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2002 | Book

Algorithm Engineering and Experiments

4th International Workshop, ALENEX 2002 San Francisco, CA, USA, January 4–5, 2002 Revised Papers

Editors: David M. Mount, Clifford Stein

Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Book Series : Lecture Notes in Computer Science


Table of Contents



On the Implementation of MST-Based Heuristics for the Steiner Problem in Graphs
Some of the most widely used constructive heuristics for the Steiner Problem in Graphs are based on algorithms for the Minimum Spanning Tree problem. In this paper, we examine efficient implementations of heuristics based on the classic algorithms by Prim, Kruskal, and Borůvka. An extensive experimental study indicates that the theoretical worst-case complexity of the algorithms give little information about their behavior in practice. Careful implementation improves average computation times not only significantly, but asymptotically. Running times for our implementations are within a small constant factor from that of Prim’s algorithm for the Minimum Spanning Tree problem, suggesting that there is little room for improvement.
Marcus Poggi de Aragão, Renato F. Werneck
A Time-Sensitive System for Black-Box Combinatorial Optimization
When faced with a combinatorial optimization problem, practitioners often turn to black-box search heuristics such as simulated annealing and genetic algorithms. In black-box optimization, the problem-specific components are limited to functions that (1) generate candidate solutions, and (2) evaluate the quality of a given solution. A primary reason for the popularity of black-box optimization is its ease of implementation. The basic simulated annealing search algorithm can be implemented in roughly 30–50 lines of any modern programming language, not counting the problem-specific local-move and cost-evaluation functions. This search algorithm is so simple that it is often rewritten from scratch for each new application rather than being reused.
Vinhthuy Phan, Pavel Sumazin, Steven Skiena
A Compressed Breadth-First Search for Satisfiability
Leading algorithms for Boolean satisfiability (SAT) are based on either a depth-first tree traversal of the search space (the DLL procedure [6]) or resolution (the DP procedure [7]). In this work we introduce a variant of Breadth-First Search (BFS) based on the ability of Zero-Suppressed Binary Decision Diagrams (ZDDs) to compactly represent sparse or structured collections of subsets. While a BFS may require an exponential amount of memory, our new algorithm performs BFS directly with an implicit representation and achieves unconventional reductions in the search space.
We empirically evaluate our implementation on classical SAT instances difficult for DLL/DP solvers. Our main result is the empirical Θ(n 4) runtime for hole-n instances, on which DLL solvers require exponential time.
DoRon B. Motter, Igor L. Markov
Using Multi-level Graphs for Timetable Information in Railway Systems
In many fields of application, shortest path finding problems in very large graphs arise. Scenarios where large numbers of on-line queries for shortest paths have to be processed in real-time appear for example in traffic information systems. In such systems, the techniques considered to speed up the shortest path computation are usually based on precomputed information. One approach proposed often in this context is a space reduction, where precomputed shortest paths are replaced by single edges with weight equal to the length of the corresponding shortest path. In this paper, we give a first systematic experimental study of such a space reduction approach. We introduce the concept of multi-level graph decomposition. For one specific application scenario from the field of timetable information in public transport, we perform a detailed analysis and experimental evaluation of shortest path computations based on multi-level graph decomposition.
Frank Schulz, Dorothea Wagner, Christos Zaroliagis
Evaluating the Local Ratio Algorithm for Dynamic Storage Allocation
We empirically compare the local ratio algorithm for the profit maximization version of the dynamic storage allocation problem against various greedy algorithms. Our main conclusion is that, at least on our input distributions, the local ratio algorithms performed worse on average than the more naive greedy algorithms.
Kirk Pruhs, Eric Wiewiora
An Experimental Study of Prefetching and Caching Algorithms for the World Wide Web
Caching and prefetching have often been studied as separate tools for enhancing the access to the World Wide Web. The goal of this work is to propose integrated Caching and Prefetching Algorithms for improving the performances of web navigation. We propose a new prefetching algorithm that uses a limited form of user cooperation to establish which documents to prefetch in the local cache at the client side. We show that our prefetching technique is highly beneficial only if integrated with a suitable caching algorithm. We consider two caching algorithms, Greedy-Dual-Size [6,17] and Least Recently Used, and demonstrate on trace driven simulation that Greedy-Dual-Size with prefetching outperforms both LRU with prefetching and a set of other popular caching algorithms.
Massimiliano Curcio, Stefano Leonardi, Andrea Vitaletti
The Treewidth of Java Programs
Intuitively, the treewidth of a graph G measures how close G is to being a tree. The lower the treewidth, the faster we can solve various optimization problems on G, by dynamic programming along the tree structure. In the paper M.Thorup, All Structured Programs have Small Tree-Width and Good Register Allocation [8] it is shown that the control-flow graph of any goto-free C program is at most 6. This result opened for the possibility of applying the dynamic programming bounded treewidth algorithms to various compiler optimization tasks. In this paper we explore this possibility, in particular for Java programs. We first show that even if Java does not have a goto, the labelled break and continue statements are in a sense equally bad, and can be used to construct Java programs that are arbitrarily hard to understand and optimize.
For Java programs lacking these labelled constructs Thorup’s result for C still holds, and in the second part of the paper we analyze the treewidth of label-free Java programs empirically. We do this by means of a parser that computes a tree-decomposition of the control-flow graph of a given Java program. We report on experiments running the parser on several of the Java API packages, and the results tell us that on average the treewidth of the control-flow graph of these Java programs is no more than 2.7. This is the first empirical test of Thorup’s result, and it confirms our suspicion that the upper bounds of treewidth 6, 5 and 4 are rarely met in practice, boding well for the application of treewidth to compiler optimization.
Jens Gustedt, Ole A. Mæhle, Jan Arne Telle
Partitioning Planar Graphs with Costs and Weights
