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2018 | Book

The Linux Philosophy for SysAdmins

And Everyone Who Wants To Be One


About this book

Reveals and illustrates the awesome power and flexibility of the command line, and the design and usage philosophies that support those traits. This understanding of how to extract the most from the Linux command line can help you become a better SysAdmin. Understand why many things in the Linux and Unix worlds are done as they are, and how to apply the Linux Philosophy to working as a SysAdmin.

The original Unix/Linux Philosophy presented foundational and functional tenets - rules, guidelines, and procedural methods - that worked well. However, it was intended for the developers of those operating systems. Although System Administrators could apply many of the tenets to their daily work, many important tenets were missing.

Over the years that David Both has been working with Linux and Unix, he has formulated his own philosophy – one which applies more directly to the everyday life of the System Administrator. This book defines a philosophy, and then illuminates the practical aspects of that philosophy with real-world experiments you can perform. Inspired by David’s real mentors, and dedicated to them, The Linux Philosophy for System Administrators is a mentor to SysAdmins everywhere; remember - "If you fail you learn."

What You Will Learn

Apply the Linux philosophy to working as a SysAdmin

Unlock the power of the knowledge you already have

Fully understand and access the vast power of the command line

Review the power of Linux as a function of the philosophies that built it

Who This Book Is For

If you want to learn the secrets that make the best Linux SysAdmins powerful far beyond that of mere mortals; if you want to understand the concepts that unlock those secrets; if you want to be the SysAdmin that everyone else turns to when the bytes hit the fan – then this book is for you.

Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Introduction to the Linux Philosophy
The Unix Philosophy is an important part of what makes Unix unique and powerful. Much has been written about the Unix Philosophy. And the Linux philosophy is essentially the same as the Unix philosophy because of its direct line of descent from Unix.
David Both
Chapter 2. Getting Ready
This book defines a philosophy, but it is also intended to illuminate the practical aspects of that philosophy with experiments that you can perform. Because we SysAdmins are a hands-on group of individuals, this book provides a number of simple experiments that you can perform in order to more fully appreciate and understand the tenets of the philosophy. Most experiments usually consist of a one-line bash shell command or program. Some of the experiments do use more than one line.
David Both


Chapter 3. Data Streams
Everything in Linux revolves around streams of data – particularly text streams.
David Both
Chapter 4. Transforming Data Streams
This chapter introduces the use of pipes to connect streams of data from one utility program to another using STDIO. You will learn that the function of these programs is to transform the data in some manner. You will also learn about the use of redirection to redirect the data to a file.
David Both
Chapter 5. Everything Is a File
The whole point with "everything is a file" is … the fact that you can use common tools to operate on different things.
David Both
Chapter 6. Using the Linux FHS
The Linux FilesystemIndexTerm Hierarchical Standard (FHS) defines the structure of the Linux directory tree. It names a set of standard directories and designates their purposes. This standard has been put in place to ensure that all distributions of Linux are consistent in their directory usage. Such consistency makes writing and maintaining shell and compiled programs easier for SysAdmins because the programs, their configuration files, and their data, if any, should be located in the standard directories.
David Both


