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2017 | Book

Computer Security – ESORICS 2017

22nd European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, Oslo, Norway, September 11-15, 2017, Proceedings, Part I


About this book

The two-volume set, LNCS 10492 and LNCS 10493 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 22nd European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, ESORICS 2017, held in Oslo, Norway, in September 2017.
The 54 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 338 submissions. The papers address issues such as data protection; security protocols; systems; web and network security; privacy; threat modeling and detection; information flow; and security in emerging applications such as cryptocurrencies, the Internet of Things and automotive.

Table of Contents

From Intrusion Detection to Software Design
I believe the single most important reason why we are so helpless against cyber-attackers is that present systems are not supervisable. This opinion is developed in years spent working on network intrusion detection, both as academic and entrepreneur. I believe we need to start writing software and systems that are supervisable by design; in particular, we should do this for embedded devices. In this paper, I present a personal view on the field of intrusion detection, and conclude with some consideration on software design.
Sandro Etalle
Justifying Security Measures — a Position Paper
There is a problem with the way we reason about problems in security. The justifications that we offer for many security measures reduce to unfalsifiable claims or circular statements. This position paper argues that reliance on less-than-solid arguments acts as a brake on progress in security.
Cormac Herley
The Once and Future Onion
Onionsites are Internet sites accessed via protocols offering security protections beyond those provided by the usual protocols and infrastructure of the Internet, such as confidentiality of address lookup, and that significantly strengthen commonly offered protections; for example, their self-authenticating addresses preclude the kinds of certificate hijacks that have occurred against registered domain names. I will sketch the properties and design of onion services, including early history as well as recent developments. I will also describe integration of onionsites much more fully into conventional Internet sites in ways that promote their general widescale adoption.
Paul Syverson
Tightly Secure Ring-LWE Based Key Encapsulation with Short Ciphertexts
We provide a tight security proof for an IND-CCA Ring-LWE based Key Encapsulation Mechanism that is derived from a generic construction of Dent (IMA Cryptography and Coding, 2003). Such a tight reduction is not known for the generic construction. The resulting scheme has shorter ciphertexts than can be achieved with other generic constructions of Dent or by using the well-known Fujisaki-Okamoto constructions (PKC 1999, Crypto 1999). Our tight security proof is obtained by reducing to the security of the underlying Ring-LWE problem, avoiding an intermediate reduction to a CPA-secure encryption scheme. The proof technique maybe of interest for other schemes based on LWE and Ring-LWE.
Martin R. Albrecht, Emmanuela Orsini, Kenneth G. Paterson, Guy Peer, Nigel P. Smart
Tree-Based Cryptographic Access Control
As more and more data is outsourced to third party servers, the enforcement of access control policies using cryptographic techniques becomes increasingly important. Enforcement schemes based on symmetric cryptography typically issue users a small amount of secret material which, in conjunction with public information, allows the derivation of decryption keys for all data objects for which they are authorized.
We generalize the design of prior enforcement schemes by mapping access control policies to a graph-based structure. Unlike prior work, we envisage that this structure may be defined independently of the policy to target different efficiency goals; the key issue then is how best to map policies to such structures. To exemplify this approach, we design a space-efficient KAS based on a binary tree which imposes a logarithmic bound on the required number of derivations whilst eliminating public information. In the worst case, users may require more cryptographic material than in prior schemes; we mitigate this by designing heuristic optimizations of the mapping and show through experimental results that our scheme performs well compared to existing schemes.
James Alderman, Naomi Farley, Jason Crampton
Source Code Authorship Attribution Using Long Short-Term Memory Based Networks
Machine learning approaches to source code authorship attribution attempt to find statistical regularities in human-generated source code that can identify the author or authors of that code. This has applications in plagiarism detection, intellectual property infringement, and post-incident forensics in computer security. The introduction of features derived from the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) of source code has recently set new benchmarks in this area, significantly improving over previous work that relied on easily obfuscatable lexical and format features of program source code. However, these AST-based approaches rely on hand-constructed features derived from such trees, and often include ancillary information such as function and variable names that may be obfuscated or manipulated.