A graph separator is a set of vertices or edges whose removal divides an input graph into components of bounded size. This paper describes new algorithms for computing separators in planar graphs as well as techniques that can be used to speed up their implementation and improve the partition quality. In particular, we consider planar graphs with costs and weights on the vertices, where weights are used to estimate the sizes of the components and costs are used to estimate the size of the separator. We show that one can find a small separator that divides the graph into components of bounded size. We describe implementations of the partitioning algorithms and discuss results of our experiments.
Lyudmil Aleksandrov, Hristo Djidjev, Hua Guo, Anil Maheshwari
Maintaining Dynamic Minimum Spanning Trees: An Experimental Study
We report our findings on an extensive empirical study on several algorithms for maintaining minimum spanning trees in dynamic graphs. In particular, we have implemented and tested a variant of the polylogarithmic algorithm by Holm et al., sparsification on top of Frederickson’s algorithm, and compared them to other (less sophisticated) dynamic algorithms. In our experiments, we considered as test sets several random, semi-random and worst-case inputs previously considered in the literature.
Giuseppe Cattaneo, Pompeo Faruolo, Umberto Ferraro Petrillo, Giuseppe F. Italiano
Experimental Evaluation of a New Shortest Path Algorithm
Extended Abstract
We evaluate the practical efficiency of a new shortest path algorithm for undirected graphs which was developed by the first two authors. This algorithm works on the fundamental comparison-addition model.
Theoretically, this new algorithm out-performs Dijkstra’s algorithm on sparse graphs for the all-pairs shortest path problem, and more generally, for the problem of computing single-source shortest paths from ω(1) different sources. Our extensive experimental analysis demonstrates that this is also the case in practice. We present results which show the new algorithm to run faster than Dijkstra’s on a variety of sparse graphs when the number of vertices ranges from a few thousand to a few million, and when computing single-source shortest paths from as few as three different sources.
Seth Pettie, Vijaya Ramachandran, Srinath Sridhar
Getting More from Out-of-Core Columnsort
We describe two improvements to a previous implementation of out-of-core columnsort, in which data reside on multiple disks. The first improvement replaces asynchronous I/O and communication calls by synchronous calls within a threaded framework. Experimental runs show that this improvement reduces the running time to approximately half of the running time of the previous implementation. The second improvement uses algorithmic and engineering techniques to reduce the number of passes over the data from four to three. Experimental evidence shows that this improvement yields modest performance gains. We expect that the performance gain of this second improvement increases when the relative speed of processing and communication increases with respect to disk I/O speeds. Thus, as processing and communication become faster relative to I/O, this second improvement may yield bettor results than it currently does.
Geeta Chaudhry, Thomas H. Cormen
Topological Sweep in Degenerate Cases
Topological sweep can contribute to efficient implementations of various algorithms for data analysis. Real data, however, has degeneracies. The modification of the topological sweep algorithm presented here handles degenerate cases such as parallel or multiply concurrent lines without requiring numerical perturbations to achieve general position. Our method maintains the O(n 2) and O(n) time and space complexities of the original algorithm, and is robust and easy to implement. We present experimental results.
Eynat Rafalin, Diane Souvaine, Ileana Streinu
Acceleration of K-Means and Related Clustering Algorithms
This paper describes two simple modification of K-means and related algorithms for clustering, that improve the running time without changing the output. The two resulting algorithms are called Compare-means and Sort-means. The time for an iteration of K-means is reduced from O(ndk), where n is the number of data points, k the number of clusters and d the dimension, to O(ndγ + k 2 d + k 2 log k) for Sort-means. Here γk is the average over all points p of the number of means that are no more than twice as far as p is from the mean p was assigned to in the previous iteration. Compare-means performs a similar number of distance calculations as Sort-means, and is faster when the number of means is very large. Both modifications are extremely simple, and could easily be added to existing clustering implementations.
We investigate the empirical performance of the algorithms on three datasets drawn from practical applications. As a primary test case, we use the Isodata variant of K-means on a sample of 2.3 million 6-dimensional points drawn from a Landsat-7 satellite image. For this dataset, γ quickly drops to less than log2 k, and the running time decreases accordingly. For example, a run with k = 100 drops from an hour and a half to sixteen minutes for Compare-means and six and a half minutes for Sort-means. Further experiments show similar improvements on datasets derived from a forestry application and from the analysis of BGP updates in an IP network.
Steven J. Phillips
STAR-Tree: An Efficient Self-Adjusting Index for Moving Objects
We present a new technique called STAR-tree, based on R*-tree, for indexing a set of moving points so that various queries, including range queries, time-slice queries, and nearest-neighbor queries, can be answered efficiently. A novel feature of the index is that it is self-adjusting in the sense that it re-organizes itself locally whenever its query performance deteriorates. The index provides tradeoffs between storage and query performance and between time spent in updating the index and in answering queries. We present detailed performance studies and compare our methods with the existing ones under a varying type of data sets and queries. Our experiments show that the index proposed here performs considerably better than the previously known ones.
Cecilia M. Procopiuc, Pankaj K. Agarwal, Sariel Har-Peled
An Improvement on Tree Selection Sort
The standard Tree Selection Sort is an efficient sorting algorithm but requires extra storage for n-1 pointers and n items. The goal of this paper is to not only reduce the extra storage of Tree Selection Sort to n bits, but also keep the number of comparisons at nlogn+O(n). The improved algorithm makes at most 3n data movements. The empirical results show that the improved algorithm is efficient. In some cases, say moving one item requires at least 3 assignment operations, the algorithm is the fastest on average among known fast algorithms.
Jingchao Chen
Algorithm Engineering and Experiments
David M. Mount
Clifford Stein
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Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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