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Quality & Quantity

Issue 6/2017

Content (26 Articles)

The comovement between venture capital and innovation in China: what are the implications?

Jun Wen, Xiu-Yun Yang, Gen-Fu Feng, Bo Sui, Chun-Ping Chang

Is extreme response style domain specific? Findings from two studies in four countries

Elke Cabooter, Bert Weijters, Alain De Beuckelaer, Eldad Davidov

Open Access

Clusters of cultures: diversity in meaning of family value and gender role items across Europe

Eva van Vlimmeren, Guy B. D. Moors, John P. T. M. Gelissen

The impact of dependence among voters’ preferences with partial indifference

Erik Friese, William V. Gehrlein, Dominique Lepelley, Achill Schürmann