In this work, we provide novel contributions to AST-based source code authorship attribution using deep neural networks. We implement Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM) models to automatically extract relevant features from the AST representation of programmers’ source code. We show that our models can automatically learn efficient representations of AST-based features without needing hand-constructed ancillary information used by previous methods. Our empirical study on multiple datasets with different programming languages shows that our proposed approach achieves the state-of-the-art performance for source code authorship attribution on AST-based features, despite not leveraging information that was previously thought to be required for high-confidence classification.
Bander Alsulami, Edwin Dauber, Richard Harang, Spiros Mancoridis, Rachel Greenstadt
Is My Attack Tree Correct?
Attack trees are a popular way to represent and evaluate potential security threats on systems or infrastructures. The goal of this work is to provide a framework allowing to express and check whether an attack tree is consistent with the analyzed system. We model real systems using transition systems and introduce attack trees with formally specified node labels. We formulate the correctness properties of an attack tree with respect to a system and study the complexity of the corresponding decision problems. The proposed framework can be used in practice to assist security experts in manual creation of attack trees and enhance development of tools for automated generation of attack trees.
Maxime Audinot, Sophie Pinchinat, Barbara Kordy
Server-Aided Secure Computation with Off-line Parties
Online social networks (OSNs) allow users to jointly compute on each other’s data (e.g., profiles, geo-locations, etc.). Privacy issues naturally arise in this setting due to the sensitive nature of the exchanged information. Ideally, nothing about a user’s data should be revealed to the OSN provider or non-friends, and even her friends should only learn the output of a specific computation. A natural approach for achieving these strong privacy guarantees is via secure multi-party computation (MPC). However, existing MPC-based approaches do not capture two key properties of OSN setting: Users does not need to be online while their friends query the OSN server on their data; and, once uploaded, user’s data can be repeatedly queried by the server on behalf of user’s friends. In this work, we present two concrete MPC constructions that achieve these properties. The first is an adaptation of garbled circuits that converts inputs under different keys to ones under the same key, and the second is based on 2-party mixed protocols and involves a novel 2-party re-encryption module. Using state- of-the-art cryptographic tools, we provide a proof-of-concept implementation of our schemes for two concrete use cases, overall validating their efficiency and efficacy in protecting privacy in OSNs.
Foteini Baldimtsi, Dimitrios Papadopoulos, Stavros Papadopoulos, Alessandra Scafuro, Nikos Triandopoulos
We Are Family: Relating Information-Flow Trackers
While information-flow security is a well-established area, there is an unsettling gap between heavyweight information-flow control, with formal guarantees yet limited practical impact, and lightweight tainting techniques, useful for bug finding yet lacking formal assurance. This paper proposes a framework for exploring the middle ground in the range of enforcement from tainting (tracking data flows only) to fully-fledged information-flow control (tracking both data and control flows). We formally illustrate the trade-offs between the soundness and permissiveness that the framework allows to achieve. The framework is deployed in a staged fashion, statically embedding a dynamic monitor, being parametric in security policies, as they do not need to be fixed until the final deployment. This flexibility facilitates a secure app store architecture, where the static stage of verification is performed by the app store and the dynamic stage is deployed on the client. To illustrate the practicality of the framework, we implement our approach for a core of Java and evaluate it on a use case with enforcing privacy policies in the Android setting. We also show how a state-of-the-art dynamic monitor for JavaScript can be easily adapted to implement our approach.
Musard Balliu, Daniel Schoepe, Andrei Sabelfeld
Labeled Homomorphic Encryption
Scalable and Privacy-Preserving Processing of Outsourced Data
In privacy-preserving processing of outsourced data a Cloud server stores data provided by one or multiple data providers and then is asked to compute several functions over it. We propose an efficient methodology that solves this problem with the guarantee that a honest-but-curious Cloud learns no information about the data and the receiver learns nothing more than the results. Our main contribution is the proposal and efficient instantiation of a new cryptographic primitive called Labeled Homomorphic Encryption (labHE). The fundamental insight underlying this new primitive is that homomorphic computation can be significantly accelerated whenever the program that is being computed over the encrypted data is known to the decrypter and is not secret—previous approaches to homomorphic encryption do not allow for such a trade-off. Our realization and implementation of labHE targets computations that can be described by degree-two multivariate polynomials. As an application, we consider privacy preserving Genetic Association Studies (GAS), which require computing risk estimates from features in the human genome. Our approach allows performing GAS efficiently, non interactively and without compromising neither the privacy of patients nor potential intellectual property of test laboratories.
