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2000 | Book | 3. edition

ARIS — Business Process Modeling

Author: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. August-Wilhelm Scheer

Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg


About this book

ARIS (Architecture of Integrated Information Systems) is a unique and internationally renowned method for optimizing business processes and implementing application systems.
This book describes in detail how ARIS methods model and realize business processes by means of UML (Unified Modeling Language), leading to an information model that is the keystone for a systematic and intelligent method of developing application systems.
Multiple real-world examples - including knowledge management, implementation of workflow systems and standard software solutions (SAP R/3 in particular) - address the deployment of ARIS methods.

Table of Contents


ARIS — Business Process Modeling

A.I. Strategic Business Process Analysis
Business process organization being a new paradigm in enterprise engineering, strategic business process analysis is carried out before the ARIS house is described (see Fig. 1a). Whereas Taylorism focused on functional structuring based on the amount of effort required, which in turn led to employee specialization, business process organization scrutinizes the synergistic effects between the functions of a consistent procedure. The object is to aim for the highest standard of employee qualification possible in order to ensure consistent processing.
August-Wilhelm Scheer
A.II. Modeling Individual ARIS Views
Fig. 15 illustrates how the “function” building block is classified in the ARIS house. Functions are frequently described relative to other components. They are closely linked with data, because office functions describe the information transformation process, i.e., they transform input data into output data. Functions are also frequently described in context with organizational objects, especially when describing job positions.
August-Wilhelm Scheer
A.III. Modeling the Relationships between the Views (Control View)
The task of control modeling is to reconnect the views (function, organization, data and output view, respectively) which had been treated separately.
August-Wilhelm Scheer

ARIS Procedural Models and Applications

B.I. Implementing Standard Software with ARIS Models
Peter Mattheis, Wolfram Jost
B.II. Implementing Workflow Systems Using ARIS Models
In accordance with ARTS concepts, IDS Prof. Scheer GmbH has designed a workflow system that uses ARTS modeling methods, complies with the HOBE architecture and integrates the ARIS Toolset. This system, ARTS Workflow, is primarily used for prototyping, for rapidly creating executable, process oriented applications from business process models. ARIS Workflow interfaces with other commercially available workflow systems such as WorkFlow (CSE), FlowMark (IBM), WorkParty (SNI), Staffware (Staffware) and Visual WorkFlo (Fi1eNET). In the future, ARIS Workflow will seamlessly integrate with the ARTS concept and ARTS Workflow Prototyper.
Andreas Kronz
B.III. Model Supported System Development Using the ARIS Framework
At one time, the performance and architecture of business applications supporting business processes posed difficult problems when optimizing business processes. Today, software that is compliant with the ARIS Framework provides many more degrees of freedom.
Saeed Emrany, Richard Bock
B.IV. Object Oriented System Development Using the Unified Modeling Language (UML)
Regarding object oriented application development, primarily evolutionary procedural models have been discussed in professional publications (see Boehm, Spiral Model 1988; Henderson-Sellers/Edwards, Object Oriented System Life Cycle 1990, P.152; Meyer, Object Oriented Design 1989). This is based on the theorems of the object oriented paradigm, where objects represent individual “closed system” subsystems. Compliant with the definition of internal and external object structures, it is possible to develop scalable systems. In the evolutionary procedure, every cycle ends with executable software. This is achieved by deriving development results from project goals. These results can be deployed individually as well, so the deployment of each subsystem can be tested at an earlier stage. Additional development includes improvements from real-world tests and implementation of additional subsystems. This makes it possible to present results at an early stage and avoids any „dead ends” in development.
Markus Nüttgens, Michael Hoffmann, Thomas Feld
ARIS — Business Process Modeling
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. August-Wilhelm Scheer
Copyright Year
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Electronic ISBN
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