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2002 | Book


Theory, Algorithms and Applications

Authors: Jørgen Bang-Jensen, PhD, Gregory Gutin, MSc, PhD

Publisher: Springer London


About this book

Graph theory is a very popular area of discrete mathematics with not only numerous theoretical developments, but also countless applications to prac­ tical problems. As a research area, graph theory is still relatively young, but it is maturing rapidly with many deep results having been discovered over the last couple of decades. The theory of graphs can be roughly partitioned into two branches: the areas of undirected graphs and directed graphs (digraphs). Even though both areas have numerous important applications, for various reasons, undirected graphs have been studied much more extensively than directed graphs. One of the reasons is that undirected graphs form in a sense a special class of directed graphs (symmetric digraphs) and hence problems that can be for­ mulated for both directed and undirected graphs are often easier for the latter. Another reason is that, unlike for the case of undirected graphs, for which there are several important books covering both classical and recent results, no previous book covers more than a small fraction of the results obtained on digraphs within the last 25 years. Typically, digraphs are consid­ ered only in one chapter or by a few elementary results scattered throughout the book. Despite all this, the theory of directed graphs has developed enormously within the last three decades. There is an extensive literature on digraphs (more than 3000 papers). Many of these papers contain, not only interesting theoretical results, but also important algorithms as well as applications.

