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  1. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Censored Exponential Smoothing for Supply Chain Forecasting

    Inventory management is essential for economic success of companies since it represents a significant part of their financial balance. Stockouts represent one of the major issues that inventory management has to deal with. In case that enough …

    Diego J. Pedregal, Juan Ramón Trapero, Enrique Holgado
    Published in:
    Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management (ICIEIM) – XXVII Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización (CIO2023) (2024)
  2. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Spatiotemporal and Intelligent Transportation Forecasting

    Spatiotemporal-based intelligent transportation systems are increasingly being integrated into various surveillance systems. To enhance the efficiency of these systems, automated forecasting was introduced to identify and penalize non-compliant …

    K. Maithili, S. Leelavathy, G. Karthi, M. Adimoolam
    Published in:
    Spatiotemporal Data Analytics and Modeling (2024)
  3. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Hyperparameter Tuning MLP’s for Probabilistic Time Series Forecasting

    Time series forecasting attempts to predict future events by analyzing past trends and patterns. Although well researched, certain critical aspects pertaining to the use of deep learning in time series forecasting remain ambiguous. Our research …

    Kiran Madhusudhanan, Shayan Jawed, Lars Schmidt-Thieme
    Published in:
    Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (2024)
  4. Open Access 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Regional Climate Drivers, Trends and Forecast Change

    Hydroclimatology across the Pacific depends on the rain-generating South Pacific Convergence Zone and Intertropical Convergence Zone. These convergence zones move northward and southward over time (described by the El Niño Southern Oscillation …

    Clare Stephens, Arona Ngari
    Published in:
    The Water, Energy, and Food Security Nexus in Asia and the Pacific (2024)
  5. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Multi-modal Recurrent Graph Neural Networks for Spatiotemporal Forecasting

    The spatial and temporal dynamics of many real-world systems present a significant challenge to multi-variate forecasting where features of both forms, as well as their inter-dependencies, must be modeled correctly. State-of-the-art approaches …

    Nicholas Majeske, Ariful Azad
    Published in:
    Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (2024)
  6. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Spatial-Temporal Bipartite Graph Attention Network for Traffic Forecasting

    Accurate traffic forecasting is pivotal for an efficient data-driven transportation system. The intricate nature of spatial-temporal dependencies and non-linearity present in traffic data has posed a significant challenge to the modeling of …

    Dimuthu Lakmal, Kushani Perera, Renata Borovica-Gajic, Shanika Karunasekera
    Published in:
    Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (2024)
  7. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Sales Forecasting from Group Conversation Using Natural Language Processing

    Natural Language Processing (NLP) refers to a computer program’s ability to understand spoken and written human language. It is utilized to do large-scale research, receive a more objective and accurate analysis, increase customer satisfaction …

    R. S. Shudapreyaa, P. Santhiya, S. Kavitha, P. Prakash
    Published in:
    Speech and Language Technologies for Low-Resource Languages (2024)
  8. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Mask Adaptive Spatial-Temporal Recurrent Neural Network for Traffic Forecasting

    How to model the spatial-temporal graph is a crucial problem for the accuracy of traffic forecasting. Existing GNN-based work mostly captures spatial dependencies by using a pre-defined graph for close nodes and a self-adaptive graph for distant …

    Xingbang Hu, Shuo Zhang, Wenbo Zhang, Hejiao Huang
    Published in:
    Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (2024)
  9. 22-04-2024 | Online First

    Forecasting financial market structure from network features using machine learning

    We propose a model that forecasts market correlation structure from link- and node-based financial network features using machine learning. For such, market structure is modeled as a dynamic asset network by quantifying time-dependent co-movement …

  10. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    FRLS: A Forecasting Model with Robust and Reduced Redundancy Latent Series

    While some methods are confined to linear embeddings and others exhibit limited robustness, high-dimensional time series factorization techniques employ scalable matrix factorization for forecasting in latent space. This paper introduces a novel …

    Abdallah Aaraba, Shengrui Wang, Jean-Marc Patenaude
    Published in:
    Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (2024)
  11. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Evolving Super Graph Neural Networks for Large-Scale Time-Series Forecasting

