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1575 search results for:

Programmatic Advertising 

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  1. 2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Role of Data Science in Programmatic Advertising

    The ability to capture the attention of consumers in the online ecosystem has become ever more daunting. Millions of websites, digital properties, and web applications are being viewed daily and this is where the need to select the best platform …

    Aditya Jain, Kashyap Barua, Monali Barbate
    Published in:
    Data Science in Societal Applications (2022)
  2. 2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Datenschutz und Programmatic Advertising (Gastbeitrag von Stefanie Scognamiglio)

    Was Sie aus diesem Kapitel mitnehmen Wie Unternehmen im Bereich Programmatic mit der DSGVO und dem Consent-Erfordernis umgehen Warum ein strengerer Approach im Partner Management nötig ist Wie kanalübergreifendes Marketing neu gedacht werden kann …

    Lisa Gradow, Dr. Ramona Greiner, Ramona Greiner
    Published in:
    Quick Guide Consent-Management (2021)
  3. 2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Programmatic Advertising – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen bei Display-Advertising am Beispiel hedonistischer und utilitaristischer Produkte

    Programmatic Advertising nimmt bei der Aussteuerung von Display Advertising im Online-Marketing eine zunehmend bedeutende Stellung ein. Diese Entwicklung gründet auf Effizienzgewinnen und Kosteneinsparungen. Allerdings zeigt die Analyse …

    Goetz Greve, Mareike Scheibe
    Published in:
    Data-driven Marketing (2020)
  4. 2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    The Issues and Impacts of Programmatic Advertising in the Financial Sector: An Abstract

    In the growing digital advertising market, programmatic advertising plays an indispensable role. Thanks to its audience-targeting capabilities, through the collection of big data, programmatic advertising has changed the way of buying …

    Weilan Tang, Renato Hubner Barcelos
    Published in:
    Marketing Opportunities and Challenges in a Changing Global Marketplace (2020)
  5. 14-09-2019 | OriginalPaper

    Competitive advertising strategies for programmatic television

    Programmatic television advertising technologies allow advertisers to detect the placement of competitor ads and schedule their own ads almost in real time. This paper investigates how managers can improve the effectiveness of their ad schedules …

  6. 2019 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    The Cultural Component in Advertising Analysis. A Non-numerical Vision of the Programmatic Advertising

    In this text I try to present the first approximation (my first such) to the idea of how Culture, from an anthropological point of view, is a variable; bearing in mind advertising analysis which seeks to establish a model of analysis for …

    Pedro Antonio Hellín Ortuño
    Published in:
    Social Computing and Social Media. Communication and Social Communities (2019)
  7. 2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    A Method for Audience Extending in Programmatic Advertising by Using Parsimonious Generalization of User Segments

    We propose a novel method for efficient target audience augmentation in programmatic digital advertising. This method utilizes a novel ParGenFS algorithm for most adequate generalization in taxonomies which was developed by the authors in a joint …

    Dmitry Frolov, Zina Taran, Boris Mirkin
    Published in:
    Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies (2020)
  8. 2018 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Objects, Metrics and Practices: An Inquiry into the Programmatic Advertising Ecosystem

    Programmatic advertising is a large scale, real-time bidding process, whereby ads are automatically assigned to available spaces across types of media and geographic regions upon an individual user’s browser request. The large-scale automation of …

    Cristina Alaimo, Jannis Kallinikos
    Published in:
    Living with Monsters? Social Implications of Algorithmic Phenomena, Hybrid Agency, and the Performativity of Technology (2018)
  9. 2018 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    The Role of Big Data in Programmatic TV Advertising

    TV remains the most popular advertising medium, and total global TV advertising revenue is forecasted to rise (PWC, 2016). But, what do we mean by TV? Until recently, there was a clear divide between TV content and online video. TV programs were …

    Edward C. Malthouse, Ewa Maslowska, Judy Franks
    Published in:
    Advances in Advertising Research IX (2018)
  10. 2018 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    The Implications of Programmatic Advertising on the Business Model of TV Broadcasters

