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1985 | Book

From Fermat to Minkowski

Lectures on the Theory of Numbers and Its Historical Development

Authors: Winfried Scharlau, Hans Opolka

Publisher: Springer New York

Book Series : Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics


About this book

This book arose from a course of lectures given by the first author during the winter term 1977/1978 at the University of Münster (West Germany). The course was primarily addressed to future high school teachers of mathematics; it was not meant as a systematic introduction to number theory but rather as a historically motivated invitation to the subject, designed to interest the audience in number-theoretical questions and developments. This is also the objective of this book, which is certainly not meant to replace any of the existing excellent texts in number theory. Our selection of topics and examples tries to show how, in the historical development, the investigation of obvious or natural questions has led to more and more comprehensive and profound theories, how again and again, surprising connections between seemingly unrelated problems were discovered, and how the introduction of new methods and concepts led to the solution of hitherto unassailable questions. All this means that we do not present the student with polished proofs (which in turn are the fruit of a long historical development); rather, we try to show how these theorems are the necessary consequences of natural questions. Two examples might illustrate our objectives.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. The Beginnings
The first work devoted to topics from the history of mathematics of which at least a few fragments survive is by the Greek mathematician Eudemus of Rhodes, a member of the school of Aristotle. It begins as follows (quoted from Proclus:
Next we must speak of the development of this science during the present era... we say, as have most writers of history, that geometry was first discovered among the Egyptians and originated in the remeasuring of their lands. This was necessary for them because the Nile overflows and obliterates the boundary lines between their properties. It is not surprising that the discovery of this and the other sciences had its origin in necessity, since everything in the world of generation proceeds from imperfection to perfection. Thus they would naturally pass from sense-perception to calculation and from calculation to reason. Just as among the Phoenicians the necessities of trade and exchange gave the impetus to the accurate study of number, so also among the Egyptians the invention of geometry came about from the cause mentioned.
Winfried Scharlau, Hans Opolka
Chapter 2. Fermat
After more than a thousand years of stagnation and decay the rejuvenation and revitalization of western mathematics, particularly algebra and number theory, starts with Leonardo of Pisa, known as Fibonacci (ca. 1180–1250).
Winfried Scharlau, Hans Opolka
Chapter 3. Euler
After 1650 number theory stood virtually still for a hundred years. This period saw the development of analysis in the work of Isaac Newton (1643–1727), Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646–1716), the Bernoullis (Jacob, 1655–1705; Johann I, 1667–1748; Nicholas II, 1687–1759; Daniel 1700–1792), and Leonhard Euler (1707–1783). Analysis is not the subject of this book, but analytic methods have played an important role in number theory since Dirichlet. This interplay between analysis and number theory has its origins in the work of Euler, and we will try to sketch the beginnings of this development here.
Winfried Scharlau, Hans Opolka
Chapter 4. Lagrange
Joseph Louis Lagrange lived from 1736 to 1813. Born in Turino, he had both French and Italian ancestors. His family was well off but Lagrange’s father lost the family fortune in risky financial transactions. This is said to have prompted Lagrange to remark, “Had I inherited a fortune I would probably not have fallen prey to mathematics.” (cf. E. T. Bell, Men of Mathematics). As a youth Lagrange was more interested in classical languages than in mathematics, but his interest in mathematics was stirred by a paper by Halley, the friend of Newton. In a short time he acquired a deep knowledge of analysis; only 19 years old, he became Professor at the Royal School of Artillery in Turino. Lagrange stayed there for about 10 years. His reputation as a mathematician grew quickly, mainly by basic contributions to analysis, specifically the calculus of variations, the theory of differential equations, and mechanics. This combination of mathematics and mechanics or, more generally, theoretical physics, is typical of the eighteenth