    Graph Recurrent Neural Networks (GRNN) excel in time-series prediction by modeling complicated non-linear relationships among time-series. However, most GRNN models target small datasets that only have tens of time-series or hundreds of …

    Hongjie Chen, Ryan Rossi, Sungchul Kim, Kanak Mahadik, Hoda Eldardiry
    Published in:
    Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (2024)
  12. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Kernel Representation Learning with Dynamic Regime Discovery for Time Series Forecasting

    Correlations between variables in complex ecosystems such as weather and financial markets lead to a great amount of dynamic and co-evolving time series data, posing a significant challenge to the current forecast methods. Discovering dynamic …

    Kunpeng Xu, Lifei Chen, Jean-Marc Patenaude, Shengrui Wang
    Published in:
    Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (2024)
  13. Open Access 01-06-2024 | OriginalPaper

    A fuzzy Gaussian process regression function approach for forecasting problem

    A fuzzy regression function approach is a fuzzy inference system method whose rules cannot be determined based on expert opinion, unlike a classical fuzzy inference system. In a fuzzy regression function approach, an input matrix consists of …

  14. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Using Machine Learning to Improve Forecasting Efficiency for the Stock Market

    This article explores the application of machine learning techniques to improve forecasting efficiency for the stock market. Machine learning models have the potential to capture complex patterns and dependencies in stock market trends, enabling …

    Lan Dong Thi Ngoc, Duy-Linh Bui, Sang Van Ha, Huong Tran Thi, Viet Pham Minh, Ha-Nam Nguyen
    Published in:
    Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Research in Management and Technovation (2024)
  15. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    IoT-Based Solar Power Forecasting Using Deep Learning

    Due to the growing carbon footprints and the impacts of climate change, less fossil fuels are being used for transportation and energy production. The cost of creating solar photovoltaic (PV) panels has been reduced as a result of the improvements …

    Touseef Hasan Kazmi, Sumant Kumar Dalai, P. Ranga Babu, Gayadhar Panda
    Published in:
    Digital Communication and Soft Computing Approaches Towards Sustainable Energy Developments (2024)
  16. Open Access 25-04-2024 | Online First

    DWT-BILSTM-based models for day-ahead hourly global horizontal solar irradiance forecasting

    Accurate forecasting of electricity generation from renewable energy sources is crucial for the operation, planning and management of smart grids. For reliable planning and operation of photovoltaic (PV) systems in grid-connected or islanded …

  17. 25-04-2024 | Online First

    Decomposed intrinsic mode functions and deep learning algorithms for water quality index forecasting

    The water quality index (WQI) serves as a global representation of river water quality (WQ). Existing studies related to the WQI have mainly focused on two aspects: (i) a WQI point estimation using multiple WQ inputs; and (ii) a one-step-ahead WQI …

  18. 25-04-2024 | Online First

    Daily tourism demand forecasting and tourists’ search behavior analysis: a deep learning approach

    During trip planning and booking, tourists can search the web using different devices, such as personal computers (PC) or mobile devices. Search engine data can help understand the diverse aspects of tourists’ preference and search behavior.

  19. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Deep Learning Models for Stock Market Forecasting: GARCH, ARIMA, CNN, LSTM, RNN

    Stock price prediction has long been a pivotal area of interest for investors, financial analysts, and researchers alike. The ability to forecast future stock prices accurately can provide substantial benefits in investment decision-making. With …

    Atul Srivastava, Aditya Srivastava, Youddha Beer Singh, Manoj Kumar Misra
    Published in:
    Cryptology and Network Security with Machine Learning (2024)
  20. Open Access 01-06-2024 | OriginalPaper

    Intuitionistic fuzzy time series forecasting method based on dendrite neuron model and exponential smoothing

    Methods based on artificial neural networks for intuitionistic fuzzy time series forecasting can produce successful forecasting results. In the literature, exponential smoothing methods are hybridised with artificial neural networks due to their …

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