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2008 | Book

Algorithmic Number Theory

8th International Symposium, ANTS-VIII Banff, Canada, May 17-22, 2008 Proceedings

Editors: Alfred J. van der Poorten, Andreas Stein

Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Book Series : Lecture Notes in Computer Science


About this book

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th International Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium, ANTS 2008, held in Banff, Canada, in May 2008. The 28 revised full papers presented together with 2 invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book. The papers are organized in topical sections on elliptic curves cryptology and generalizations, arithmetic of elliptic curves, integer factorization, K3 surfaces, number fields, point counting, arithmetic of function fields, modular forms, cryptography, and number theory.

Table of Contents


Invited Papers

Running Time Predictions for Factoring Algorithms
In 1994, Carl Pomerance proposed the following problem:
Select integers a1,a2,...,a J at random from the interval [1,x], stopping when some (non-empty) subsequence, { a i : i ∈ I} where I ⊆ { 1,2,...,J}, has a square product (that is \(\prod_{i\in I} a_i\in \mathbb Z^2\)). What can we say about the possible stopping times, J?
A 1985 algorithm of Schroeppel can be used to show that this process stops after selecting (1 + ε)J 0(x) integers a j with probability 1 − o(1) (where the function J 0(x) is given explicitly in (1) below. Schroeppel’s algorithm actually finds the square product, and this has subsequently been adopted, with relatively minor modifications, by all factorers. In 1994 Pomerance showed that, with probability 1 − o(1), the process will run through at least \(J_0(x)^{1-o(1)}\) integers a j , and asked for a more precise estimate of the stopping time. We conjecture that there is a “sharp threshold” for this stopping time, that is, with probability 1 − o(1) one will first obtain a square product when (precisely) \(\{e^{-\gamma}+o(1)\} J_0(x)\) integers have been selected. Herein we will give a heuristic to justify our belief in this sharp transition.
Ernie Croot, Andrew Granville, Robin Pemantle, Prasad Tetali
A New Look at an Old Equation
The general binary quadratic Diophantine equation
$$ ax^2 + bxy + cy^2 + dx + ey + f = 0 $$
was first solved by Lagrange over 200 years ago. Since that time little improvement has been made to Lagrange’s technique. In this paper we show how to reduce this problem to that of determining whether or not an ideal of a certain quadratic order is principal and if so exhibiting a generator of that ideal. In the difficult case of the discriminant \(\ensuremath{\Delta}\) of this order being positive, we develop a Las Vegas algorithm for solving the principal ideal problem that executes in expected time bounded by \(O(\ensuremath{\Delta}^{1/6 + \epsilon})\), whereas the complexity of Lagrange’s (unconditional) technique for solving this problem is \(O(\ensuremath{\Delta}^{1/2 + \epsilon})\).
R. E. Sawilla, A. K. Silvester, H. C. Williams

Elliptic Curves Cryptology and Generalizations

Abelian Varieties with Prescribed Embedding Degree
We present an algorithm that, on input of a CM-field K, an integer k ≥ 1, and a prime \(r\equiv1\bmod k\), constructs a q-Weil number \(\pi\in\O_K\) corresponding to an ordinary, simple abelian variety A over the field of q elements that has an -rational point of order r and embedding degree k with respect to r. We then discuss how CM-methods over K can be used to explicitly construct A.
David Freeman, Peter Stevenhagen, Marco Streng
Almost Prime Orders of CM Elliptic Curves Modulo p
Given an elliptic curve over \(\mathbb Q\) with complex multiplication by \({\mathcal O}_K\), the ring of integers of the quadratic imaginary field K, we analyze the integer d E  =gcd\(\{|E(\mathbb F_p)|:p\) splits in \({\mathcal O}_K\}\), where \(|E(\mathbb F_p)|\) is the size of the group of rational \(\mathbb F_p\) points, and prove that it can be bigger than the common factor that comes from the torsion of the curve. Then, we prove that #{p ≤ x, p splits in \({{\mathcal O}_K}:{\frac {1}{d_E}}|{\it E}({\mathbb F}_{p})|=P_2\}\gg {\it x}/(\log x)^2\) hence extending the results in [16]. This is the best known result in the direction of the Koblitz conjecture about the primality of \(|E(\mathbb F_p)|\).
Jorge Jiménez Urroz
Efficiently Computable Distortion Maps for Supersingular Curves
Efficiently computable distortion maps are useful in cryptography. Galbraith-Pujolàs-Ritzenthaler-Smith [6] considered them for supersingular curves of genus 2. They showed that there exists a distortion map in a specific set of efficiently computable endomorphisms for every pair of nontrivial divisors under some unproven assumptions for two types of curves. In this paper, we prove that this result holds using a different method without these assumptions for both curves with r > 5 and r > 19 respectively, where r is the prime order of the divisors. In other words, we solve an open problem in [6]. Moreover, we successfully generalize this result to the case C : Y2 = X2g + 1 + 1 over \({\mathbb F}_p\) for anyg s.t. 2g + 1 is prime. In addition, we provide explicit bases of Jac C [r] with a new property that seems interesting from the cryptographic viewpoint.
Katsuyuki Takashima
On Prime-Order Elliptic Curves with Embedding Degrees k = 3, 4, and 6
We further analyze the solutions to the Diophantine equations from which prime-order elliptic curves of embedding degrees k = 3,4 or 6 (MNT curves) may be obtained. We give an explicit algorithm to generate such curves. We derive a heuristic lower bound for the number E(z) of MNT curves with k = 6 and discriminant D ≤ z, and compare this lower bound with experimental data.
Koray Karabina, Edlyn Teske

Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves

Computing in Component Groups of Elliptic Curves
Let K be a p-adic local field and E an elliptic curve defined over K. The component group of E is the group E(K)/E 0(K), where E 0(K) denotes the subgroup of points of good reduction; this is known to be finite, cyclic if E has multiplicative reduction, and of order at most 4 if E has additive reduction. We show how to compute explicitly an isomorphism or .
J. E. Cremona
Some Improvements to 4-Descent on an Elliptic Curve
The theory of 4-descent on elliptic curves has been developed in the PhD theses of Siksek [18], Womack [21] and Stamminger [20]. Prompted by our use of 4-descent in the search for generators of large height on elliptic curves of rank at least 2, we explain how to cut down the number of class group and unit group calculations required, by using the group law on the 4-Selmer group.
Tom Fisher
Computing a Lower Bound for the Canonical Height on Elliptic Curves over Totally Real Number Fields
Computing a lower bound for the canonical height is a crucial step in determining a Mordell–Weil basis of an elliptic curve. This paper presents a new algorithm for computing such lower bound, which can be applied to any elliptic curves over totally real number fields. The algorithm is illustrated via some examples.
Thotsaphon Thongjunthug
Faster Multiplication in GF(2)[x]
In this paper, we discuss an implementation of various algorithms for multiplying polynomials in : variants of the window methods, Karatsuba’s, Toom-Cook’s, Schönhage’s and Cantor’s algorithms. For most of them, we propose improvements that lead to practical speedups.
Richard P. Brent, Pierrick Gaudry, Emmanuel Thomé, Paul Zimmermann

Integer Factorization

Predicting the Sieving Effort for the Number Field Sieve
We present a new method for predicting the sieving effort for the number field sieve (NFS) in practice. This method takes relations from a short sieving test as input and simulates relations according to this test. After removing singletons, we decide how many relations we need for the factorization according to the simulation and this gives a good estimate for the real sieving. Experiments show that our estimate is within 2 % of the real data.
Willemien Ekkelkamp
Improved Stage 2 to P ± 1 Factoring Algorithms
Some implementations of stage 2 of the P–1 method of factorization use convolutions. We describe a space-efficient implementation, allowing convolution lengths around 223 and stage 2 limit around 1016 while attempting to factor 230-digit numbers on modern PC’s. We describe arithmetic algorithms on reciprocal polynomials. We present adjustments for the P+1 algorithm. We list some new findings.
Peter L. Montgomery, Alexander Kruppa

K3 Surfaces

Shimura Curve Computations Via K3 Surfaces of Néron–Severi Rank at Least 19
In [E1] we introduced several computational challenges concerning Shimura curves, and some techniques to partly address them. The challenges are: obtain explicit equations for Shimura curves and natural maps between them; determine a Schwarzian equation on each curve (a.k.a. Picard-Fuchs equation, a linear second-order differential equation with a basis of solutions whose ratio inverts the quotient map from the upper half-plane to the curve); and locate CM (complex multiplication) points on the curves. We identified some curves, maps, and Schwarzian equations using the maps’ ramification behavior; located some CM points as images of fixed points of involutions; and conjecturally computed others by numerically solving the Schwarzian equations.
Noam D. Elkies
K3 Surfaces of Picard Rank One and Degree Two
We construct explicit examples of K3 surfaces over which are of degree 2 and geometric Picard rank 1. We construct, particularly, examples of the form \(w^2 = \det M\) where M is a (3 ×3)-matrix of ternary quadratic forms.
Andreas-Stephan Elsenhans, Jörg Jahnel