Manuel Barbosa, Dario Catalano, Dario Fiore
MTD CBITS: Moving Target Defense for Cloud-Based IT Systems
The static nature of current IT systems gives attackers the extremely valuable advantage of time, as adversaries can take their time and plan attacks at their leisure. Although cloud infrastructures have increased the automation options for managing IT systems, the introduction of Moving Target Defense (MTD) techniques at the entire IT system level is still very challenging. The core idea of MTD is to make a system change proactively as a means to eliminating the asymmetric advantage the attacker has on time. However, due to the number and complexity of dependencies between IT system components, it is not trivial to introduce proactive changes without breaking the system or severely impacting its performance.
In this paper, we present an MTD platform for Cloud-Based IT Systems (MTD CBITS), evaluate its practicality, and perform a detailed analysis of its security benefits. To the best of our knowledge MTD CBITS is the first MTD platform that leverages the advantages of a cloud-automation framework (ANCOR) that captures an IT system’s setup parameters and dependencies using a high-level abstraction. This allows our platform to make automated changes to the IT system, in particular, to replace running components of the system with fresh new instances. To evaluate MTD CBITS’ practicality, we present a series of experiments that show negligible (statistically non-significant) performance impacts. To evaluate effectiveness, we analyze the costs and security benefits of MTD CBITS using a practical attack window model and show how a system managed using MTD CBITS will increase attack difficulty.
Alexandru G. Bardas, Sathya Chandran Sundaramurthy, Xinming Ou, Scott A. DeLoach
Modular Verification of Protocol Equivalence in the Presence of Randomness
Security protocols that provide privacy and anonymity guarantees are growing increasingly prevalent in the online world. The highly intricate nature of these protocols makes them vulnerable to subtle design flaws. Formal methods have been successfully deployed to detect these errors, where protocol correctness is formulated as a notion of equivalence (indistinguishably). The high overhead for verifying such equivalence properties, in conjunction with the fact that protocols are never run in isolation, has created a need for modular verification techniques. Existing approaches in formal modeling and (compositional) verification of protocols for privacy have abstracted away a fundamental ingredient in the effectiveness of these protocols, randomness. We present the first composition results for equivalence properties of protocols that are explicitly able to toss coins. Our results hold even when protocols share data (such as long term keys) provided that protocol messages are tagged with the information of which protocol they belong to.
Matthew S. Bauer, Rohit Chadha, Mahesh Viswanathan
Non-interactive Provably Secure Attestations for Arbitrary RSA Prime Generation Algorithms
RSA public keys are central to many cryptographic applications; hence their validity is of primary concern to the scrupulous cryptographer. The most relevant properties of an RSA public key \((n, e)\) depend on the factors of \(n\): are they properly generated primes? are they large enough? is \(e\) co-prime with \(\phi (n)\)? etc. And of course, it is out of question to reveal \(n\)’s factors.
Generic non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proofs can be used to prove such properties. However, NIZK proofs are not practical at all. For some very specific properties, specialized proofs exist but such ad hoc proofs are naturally hard to generalize.
This paper proposes a new type of general-purpose compact non-interactive proofs, called attestations, allowing the key generator to convince any third party that \(n\) was properly generated. The proposed construction applies to any prime generation algorithm, and is provably secure in the Random Oracle Model.
As a typical implementation instance, for a 138-bit security, verifying or generating an attestation requires \(k=1024\) prime generations. For this instance, each processed message will later need to be signed or encrypted 14 times by the final users of the attested moduli.
Fabrice Benhamouda, Houda Ferradi, Rémi Géraud, David Naccache
Reusing Nonces in Schnorr Signatures
(and Keeping It Secure...)
The provably secure Schnorr signature scheme is popular and efficient. However, each signature requires a fresh modular exponentiation, which is typically a costly operation. As the increased uptake in connected devices revives the interest in resource-constrained signature algorithms, we introduce a variant of Schnorr signatures that mutualises exponentiation efforts.
Combined with precomputation techniques (which would not yield as interesting results for the original Schnorr algorithm), we can amortise the cost of exponentiation over several signatures: these signatures share the same nonce. Sharing a nonce is a deadly blow to Schnorr signatures, but is not a security concern for our variant.
Our Scheme is provably secure, asymptotically-faster than Schnorr when combined with efficient precomputation techniques, and experimentally 2 to 6 times faster than Schnorr for the same number of signatures when using 1 MB of static storage.