Chapter 7. Embrace the CLI
The Force is with Linux and the Force is the Command-Line Interface – the CLI. The vast power of the Linux CLI lies in its complete lack of restrictions. In this chapter we will begin to explore the command line in ways that will illuminate the power that it literally places at your fingertips.
David Both
Chapter 8. Be a Lazy SysAdmin
Despite everything we were told by our parents, teachers, bosses, well-meaning authority figures, and hundreds of quotes about hard work that I found with a Google search, getting your work done well and on time is not the same as working hard. One does not necessarily imply the other. I am a lazy SysAdmin. I am also a very productive SysAdmin. Those two seemingly contradictory statements are not mutually exclusive; rather they are complementary in a very positive way.
David Both
Chapter 9. Automate Everything
My question is, “What is the function of computers?” The right answer is, “to automate mundane tasks in order to allow us humans to concentrate on the tasks that the computers cannot – yet – do.” For SysAdmins, those of us who run and manage the computers most closely, we have direct access to the tools that can help us work more efficiently. We should use those tools to maximum benefit.
David Both
Chapter 10. Always Use Shell Scripts
When writing programs to automate – well, everything – always use shell scripts. Because shell scripts are stored in ASCII text format, they can be easily viewed and modified by humans just as easily as they can by computers. You can examine a shell program and see exactly what it does and whether there are any obvious errors in the syntax or logic. This is a powerful example of what it means to be open.
David Both
Chapter 11. Test Early, Test Often
You know, I almost forgot to include this chapter. It was as easy to forget to write about testing the programs I write as it is to overlook testing the programs themselves.
David Both
Chapter 12. Use Commonsense Naming
I have mentioned in several places in this book that typing is not my forte and that the Lazy SysAdmin does everything possible to reduce typing. I take that seriously. This tenet expands on that, but there is much more to it than just reducing the amount of typing I need to do. It is also about the readability of scripts and naming things so that they are more understandable.
David Both
Chapter 13. Store Data in Open Formats
The reason we use computers is to manipulate data. It used to be called “Data Processing” for a reason and that was an accurate description. We still process data although it may be in the form of video and audio streams, network and wireless streams, word processing data, spreadsheets, images, and more. It is all still just data. We work with and manipulate text data streams with the tools we have available to us in Linux. That data usually needs to be stored, and when there is a need to store data, it is always better to store it in open file formats than closed ones.
David Both
Chapter 14. Use Separate filesystems for Data
There is a lot to this particular tenet, and it requires understanding the nature of Linux filesystems and mount points. If you skipped Chapter 6, “Use the Linux FHS,” you should go back and read it now.
David Both
Chapter 15. Make Programs Portable
Portable programs make life much easier for the lazy SysAdmin. Portability is an important consideration because it allows programs to be used on a wide range of operating system and hardware platforms. Using interpretive languages such as bash and Perl that can run on many types of systems can save loads of work.
David Both
Chapter 16. Use Open Source Software
This tenet may not mean exactly what you think it does. Most times we think of open source software as something like the Linux kernel, LibreOffice, or any of the thousands of open source software packages that make up our favorite distribution. In the context of system administration, open source means the scripts that we write to automate our work.
David Both

Becoming Zen

Chapter 17. Strive for Elegance
Elegance is one of those things that can be difficult to define. I know it when I see it, but putting what I see into a terse definition is a challenge. Using the Linux dict command, Wordnet provides one definition of elegance as, “a quality of neatness and ingenious simplicity in the solution of a problem (especially in science or mathematics); ‘the simplicity and elegance of his invention.’”
David Both
Chapter 18. Find the Simplicity
I would never deign to disagree with one of the creators of Unix. However, my own perspective has evolved since I began using Unix and Linux. The tenets of the Linux Philosophy helped me to solidify my understanding of the truth that Linux is simple and that the simplicity is illuminated by the philosophy.
David Both
Chapter 19. Use Your Favorite Editor
Why is this a tenet of The Linux Philosophy for System Administrators? Because arguing about editors can be the cause of a great deal of wasted energy. Everyone has their favorite editor, and it might not be the same as mine. So what?
David Both
Chapter 20. Document Everything
“Real programmers don’t comment their code, if it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand and harder to modify. - Unknown.” I, too, would want to remain anonymous if I had written that. It might even have been meant to be sarcasm or irony. Regardless, this does seem to be the attitude of many developers and SysAdmins. There is a poorly disguised ethos among some developers and SysAdmins that one must figure everything out for themselves in order to join the club – whatever club that might be. If you cannot figure it out, they imply, you should go do something else because you don’t belong.
David Both
Chapter 21. Back Up Everything – Frequently
Nothing can ever go wrong with my computer and I will never lose my data. <Sarcasm>Right</sarcasm>.
David Both
Chapter 22. Follow Your Curiosity
People talk about life-long learning and how that keeps one mentally alert and youthful. The same is true of SysAdmins. There is always more to learn, and I think that is what keeps most of us happy and always ready to tackle the next problem. Continuous learning helps to keep our minds and skills sharp, no matter what our age.
David Both
Chapter 23. There Is No Should
This had not really been one of my tenets until I began writing this book and especially the part about the contest I created for It struck me as I was writing that section that I had already used the phrase, “There is no should,” more than once. I even discussed it briefly way back in Chapter 2, so I started thinking about this in a new way and decided that it really should be a tenet.
David Both
Chapter 24. Mentor the Young SysAdmins
I have taken many training courses over the years and most have been very useful in helping me to learn more about Unix and Linux as well as a host of other subjects. But training – as useful and important as it is – cannot cover many essential aspects of performing SysAdmin duties.
David Both
Chapter 25. Support Your Favorite Open Source Project
Linux and a very large proportion of the programs that we run on it are open source programs. Many of the larger projects, such as the kernel itself, are supported directly by foundations set up for that purpose, such as the Linux Foundation, and/or by corporations and other organizations that have an interest in doing so.
David Both
Chapter 26. Reality Bytes
We have had our heads in the clouds for most of this book. It is, after all, a book of technical philosophy that would not normally be very practical. I just want to take this opportunity to bring us back down to the real world before the book ends.
David Both
The Linux Philosophy for SysAdmins
David Both
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