Number Fields

Number Fields Ramified at One Prime
For G a finite group and p a prime, a G-p field is a Galois number field K with \(\mbox{Gal}(K/{\bf Q}) \cong G\) and \(\mbox{disc}(K) = \pm p^{a}\) for some a. We study the existence of G-p fields for fixed G and varying p.
John W. Jones, David P. Roberts
An Explicit Construction of Initial Perfect Quadratic Forms over Some Families of Totally Real Number Fields
In this paper we construct initial perfect quadratic forms over certain families of totally real number fields . We assume that the number field is either the maximal totally real subfield of a cyclotomic field , where \({3 \not |\, n}\) is the product of distinct odd primes p 1,..., p k , or , where m 1,...,m k are pairwise relatively prime, square-free positive integers with all or all but one congruent to 1 modulo 4. These perfect forms can be used to find all perfect quadratic forms of given rank (up to equivalence and proportion) over the field by applying the generalization of Voronoi’s algorithm.
Alar Leibak
Functorial Properties of Stark Units in Multiquadratic Extensions
The goal of this paper is to present computations investigating the “functorial” properties of Stark units, that is, how specific roots of Stark units from certain subfields of a top field are placed with respect to the top field and how these roots relate to the Stark unit in the top field. This type of question is of particular relevance to gaining a better understanding of the somewhat mysterious “abelian condition” in Stark’s Conjecture.
Jonathan W. Sands, Brett A. Tangedal
Enumeration of Totally Real Number Fields of Bounded Root Discriminant
We enumerate all totally real number fields F with root discriminant δ F  ≤ 14. There are 1229 such fields, each with degree .
John Voight

Point Counting

Computing Hilbert Class Polynomials
We present and analyze two algorithms for computing the Hilbert class polynomial H D . The first is a p-adic lifting algorithm for inert primes p in the order of discriminant D < 0. The second is an improved Chinese remainder algorithm which uses the class group action on CM-curves over finite fields. Our run time analysis gives tighter bounds for the complexity of all known algorithms for computing H D , and we show that all methods have comparable run times.
Juliana Belding, Reinier Bröker, Andreas Enge, Kristin Lauter
Computing Zeta Functions in Families of C a,b Curves Using Deformation
We apply deformation theory to compute zeta functions in a family of C a,b curves over a finite field of small characteristic. The method combines Denef and Vercauteren’s extension of Kedlaya’s algorithm to C a,b curves with Hubrechts’ recent work on point counting on hyperelliptic curves using deformation. As a result, it is now possible to generate C a,b curves suitable for use in cryptography in a matter of minutes.
Wouter Castryck, Hendrik Hubrechts, Frederik Vercauteren
Computing L-Series of Hyperelliptic Curves
We discuss the computation of coefficients of the L-series associated to a hyperelliptic curve over ℚ of genus at most 3, using point counting, generic group algorithms, and p-adic methods.
Kiran S. Kedlaya, Andrew V. Sutherland
Point Counting on Singular Hypersurfaces
Let q = p r be a prime power. Let be a homogenous polynomial of degree d. Let be the hypersurface defined by . A natural question to ask is how to determine .
Recently, several algorithms were presented that calculate if is a smooth hypersurface. We would like to investigate whether these algorithms extend to singular hypersurfaces.
Remke Kloosterman

Arithmetic of Function Fields

Efficient Hyperelliptic Arithmetic Using Balanced Representation for Divisors
We discuss arithmetic in the Jacobian of a hyperelliptic curve C of genus g. The traditional approach is to fix a point P  ∞  ∈ C and represent divisor classes in the form E − d(P  ∞ ) where E is effective and 0 ≤ d ≤ g. We propose a different representation which is balanced at infinity. The resulting arithmetic is more efficient than previous approaches when there are 2 points at infinity.
Steven D. Galbraith, Michael Harrison, David J. Mireles Morales
Tabulation of Cubic Function Fields with Imaginary and Unusual Hessian
We give a general method for tabulating all cubic function fields over whose discriminant D has odd degree, or even degree such that the leading coefficient of − 3D is a non-square in , up to a given bound on \(|D| = q^{\deg(D)}\). The main theoretical ingredient is a generalization of a theorem of Davenport and Heilbronn to cubic function fields. We present numerical data for cubic function fields over and over with \(\deg(D) \leq 7\) and \(\deg(D)\) odd in both cases.
Pieter Rozenhart, Renate Scheidler