century. Mathematics was not viewed as an end in itself but mostly as a tool for understanding nature. In 1766, d’Alembert was instrumental in bringing Lagrange to succeed Euler at the Berlin Academy of Science. Financial conditions in Berlin were very good; moreover, he could devote himself exclusively to his mathematical work. Lagrange stayed there until 1787 when he moved to the Academie Française in Paris. At that time, soon after Euler’s death, he was recognized as the most important living mathematician. Though Lagrange had had close ties to the French royal family he was not persecuted during the French Revolution. Altogether, the sciences gained importance during the era of the French Revolution and Napoleon. Lagrange’s authority transcended the sphere of science. He was a Senator of the Empire and in fact received a state burial in the Pantheon.
Winfried Scharlau, Hans Opolka
Chapter 5. Legendre
One of the most celebrated theorems in number theory is the law of quadratic reciprocity. We formulated it at the end of Chapter 3. The history of the discovery of this theorem is complicated and not quite clear, but we will shortly show that one is led to the theorem by the problem of deciding whether a given prime number divides a number of the form x 2 + ay 2. This was how Euler and later (around 1785), independently, Legendre discovered the theorem. Unlike Euler, Lagrange tried to prove the theorem, but his proof had serious gaps. We will discuss it below. Finally, it was rediscovered by Gauss, probably after numerical calculations and not in connection with the theory of binary forms. Gauss gave the first complete proof.
Winfried Scharlau, Hans Opolka
Chapter 6. Gauss
Carl Friedrich Gauss lived from 1777 to 1855. In his lifetime he was known as “princeps mathematicorum.” His main number-theoretical work, Disquisitiones Arithmeticae, and several smaller number-theoretical papers contain so many deep and technical results that we have to confine ourselves to just a small sample. Other equally important results will not be mentioned.
Winfried Scharlau, Hans Opolka
Chapter 7. Fourier
Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier (1768–1830) was not a number theorist. He would probably not even have called himself a mathematician, but a physicist. His main area of research was the mathematical theory of heat. He wrote several papers about the topic and one basic book, Théorie analytique de la chaleur (Paris, 1822; an English translation was published in 1878). Fourier was a professional politician; as prefect of the Départment d’Isère (at Grenoble), he was closely associated with Napoleon. He accompanied Napoleon on his campaign in Egypt and had the reputation of being quite knowledgeable about that country.
Winfried Scharlau, Hans Opolka
Chapter 8. Dirichlet
“... Dirichlet created a new part of mathematics, the application of those infinite series which Fourier has introduced in the theory of heat to the exploration of the properties of the prime numbers. He has discovered a variety of theorems which... are the pillars of new theories.” This is what on December 21, 1846 C. G. J. Jacobi wrote in a letter to Alexander von Humboldt. Today, Dirichlet’s techniques in number theory are more alive than ever.
Winfried Scharlau, Hans Opolka
Chapter 9. From Hermite to Minkowski
In Chapter 6 we saw that the theory of binary quadratic forms is essentially equivalent to the theory of quadratic number fields. After Gauss, number theory developed in two basically different directions, the theory of algebraic number fields, i.e., finite extensions of ℚ as generalizations of quadratic number fields, and the theory of (integral) quadratic forms in several variables and their automorphisms, as a generalization of binary quadratic forms. In this chapter, we will sketch the development of certain aspects of the latter. To do this, we have to introduce a few basic concepts; for the sake of simplicity, we will use modern terminology.
Winfried Scharlau, Hans Opolka
Chapter 10. Preview: Reduction Theory
The main emphasis of this book has been on the theory of quadratic forms, and we have given special attention to reduction theory. The main question of reduction theory can be formulated in the following way. Let us consider the real-valued quadratic forms in n variables. We look for inequalities for the coefficients such that every form is integrally equivalent to one and only one reduced form, i.e., to a form which satisfies all these inequalities. (From now on, without again stating this explicitly, we will confine ourselves to positive forms.)
Winfried Scharlau, Hans Opolka
From Fermat to Minkowski
Winfried Scharlau
Hans Opolka
Copyright Year
Springer New York
Electronic ISBN
Print ISBN