Marc Beunardeau, Aisling Connolly, Houda Ferradi, Rémi Géraud, David Naccache, Damien Vergnaud
WebPol: Fine-Grained Information Flow Policies for Web Browsers
In the standard web browser programming model, third-party scripts included in an application execute with the same privilege as the application’s own code. This leaves the application’s confidential data vulnerable to theft and leakage by malicious code and inadvertent bugs in the third-party scripts. Security mechanisms in modern browsers (the same-origin policy, cross-origin resource sharing and content security policies) are too coarse to suit this programming model. All these mechanisms (and their extensions) describe whether or not a script can access certain data, whereas the meaningful requirement is to allow untrusted scripts access to confidential data that they need and to prevent the scripts from leaking data on the side. Motivated by this gap, we propose WebPol, a policy mechanism that allows a website developer to include fine-grained policies on confidential application data in the familiar syntax of the JavaScript programming language. The policies can be associated with any webpage element, and specify what aspects of the element can be accessed by which third-party domains. A script can access data that the policy allows it to, but it cannot pass the data (or data derived from it) to other scripts or remote hosts in contravention of the policy. To specify the policies, we expose a small set of new native APIs in JavaScript. Our policies can be enforced using any of the numerous existing proposals for information flow tracking in web browsers. We have integrated our policies into one such proposal that we use to evaluate performance overheads and to test our examples.
Abhishek Bichhawat, Vineet Rajani, Jinank Jain, Deepak Garg, Christian Hammer
Verifying Constant-Time Implementations by Abstract Interpretation
Constant-time programming is an established discipline to secure programs against timing attackers. Several real-world secure C libraries such as NaCl, mbedTLS, or Open Quantum Safe, follow this discipline. We propose an advanced static analysis, based on state-of-the-art techniques from abstract interpretation, to report time leakage during programming. To that purpose, we analyze source C programs and use full context-sensitive and arithmetic-aware alias analyses to track the tainted flows.
We give semantic evidences of the correctness of our approach on a core language. We also present a prototype implementation for C programs that is based on the CompCert compiler toolchain and its companion Verasco static analyzer. We present verification results on various real-world constant-time programs and report on a successful verification of a challenging SHA-256 implementation that was out of scope of previous tool-assisted approaches.
Sandrine Blazy, David Pichardie, Alix Trieu
Mirage: Toward a Stealthier and Modular Malware Analysis Sandbox for Android
Nowadays, malware is affecting not only PCs but also mobile devices, which became pervasive in everyday life. Mobile devices can access and store personal information (e.g., location, photos, and messages) and thus are appealing to malware authors. One of the most promising approach to analyze malware is by monitoring its execution in a sandbox (i.e., via dynamic analysis). In particular, most malware sandboxing solutions for Android rely on an emulator, rather than a real device. This motivates malware authors to include runtime checks in order to detect whether the malware is running in a virtualized environment. In that case, the malicious app does not trigger the malicious payload. The presence of differences between real devices and Android emulators started an arms race between security researchers and malware authors, where the former want to hide these differences and the latter try to seek them out.
In this paper we present Mirage, a malware sandbox architecture for Android focused on dynamic analysis evasion attacks. We designed the components of Mirage to be extensible via software modules, in order to build specific countermeasures against such attacks. To the best of our knowledge, Mirage is the first modular sandbox architecture that is robust against sandbox detection techniques. As a representative case study, we present a proof of concept implementation of Mirage with a module that tackles evasion attacks based on sensors API return values.
Lorenzo Bordoni, Mauro Conti, Riccardo Spolaor
Zero Round-Trip Time for the Extended Access Control Protocol
The Extended Access Control (EAC) protocol allows to create a shared cryptographic key between a client and a server. While originally used in the context of identity card systems and machine readable travel documents, the EAC protocol is increasingly adopted as a universal solution to secure transactions or for attribute-based access control with smart cards. Here we discuss how to enhance the EAC protocol by a so-called zero-round trip time (0RTT) mode. Through this mode the client can, without further interaction, immediately derive a new key from cryptographic material exchanged in previous executions. This makes the 0RTT mode attractive from an efficiency viewpoint such that the upcoming TLS 1.3 standard, for instance, will include its own 0RTT mode. Here we show that also the EAC protocol can be augmented to support a 0RTT mode. Our proposed EAC+0RTT protocol is compliant with the basic EAC protocol and adds the 0RTT mode smoothly on top. We also prove the security of our proposal according to the common security model of Bellare and Rogaway in the multi-stage setting.