Modular Forms

Computing Hilbert Modular Forms over Fields with Nontrivial Class Group
We exhibit an algorithm for the computation of Hilbert modular forms over an arbitrary totally real number field of even degree, extending results of the first author. We present some new instances of the conjectural Eichler-Shimura construction for totally real number fields over the fields \({\mathbb{Q}}(\sqrt{10})\) and \({\mathbb{Q}}(\sqrt{85})\) and their Hilbert class fields, and in particular some new examples of modular abelian varieties with everywhere good reduction over those fields.
Lassina Dembélé, Steve Donnelly
Hecke Operators and Hilbert Modular Forms
Let F be a real quadratic field with ring of integers \({\mathcal O}\) and with class number 1. Let Γ be a congruence subgroup of \({\mathrm{GL}}_{2} ({\mathcal O})\). We describe a technique to compute the action of the Hecke operators on the cohomology \(H^{3} (\Gamma; {\mathbb C})\). For F real quadratic this cohomology group contains the cuspidal cohomology corresponding to cuspidal Hilbert modular forms of parallel weight 2. Hence this technique gives a way to compute the Hecke action on these Hilbert modular forms.
Paul E. Gunnells, Dan Yasaki


A Birthday Paradox for Markov Chains, with an Optimal Bound for Collision in the Pollard Rho Algorithm for Discrete Logarithm
We show a Birthday Paradox for self-intersections of Markov chains with uniform stationary distribution. As an application, we analyze Pollard’s Rho algorithm for finding the discrete logarithm in a cyclic group G and find that, if the partition in the algorithm is given by a random oracle, then with high probability a collision occurs in \(\Theta(\sqrt{|G|})\) steps. This is the first proof of the correct bound which does not assume that every step of the algorithm produces an i.i.d. sample from G.
Jeong Han Kim, Ravi Montenegro, Yuval Peres, Prasad Tetali
An Improved Multi-set Algorithm for the Dense Subset Sum Problem
Given sets L 1, ..., L k of elements from , the k-set birthday problem is to find an element from each list such that their sum is 0 modulo m. We give a new analysis of the algorithm in [16], proving that it returns a solution with high probability. By the work of Lyubashevsky [10], we get as an immediate corollary an improved algorithm for the random modular subset sum problem. Assuming the modulus \(m = 2^{n^{\epsilon}}\) for , this problem is now solvable using time and space
Andrew Shallue

Number Theory

On the Diophantine Equation x 2 + 2 α 5 β 13 γ  = y n
In this paper, we find all the solutions of the Diophantine equation x 2 + 2 α 5 β 13 γ  = y n in nonnegative integers x, y,α, β, γ, n ≥ 3 with x and y coprime. In fact, for n = 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, we transform the above equation into several elliptic equations written in cubic or quartic models for which we determine all their {2, 5, 13}-integer points. For n ≥ 5, we apply a method that uses primitive divisors of Lucas sequences. Again we are able to obtain several elliptic equations written in cubic models for which we find all their {2, 5, 13}-integer points. All the computations are done with MAGMA [12].
Edray Goins, Florian Luca, Alain Togbé
Non-vanishing of Dirichlet L-functions at the Central Point
This paper deals with the matter of the non-vanishing of Dirichlet L-functions at the central point for all primitive characters χ. More precisely, S. Chowla conjectured that \(L(\frac{1}{2},\chi)\not =0\), but this remains still unproved. We first give an efficient algorithm to compute the order n χ of zero of L(s,χ) at \(s=\frac{1}{2}\). This enables us to efficiently compute n χ for L-functions with very large conductor near 1016. Then, we prove that \(L(\frac{1}{2},\chi)\not =0\) for all real characters χ of modulus less than 1010. Finally we give some estimates for n χ and the lowest zero of L(s,χ) on the critical line in terms of the conductor q.
Sami Omar
Algorithmic Number Theory
Alfred J. van der Poorten
Andreas Stein
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