on a fictitious healthcare system.

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Observing Interoperability of IoT Systems Through Model-Based Testing
Koray Incki
Ismail Ari
Copyright Year

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