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2011 | Book

Theory of Semiconductor Quantum Devices

Microscopic Modeling and Simulation Strategies

Author: Fausto Rossi

Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Book Series : NanoScience and Technology


About this book

Primary goal of this book is to provide a cohesive description of the vast field of semiconductor quantum devices, with special emphasis on basic quantum-mechanical phenomena governing the electro-optical response of new-generation nanomaterials. The book will cover within a common language different types of optoelectronic nanodevices, including quantum-cascade laser sources and detectors, few-electron/exciton quantum devices, and semiconductor-based quantum logic gates. The distinguishing feature of the present volume is a unified microscopic treatment of quantum-transport and coherent-optics phenomena on ultrasmall space- and time-scales, as well as of their semiclassical counterparts.

Table of Contents

1. Fundamentals of Semiconductor Materials and Devices
In this chapter we shall recall basic concepts and fundamental properties of semiconductor bulk materials as well as of low-dimensional semiconductor structures like superlattices, quantum wells, wires, and dots. In addition, we shall discuss in very general and qualitative terms the link between nanomaterials and corresponding optoelectronic quantum devices.
Fausto Rossi
2. Ultrashort Space- and Time-Scales: Need for a Quantum Description
In Sect. 1.3 we have introduced the basic concepts of the semiclassical picture. In that formulation several assumptions were more or less explicitly made that require some considerations. As we shall see, the latter are not always justified in new-generation semiconductor nanomaterials and nanodevices, so that fully quantum-mechanical treatments of the problem are imperative.
Fausto Rossi

Microscopic Description and Simulation Techniques

3. The Density-Matrix Approach
In this chapter we shall recall the fundamentals of the well-known density-matrix formalism (see, e.g., [112, 113]) applied to the investigation of the electro-optical properties of semiconductor nanomaterials and nanodevices. To this end, the reader is assumed to have some acquaintance with the general formulation of quantum mechanics (see, e.g., [86, 153]) including the fundamentals of the second-quantization formalism (see, e.g.,[154]) , as well as with basic statistical physics (see,e.g., [155, 156]).
Fausto Rossi
4. Generalization to Systems with Open Boundaries
In this chapter we shall discuss how to extend the density-matrix approach previously introduced to quantum systems with open spatial boundaries, which corresponds to the case of a generic quantum device inserted into an electric circuit.
Fausto Rossi
5. Simulation Strategies
In this chapter we shall introduce basic concepts as well as key instruments related to the numerical modeling of semiconductor nanomaterials and nanodevices. The large variety of available numerical instruments may be subdivided into two major classes: (i) deterministic techniques and (ii) stochastic approaches. As we shall see, while the former are based on deterministic discretization algorithms, the latter are strongly linked to the use of random numbers. As anticipated in Sect. 2.6, the proper choice of the optimal modeling technique depends strongly on the problem under examination, i.e., semiclassical versus quantum-mechanical regimes described via phenomenological versus microscopic treatments (see Fig. 2.9); it follows that for specific problems, a proper combination of deterministic and stochastic algorithms is also required (see Sect. 5.3).
Fausto Rossi

State-of-the-Art Unipolar Quantum Devices: General Properties and Key Examples

6. Modeling of Unipolar Semiconductor Nanodevices
In this chapter we shall discuss in very general terms the most effective approaches for the study of unipolar transport in nanodevices; to this end, we shall address separately the low- and the high-field regimes, and for both regimes we shall provide a semiclassical treatment of the problem as well as its quantum-mechanical generalization.
As for any other semiconductor-based optoelectronic device, the modeling of unipolar nanodevices may be performed at different levels, each corresponding to a different degree of accuracy/approximation (see, e.g., [280] ).
Fausto Rossi
7. Quantum-Well Infrared Photodetectors
In this chapter we shall discuss the basic physical processes as well as open technological problems related to the design and optimization of new-generation quantum-well infrared photodetectors. In particular, we shall focus on the development of efficient quantum devices for the terahertz spectral region.
Fausto Rossi
8. Quantum-Cascade Lasers
In this chapter we shall discuss basic features of quantum-cascade coherent-light sources; to this aim we shall review a few simulated experiments focusing on the microscopic explanation of the gain regime, both in the mid-infrared and in the far-infrared spectral regions.
Fausto Rossi

New-Generation Nanomaterials and Nanodevices

9. Few-Electron/Exciton Quantum Devices
In this chapter we shall discuss the basic properties and unique features of few-electron/exciton quantum systems, namely single and coupled semiconductor macroatoms, pointing out their potential role in designing a completely new class of optoelectronic quantum devices, like electron-state detectors and quantum logic gates.
Fausto Rossi
10. Semiconductor-Based Quantum Logic Gates
In this chapter we shall review a few potential implementation strategies for the concrete realization of quantum information processing using specifically designed semiconductor nanostructures, namely quantum dots and wires.
Fausto Rossi
11. New Frontiers of Electronic and Optoelectronic Device Physics and Technology
In this chapter we shall finally address two extremely active and stimulating research topics, namely molecular and spin-transport electronics, whose development may lead to completely new paradigms in semiconductor-based electronics and optoelectronics physics and technology. A detailed treatment of these rapidly developing fields is out of the scope of the present book; aim of the following pages is to provide a brief historical account and a concise description of such strategic research areas.
Fausto Rossi


A. The Envelope-Function Approximation
In order to provide a general derivation of the envelope-function theory, let us consider a total electronic Hamiltonian given by the sum of the single-electron Hamiltonian Ĥ 1e in (1.6) plus a generic non-periodic potential \(\overline{V}(\boldsymbol r)\).
Fausto Rossi
B. The U Boundary-Condition Scheme
Aim of this appendix is to provide a general formulation – applicable to Boltzmann as well as Wigner equations – of the U boundary-condition scheme, depicted in Fig. 1.22 for the one-dimensional case.
Fausto Rossi
C. Evaluation of the Carrier–Quasiparticle Scattering Superoperator
In this appendix we shall discuss how to derive the explicit form of the conventional Markov superoperator within the global treatment of Sect. 3.3.1 as well as within the reduced or electronic description of Sect. 3.3.2.
Fausto Rossi
D. Derivation of the Wigner Transport Equation
In what follows we shall recall the derivation of the well-known Wigner transport equation (4.27) (see, e.g., and references therein).
Fausto Rossi
Theory of Semiconductor Quantum Devices
Fausto Rossi
Copyright Year
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Electronic ISBN
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