Jacqueline Brendel, Marc Fischlin
Server-Supported RSA Signatures for Mobile Devices
We propose a new method for shared RSA signing between the user and the server so that: (a) the server alone is unable to create valid signatures; (b) having the client’s share, it is not possible to create a signature without the server; (c) the server detects cloned client’s shares and blocks the service; (d) having the password-encrypted client’s share, the dictionary attacks cannot be performed without alerting the server; (e) the composite RSA signature “looks like” an ordinary RSA signature and verifies with standard crypto-libraries. We use a modification of the four-prime RSA scheme of Damgård, Mikkelsen and Skeltved from 2015, where the client and the server have independent RSA private keys. As their scheme is vulnerable to dictionary attacks, in our scheme, the client’s RSA private exponent is additively shared between server and client. Our scheme has been deployed and has over 200,000 users.
Ahto Buldas, Aivo Kalu, Peeter Laud, Mart Oruaas
Verifiable Document Redacting
In 2016, Naveh and Tromer introduced PhotoProof, a novel approach to image authentication based on cryptographic proofs. We here show how to simplify PhotoProof to get a protocol closely related to redactable signature schemes. From an authenticated breeder document, we only keep the necessary fields to prove what its owner wants to assert and black out all the others to remove sensitive data from the document. We efficiently instantiate our scheme and give implementation results that show its practicality.
Hervé Chabanne, Rodolphe Hugel, Julien Keuffer
Securing Data Analytics on SGX with Randomization
Protection of data privacy and prevention of unwarranted information disclosure is an enduring challenge in cloud computing when data analytics is performed on an untrusted third-party resource. Recent advances in trusted processor technology, such as Intel SGX, have rejuvenated the efforts of performing data analytics on a shared platform where data security and trustworthiness of computations are ensured by the hardware. However, a powerful adversary may still be able to infer private information in this setting from side channels such as cache access, CPU usage and other timing channels, thereby threatening data and user privacy. Though studies have proposed techniques to hide such information leaks through carefully designed data-independent access paths, such techniques can be prohibitively slow on models with large number of parameters, especially when employed in a real-time analytics application. In this paper, we introduce a defense strategy that can achieve higher computational efficiency with a small trade-off in privacy protection. In particular, we study a strategy that adds noise to traces of memory access observed by an adversary, with the use of dummy data instances. We quantitatively measure privacy guarantee, and empirically demonstrate the effectiveness and limitation of this randomization strategy, using classification and clustering algorithms. Our results show significant reduction in execution time overhead on real-world data sets, when compared to a defense strategy using only data-oblivious mechanisms.
Swarup Chandra, Vishal Karande, Zhiqiang Lin, Latifur Khan, Murat Kantarcioglu, Bhavani Thuraisingham
DeltaPhish: Detecting Phishing Webpages in Compromised Websites
The large-scale deployment of modern phishing attacks relies on the automatic exploitation of vulnerable websites in the wild, to maximize profit while hindering attack traceability, detection and blacklisting. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that specifically leverages this adversarial behavior for detection purposes. We show that phishing webpages can be accurately detected by highlighting HTML code and visual differences with respect to other (legitimate) pages hosted within a compromised website. Our system, named DeltaPhish, can be installed as part of a web application firewall, to detect the presence of anomalous content on a website after compromise, and eventually prevent access to it. DeltaPhish is also robust against adversarial attempts in which the HTML code of the phishing page is carefully manipulated to evade detection. We empirically evaluate it on more than 5,500 webpages collected in the wild from compromised websites, showing that it is capable of detecting more than 99% of phishing webpages, while only misclassifying less than 1% of legitimate pages. We further show that the detection rate remains higher than 70% even under very sophisticated attacks carefully designed to evade our system.