Table of Contents

1. Basic Terminology, Notation and Results
In this chapter we will provide most of the terminology and notation used in this book. Various examples, figures and results should help the reader to better understand the notions introduced in the chapter. The results covered in this chapter constitute a collection of simple yet important facts on digraphs. Most of our terminology and notation are standard. Therefore, some readers may proceed to other chapters after a quick look through this chapter (unfamiliar terminology and notation can be clarified later by consulting the indexes supplied at the end of this book).
Jørgen Bang-Jensen, Gregory Gutin
2. Distances
In this chapter, we study polynomial algorithms which find distances in weighted and unweighted digraphs as well as some related complexity results. We consider bounds on certain distance parameters of a digraph and describe several results on minimizing (and maximizing) the diameter of an orientation of a graph. We study some applications of distances in digraphs to the travelling salesman problem, the one-way street problem and the gossip problem.
Jørgen Bang-Jensen, Gregory Gutin
3. Flows in Networks
The purpose of this chapter is to describe basic elements of the theory and applications of network flows. This topic is probably the most important single tool for applications of digraphs and perhaps even of graphs as a whole. At the same time, from a theoretical point of view, flow problems constitute a beautiful common generalization of shortest path problems and problems such as finding internally (arc)-disjoint paths from a given vertex to another. The theory of flows is well understood and fairly simple. This, combined with the enormous applicability to real-life problems, makes flows a very attractive topic to study. From a theoretical point of view, flows are well understood as far as the basic questions, such as finding a maximum flow from a given source to a given sink or characterizing the size of such a flow, are concerned. However, the topic is still a very active research field and there are challenging open problems such as deciding whether an O(nm)algorithm1 exists for the general maximum flow problem.
Jørgen Bang-Jensen, Gregory Gutin
4. Classes of Digraphs
In this chapter we introduce several classes of digraphs. We study these, along with the classes of digraphs defined already in Chapter 1, with respect to their characterization, recognition and decomposition. We also consider some basic properties of these classes. Further properties of the classes are studied in the following chapters of this book.
Jørgen Bang-Jensen, Gregory Gutin
5. Hamiltonicity and Related Problems
In this chapter we will consider the hamiltonian path and cycle problems for digraphs as well as some related problems such as the longest path and cycle problems and the minimum path factor problem. We describe and prove a number of results in the area as well as formulate several open questions.
Jørgen Bang-Jensen, Gregory Gutin
6. Hamiltonian Refinements
In this chapter we discuss results which in one way or another generalize the notion of hamiltonicity. As can be seen from the content of the chapter, there are quite a number of such topics. In fact many more could be added, but we feel that the ones included here are representative.
Jørgen Bang-Jensen, Gregory Gutin
7. Global Connectivity
The concept of connectivity is one of the most fundamental concepts in (directed) graph theory. There are numerous practical problems which can be formulated as connectivity problems for digraphs and hence a significant part of this theory is also important from a practical point of view. Results on connectivity are often quite difficult and a deep insight may be required before one can obtain results in the area. The purpose of this chapter is to convey some of that insight by illustrating several important topics as well as techniques that have been successful in solving global connectivity problems. Several of these problems, such as the connectivity augmentation problems in Sections 7.6 and 7.7, are of significant practical interest. Because of the very large number of important results on connectivity, we will devote this chapter as well as Chapters 8 and 9 to this area. This chapter will mainly deal with global connectivity aspects. That is, the directed multigraph in question is k-(arc)-strong for some k ≥ 0, or we want to make it k-(arc)-strong by adding new arcs.
Jørgen Bang-Jensen, Gregory Gutin
8. Orientations of Graphs
The purpose of this chapter is to discuss various aspects of orientations of (multi)graphs. There are many ways of looking at such questions. We can ask which graphs can be oriented as a digraph of a certain type (e.g. a locally semicomplete digraph). We can try to obtain orientations containing no directed cycles of even length, or no long paths. We can try to relate certain parameters of a graph to the family of all orientations of this graph (e.g. what does high chromatic number imply for orientations of a graph). We can also look for conditions which guarantee orientations with high arc-strong connectivity or high in-degree at every vertex, etc. There are hundreds of papers dealing with orientations of graphs in one way or another and we can only cover some of these topics. Hence we have chosen some of those mentioned above. Finally we also study briefly the theory of submodular flows which generalizes standard flows in networks and turns out to be a very useful tool (not only theoretically, but also algorithmically) for certain types of connectivity questions as well as orientation problems. We illustrate this by applying the submodular flow techniques to questions about orientations of mixed graphs as well as to give short proofs of the Lucchesi-Younger Theorem and Nash-Williams’ orientation theorem. We recall that n and m usually stand for the number of vertices and arcs (edges) of the (di)graph in question.
Jørgen Bang-Jensen, Gregory Gutin
9. Disjoint Paths and Trees
In this chapter we concentrate on problems concerning (arc)-disjoint paths or trees (arborescences). We embark from the 2-path problem which concerns the existence of two disjoint paths with prescribed initial and terminal vertices. We give a proof by Fortune et al. showing that the 2-path problem is NP-complete. We proceed by studying the more general k-path problem for various classes of digraphs. We show that for acyclic digraphs, the k-path problem is polynomially solvable when k is not a part of the input. Then we describe several results on the k-path problem for generalizations of tournaments. Among other results, we show that the 2-path problem is polynomially solvable for digraphs that can be obtained from strong semi-complete digraphs by substituting arbitrary digraphs for each vertex of the semicomplete digraph. We briefly discuss the k-path problem for planar digraphs and indicate how to use the topological concept of planarity in proofs and algorithms for disjoint path problems in planar digraphs.
Jørgen Bang-Jensen, Gregory Gutin
10. Cycle Structure of Digraphs
In the previous chapters, especially in Chapters 5 and 6, we considered various properties of cycles in digraphs. The study of cycle structure of digraphs is one of the most important areas in the theory of digraphs, and since several very interesting topics in this area have remained uncovered in the previous chapters, we discuss these topics in this chapter. We will mostly consider (directed) cycles; in most cases the adjective ‘directed’ is omitted. Sometimes we will use oriented cycles, i.e. orientations of undirected cycles.
Jørgen Bang-Jensen, Gregory Gutin
11. Generalizations of Digraphs
In this chapter, several results proved for digraphs are extended to edge-coloured graphs, arc-coloured digraphs and hypertournaments. We will see that some results remain the same with respect to their formulation, but their proofs become much more involved. Other results do not hold any more. This gives an additional insight to the theory of digraphs. In particular, we can more clearly see which properties of digraphs allow us to obtain various results on them.
Jørgen Bang-Jensen, Gregory Gutin
12. Additional Topics
The purpose of this chapter is to discuss briefly some topics that could not be covered in other chapters in the book and which we feel should still be mentioned. Depending on taste, several of these (and other topics which have been completely left out due to space limitations) could have taken up a whole chapter by themselves. Yet we think that our modest coverage will still show the flavour and potential usefulness of these topics. This applies in particular to the sections on matroids and heuristics for obtaining good solutions to NP-hard problems.
Jørgen Bang-Jensen, Gregory Gutin
Jørgen Bang-Jensen, PhD
Gregory Gutin, MSc, PhD
Copyright Year
Springer London
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