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2019 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Trust and Crises in the EU: Exit, Voice and Loyalty

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von Sydow depicts a European Union in crisis wherein trust among the member states, and between them and the Union, is under heavy strain. Devoid of full-scale democracy, the EU acquires legitimacy from the member states’ loyalty to the joint project. In the euro crisis, Brexit and the conflict between EU member states over migration such loyalty falls short. As European integration moves towards politically sensitive areas, new legitimacy demands are placed upon the Union. As a result, national resistance is growing in many parts of Europe and the rise of Eurosceptic parties undermines trust in the system. The author concludes that the faltering trust in the Union requires either a move towards a federal system or a return to an intergovernmental form of legitimation.

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Trust and Crises in the EU: Exit, Voice and Loyalty
Göran von Sydow
Copyright Year