Igino Corona, Battista Biggio, Matteo Contini, Luca Piras, Roberto Corda, Mauro Mereu, Guido Mureddu, Davide Ariu, Fabio Roli
Secure Authentication in the Grid: A Formal Analysis of DNP3: SAv5
Most of the world’s power grids are controlled remotely. Their control messages are sent over potentially insecure channels, driving the need for an authentication mechanism. The main communication mechanism for power grids and other utilities is defined by an IEEE standard, referred to as DNP3; this includes the Secure Authentication v5 (SAv5) protocol, which aims to ensure that messages are authenticated. We provide the first security analysis of the complete DNP3: SAv5 protocol. Previous work has considered the message-passing sub-protocol of SAv5 in isolation, and considered some aspects of the intended security properties. In contrast, we formally model and analyse the complex composition of the protocol’s three sub-protocols. In doing so, we consider the full state machine, and the possibility of cross-protocol attacks. Furthermore, we model fine-grained security properties that closely match the standard’s intended security properties. For our analysis, we leverage the Tamarin prover for the symbolic analysis of security protocols.
Our analysis shows that the core DNP3: SAv5 design meets its intended security properties. Notably, we show that a previously reported attack does not apply to the standard. However, our analysis also leads to several concrete recommendations for improving future versions of the standard.
Cas Cremers, Martin Dehnel-Wild, Kevin Milner
Per-Session Security: Password-Based Cryptography Revisited
Cryptographic security is usually defined as a guarantee that holds except when a bad event with negligible probability occurs, and nothing is guaranteed in that case. However, in settings where a failure can happen with substantial probability, one needs to provide guarantees even for the bad case. A typical example is where a (possibly weak) password is used instead of a secure cryptographic key to protect a session, the bad event being that the adversary correctly guesses the password. In a situation with multiple such sessions, a per-session guarantee is desired: any session for which the password has not been guessed remains secure, independently of whether other sessions have been compromised.
Our contributions are two-fold. First, we provide a new, general technique for stating security guarantees that degrade gracefully and which could not be expressed with existing formalisms. Our method is simple, does not require new security definitions, and can be carried out in any simulation-based security framework (thus providing composability). Second, we apply our approach to revisit the analysis of password-based message authentication and of password-based (symmetric) encryption (PBE), investigating whether they provide strong per-session guarantees.
In the case of PBE, one would intuitively expect a weak form of confidentiality, where a transmitted message only leaks to the adversary once the underlying password is guessed. Indeed, we show that PBE does achieve this weak confidentiality if an upper-bound on the number of adversarial password-guessing queries is known in advance for each session. However, such local restrictions appear to be questionable in reality and, quite surprisingly, we show that in a more realistic scenario the desired per-session confidentiality is unachievable.
Grégory Demay, Peter Gaži, Ueli Maurer, Björn Tackmann
AVR Processors as a Platform for Language-Based Security
AVR processors are widely used in embedded devices. Hence, it is crucial for the security of such devices that cryptography on AVR processors is implemented securely. Timing-side-channel vulnerabilities and other possibilities for information leakage pose serious dangers to the security of cryptographic implementations. In this article, we propose a framework for verifying that AVR assembly programs are free from such vulnerabilities. In the construction of our framework, we exploit specifics of the 8-bit AVR architecture to make the static analysis of timing behavior reliable. We prove the soundness of our analysis against a formalization of the official AVR instruction-set specification.
Florian Dewald, Heiko Mantel, Alexandra Weber
A Better Composition Operator for Quantitative Information Flow Analyses
Given a description of the quantitative information flow (qif) for components, how can we determine the qif of a system composed from components? We explore this fundamental question mathematically and provide an answer based on a new composition operator. We investigate its properties and prove that it generalises existing composition operators. We illustrate the results with a fresh look on Chaum’s dining cryptographers. We show that the new operator enjoys various convenient algebraic properties and that it is well-behaved under composition refinement.
Kai Engelhardt
Analyzing the Capabilities of the CAN Attacker
The modern car is controlled by a large number of Electronic Control Units (ECUs), which communicate over a network of bus systems. One of the most widely used bus types is called Controller Area Network (CAN). Recent automotive hacking has shown that attacks with severe safety impact are possible when an attacker manages to gain access to a safety-critical CAN. In this paper, our goal is to obtain a more systematic understanding of the capabilities of the CAN attacker, which can support the development of security concepts for in-vehicle networks.
Sibylle Fröschle, Alexander Stühring
Erratum to: Per-Session Security: Password-Based Cryptography Revisited
Grégory Demay, Peter Gaži, Ueli Maurer, Björn Tackmann
Computer Security – ESORICS 2017
Simon N. Foley
Dieter Gollmann
Einar Snekkenes
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