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05-01-2019 | Research Paper

Does Valuing Happiness Enhance Subjective Well-Being? The Age-Differential Effect of Interdependence

Authors: Natalie Wong, Xianmin Gong, Helene H. Fung

Published in: Journal of Happiness Studies

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Previous studies found that the association between valuing happiness and well-being could be mediated by interdependence, and such mediation differed across cultures. We hypothesize a similar disparity between younger and older generations within the same culture. To test this hypothesis, the current study assessed Chinese younger and older adults’ self-construal (independence and interdependence), subjective well-being, and the extent to which they valued happiness. The results showed that valuing happiness was only significantly associated with independent self-construal and was not associated with subjective well-being in younger adults. Valuing happiness was positively associated with both independent and interdependent self-construal among older adults, but only the latter mediated the relationship between valuing happiness and subjective well-being. Our findings suggest that the effect of valuing happiness may change with age.

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Does Valuing Happiness Enhance Subjective Well-Being? The Age-Differential Effect of Interdependence
Natalie Wong
Xianmin Gong
Helene H. Fung
Publication date
Springer Netherlands
Published in
Journal of Happiness Studies
Print ISSN: 1389-4978
Electronic ISSN: 1573-7780