    Technological changes produced by the digital convergence are driving a paradigm shift in advertising and mass communication, and resulting in the emergence of a new market. Programmatic advertising is, in this context, an emergent technology that …

    Henrik Jensen, Kristian J. Sund
    Published in:
    Competitiveness in Emerging Markets (2018)
  11. 2016 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    A Programmatic Advertising Primer

    As a technologist looking at the proximity market, I became conscious of our own ignorance of the world of advertising. When Anke Audenaert invited me to present a lecture on beacon technology to her MBA class, I sat in on her lecture on …

    Stephen Statler
    Published in:
    Beacon Technologies (2016)
  12. 2016 | Book

    Programmatic Advertising

    The Successful Transformation to Automated, Data-Driven Marketing in Real-Time

    This fundamental guide on programmatic advertising explains in detail how automated, data-driven advertising really works in practice and how the right adoption leads to a competitive advantage for advertisers, agencies and media. The ne

    Book Series:
    Management for Professionals
    Springer International Publishing
  13. 2016 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Programmatic Brand Advertising

    To make Programmatic Advertising platforms useful for branding campaigns, several additional requirements have to be fulfilled. The core requirements are the delivery of advertisements by target group and ad exposure as well as according to specific

    Stephan Noller, Fabien Magalon
    Published in:
    Programmatic Advertising (2016)
  14. 09-08-2016 | Digitales Marketing | Schwerpunkt | Article

    Die Chancen und Risiken von Programmatic Advertising

    Onlinewerbung kämpft mit Adblockern und fehlender Sichtbarkeit. Die automatisierte Werbeausspielung in Echtzeit – das Programmatic Advertising – verstärkt das Problem. Wie Werbungtreibende gegensteuern können.

  15. 2016 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Consumer-Centric Programmatic Advertising

    Programmatic Advertising has evolved from simple Retargeting and Audience Buying into consumer centric marketing against the entire purchase funnel and the method of choice to execute all digital media buys for many marketers.This increased use and s

    Oliver Gertz, Deirdre McGlashan
    Published in:
    Programmatic Advertising (2016)
  16. 2016 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Perspectives of Programmatic Advertising

    Despite its bright future, programmatic advertising still faces significant hurdles, such as a lack of best practices beyond remarketing and premium inventory, the problem of cross-device adaptability and a lack of subject experts. In addition, there

    Jürgen Seitz, Steffen Zorn
    Published in:
    Programmatic Advertising (2016)
  17. 2016 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    The Programmatic Advertising Principle

    It is no secret that the digital marketing industry loves innovation and is thus in a constant state of change and always on the lookout for the next big thing. You could even go so far as to say this quest is often considered a business model itself

    Oliver Busch
    Published in:
    Programmatic Advertising (2016)
  18. 02-12-2015 | Kommunikation | Schwerpunkt | Article

    Markenbranding mit Programmatic Advertising

    Das so genannte Programmatic Advertising wird zunehmend auch für das Marken-Branding eingesetzt. Doch der Erfolg hängt von den technischen Möglichkeiten ab.

  19. 2016 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Enhanced Success with Programmatic Social Advertising

    Efficient markets operate on the principle of investors having access to the best information when making a purchase decision. Programmatic advertising embraces this principle in its allocation of inventory to advertisers. It provides a single view o

    Patrick Dawson, Michael Lamb
    Published in:
    Programmatic Advertising (2016)
  20. 12-10-2015 | Marketing + Vertrieb | Interview | Article

    "Effizienz steigern durch Programmatic Advertising"

    Beim Thema Programmatic Advertising geht es heute nicht mehr nur um Preismodelle, sondern zunehmend um Qualität und Leistung. Wie sich der Markt verändert, erläutern die Pilot-Gesellschafter Klaus Ahrens und Pilot-Geschäftsführer Thorsten Mandel im Interview.

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