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2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

2. Political Brand Identity and Image: Manifestations, Challenges and Tensions

Authors : Christopher Pich, Guja Armannsdottir

Published in: Political Branding in Turbulent times

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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The purpose of this chapter is twofold. Firstly, we put forward key branding concepts and frameworks within political marketing, to explore political brand identity and political brand image in relation to different typologies of political brands in international contexts. Further, we argue that political brands represent a complex ecosystem of inter-related yet often distinct sub-brands. Nevertheless, all political brands should strive to be positioned and perceived as authentic, united, engaging, trustworthy and understandable by multiple stakeholders, which in turn can lead to success at the ballot box. Secondly, we apply theory to practice and provide two specific short case studies grounded on empirical qualitative research. We conclude by presenting implications to theory and practice and an agenda for future research.

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Political Brand Identity and Image: Manifestations, Challenges and Tensions
Christopher Pich
Guja Armannsdottir
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