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2024 | Book

Quantum Computing by Practice

Python Programming in the Cloud with Qiskit and IBM-Q


About this book

Learn to write algorithms and program in the new field of quantum computing. This second edition is updated to equip you with the latest knowledge and tools needed to be a complex problem-solver in this ever-evolving landscape. The book has expanded its coverage of current and future advancements and investments by IT companies in this emerging technology. Most chapters are thoroughly revised to incorporate the latest updates to IBM Quantum's systems and offerings, such as improved algorithms, integrating hardware advancements, software enhancements, bug fixes, and more.

You’ll examine quantum computing in the cloud and run experiments there on a real quantum device. Along the way you’ll cover game theory with the Magic Square, an example of quantum pseudo-telepathy. You’ll also learn to write code using QISKit, Python SDK, and other APIs such as QASM and execute it against simulators (local or remote) or a real quantum computer. Then peek inside the inner workings of the Bell states for entanglement, Grover’s algorithm for linear search, Shor’s algorithm for integer factorization, and other algorithms in the fields of optimization, and more. Finally, you’ll learn the current quantum algorithms for entanglement, random number generation, linear search, integer factorization, and others.

By the end of this book, you’ll understand how quantum computing provides massive parallelism and significant computational speedups over classical computers

What You'll Learn

Write algorithms that provide superior performance over their classical counterpartsCreate a quantum number generator: the quintessential coin flip with a quantum twistExamine the quantum algorithms in use today for random number generation, linear search, and moreDiscover quantum teleportationHandle the counterfeit coin problem, a classic puzzle Put your knowledge to the test with more than 150 practice exercises

Who This Book Is For

Developers, programmers, computer science researchers, teachers, and students.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Quantum Fields: The Building Blocks of Reality
The beginning of the 20th century, more specifically 1930s Europe, witnessed the dawn of arguably one of the greatest theories in human history: quantum mechanics. After almost a century of change, this wonder of imagination has morphed and taken many directions. One of these is quantum field theory (QFT) which is the subject of this chapter. If you enjoy physics and wish to understand why things are the way they are, then you must get your feet wet with QFT. It has been called the most successful theory in history, riding high since the 1950s and giving rise to the standard model of particle physics. This is the modern view of how nature works at the smallest scale, being proven right time and again by countless experiments and instruments like the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). All in all, the story of how QFT came to be, and the Masters of Physics behind it, is a tale of wonder, furious rivalry but ultimate collaboration.
Vladimir Silva
Chapter 2. Richard Feynman, Demigod of Physics, Father of the Quantum Computer
In the rankings of the greatest physicists of the last century, American physicist Richard Feynman (1918–1988) levels just a few notches below Albert Einstein. His name, legend, and legacy live in the halls of academia as the labors of a demigod. Feynman achieved so much in his 5+ decades in the field of physics: he was part of the Manhattan project that developed the first atomic weapon; his lectures and books in computation and quantum electrodynamics (QED) are the stuff of legend; his book Six Easy Pieces revolutionized the teaching of physics around the world. Feynman was one of the pioneers of quantum field theory (QFT), the modern view of quantum mechanics; his contributions were profound, earning him the Nobel Prize in 1965 for his work in quantum electrodynamics.
Vladimir Silva
Chapter 3. Behold, the Qubit Revolution
At the heart of a quantum computer is the qubit, designed as the analog of the classical bit, the deterministic component at the heart of all electronics out there. Bits are physically constructed using a transistor. Transistors are tiny, at around 15 nanometers (nm) where 1 nm = 10-12m; qubits, on the other hand, are big – a few meters tall. In this chapter, we look at the basic architecture of the qubit as designed by the pioneering IT companies in the field.
Vladimir Silva
Chapter 4. Enter IBM Quantum: A One-of-a-Kind Platform for Quantum Computing in the Cloud
In this chapter we take a look at quantum computing in the cloud with IBM Q: the first platform of its kind. The chapter starts with an overview of the composer, the web console used to visually create circuits, submit experiments, explore hardware devices, and more. Next, you will learn how to create your first experiment and submit it to the simulator or real quantum device. IBM Quantum features a powerful REST API to control the life cycle of the experiment, and this chapter will show you how with detailed descriptions of the endpoints and request parameters. Finally, the chapter ends with a series of exercises to put your REST API skills to the test. Let’s get started.
Vladimir Silva
Chapter 5. Mathematical Foundation: Time to Dust Up That Linear Algebra
Matrices, complex numbers, and tensor products are the holy trinity of quantum computing. During my quantum learning curve on the mathematical background, I wondered as you may: Where is the quantum magic in all this? How can a complex number or a matrix tell me about superposition or entanglement? Where is the spookiness? My immature understanding of superposition was that a system existed in multiple states at the same time: Like the cat in the box, it is dead and alive at once. However that is incorrect, the cat cannot be dead and alive at the same time just like a quantum system cannot exist in two simultaneous states.
Vladimir Silva
Chapter 6. Qiskit, Awesome SDK for Quantum Programming in Python
In this chapter, you will get started with QISKit, the top SDK out there for quantum programming. You will learn how easy it is to install it in your local system. This section also shows how quantum computation can mirror its classical counterpart and find shortcuts to get results even faster. Next, the chapter walks through the anatomy of a quantum program including system calls, circuit compilation and design, quantum assembly, and more.
Vladimir Silva
Chapter 7. Start Your Engines: From Quantum Random Numbers to Teleportation and Super Dense Coding
This chapter takes you on a journey about three remarkable information processing capabilities of quantum systems. We start with one of the simplest procedures by exploring the fundamentally random nature of quantum mechanics as a source of true randomness. Next, the chapter looks at perhaps two exuberant but related procedures called super dense coding and quantum teleportation. In super dense coding, you will learn how it is possible to send two classical bits of information using a single qubit. In quantum teleportation you will learn how the quantum state of a qubit can be recreated by a hybrid classical-quantum information transfer procedure. All algorithms include circuit design for the IBM Quantum Composer as well as Python and QASM code. Results will be gathered for display and analysis, so let’s get started.
Vladimir Silva
Chapter 8. Game Theory: With Quantum Mechanics, Odds Are Always in Your Favor
This chapter explores two game puzzles that show the remarkable power of quantum algorithms over their classical counterparts:
Vladimir Silva
Chapter 9. Quantum Advantage with Deutsch-Jozsa, Bernstein-Vazirani, and Simon’s Algorithms
In this chapter, we study three algorithms of little practical use but important because they were the first to show that quantum computers can solve problems significantly faster than classical ones. Consider the time complexities O(n) for the algorithms: classical vs. quantum in Table 9-1 (where n is the size of the input).
Vladimir Silva
Chapter 10. Advanced Algorithms: Unstructured Search and Integer Factorization with Grover and Shor
This chapter brings two algorithms that have generated excitement about the possibilities of practical quantum computation:
Vladimir Silva
Chapter 11. Quantum in the Real World: Advanced Chemistry and Protein Folding
My physics teacher used to say that quantum computers are notoriously bad calculators, and then he’ll quote Richard Feynman to emphasize that these machines were conceived with atomic principles in mind; therefore, they should tackle problems at the atomic scale. Nowhere else is this more tangible than in the fields of chemistry and medicine where quantum is already working hard to make a difference. In this chapter, we showcase two amazing real-life experiments that illustrate how the power of quantum computation can make a difference in the real world.
Vladimir Silva
Quantum Computing by Practice
Vladimir Silva
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