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Skyrmion Lattices Phase Driven by Interfacial-Engineered Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya Interaction in Frustrated Antiferromagnetic/Ferroelectric Bilayers

Authors: I. F. Sharafullin, A. R. Yuldasheva, D. I. Abdrakhmanov, A. G. Nugumanov

Published in: Physics of Metals and Metallography | Issue 14/2023

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The spin Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the frustrated triangular lattice is known to feature various zero-field ground-state phases, consisting of skyrmion lattice phase and the multiple spin spiral ground states as well as a spiral spin state. Using steepest-descent method we investigate the properties of this system and the related ferroelectric lattice in the presence of a finite magnetoelectric coupling, addressing both the ground-state phase diagram. In addition to the zero-field ground states, we find at moderate values magnetoelectric coupling a skyrmion lattice phase. We show that magnetic frustration induces the creation and emergence of a skyrmion lattice at moderate values of Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction and interface magnetoelectric coupling with adjacent ferroelectric layer. At intermediate Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction, we identify that the skyrmion lattice states are stabilized by a spin anisotropy.

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Skyrmion Lattices Phase Driven by Interfacial-Engineered Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya Interaction in Frustrated Antiferromagnetic/Ferroelectric Bilayers
I. F. Sharafullin
A. R. Yuldasheva
D. I. Abdrakhmanov
A. G. Nugumanov
Publication date
Pleiades Publishing
Published in
Physics of Metals and Metallography / Issue 14/2023
Print ISSN: 0031-918X
Electronic ISSN: 1555-6190

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