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2001 | Book

Tabular Application Development for Information Systems

An Object-Oriented Methodology

Author: Talib Damij

Publisher: Springer New York


About this book

The aim of the book is to represent a new object-oriented methodology called Tabular Application Development (TAD). The book is designed to approach the subject of Business Process Reengineering and Information Systems Development from a new prospective, which is unique to this methodology. TAD methodology has six phases and develops the information system using several tables. The concept of the methodology discussed first translates the information about the behavior of the system into different tables and then uses the information collected in the tables to develop the information system. In addition to this, the methodology covers Business Process Reengineering. In recent years BPR became a very important way of assuring changes in an organization's structure and functioning to create a better, more competitive and successful enterprise. The book is organized in three parts: introduction, methodology, and applications/case studies.

Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Overview
The book is organized in four parts: Introduction, Methodology, Applications and TAD Case-Tool.
Talib Damij
Chapter 2. Object-Oriented Concepts
Using object-oriented concepts, we try to develop an information system that gives a realistic representation of the real world. The information system developed is created as a reflection of reality and implemented to act, behave and work as the real system does.
Talib Damij
Chapter 3. Methodology Preview
The following six chapters of Part II, Methodology, deal with introducing an object-oriented methodology called Tabular Application Development (TAD). This methodology uses several tables to describe the functioning of the organization. These tables are then analyzed in order to identify the necessary changes that have to be implemented to improve and optimize the functioning of the organization. Implementation of the suggested changes in the organization’s operation is then put into effect by developing the information system of the enterprise.
Talib Damij


Chapter 4. Problem Definition
The first phase of TAD methodology is problem definition. In this phase, the real world of the problem to be solved is identified and reduced to understandable terms. The best way to begin this phase is to interview all users. We first organize meetings and interviews with management and then continue with other users.
Talib Damij
Chapter 5. Systems Functioning
The second phase of TAD methodology deals with discovering and understanding the functioning of the organization for which we intend to develop an information system or in which we wish to carry out business process reengineering.
Talib Damij
Chapter 6. Business Process Reengineering
The third phase of TAD methodology deals with using the information collected in the entity, activity and task tables, developed in the previous two phases, to carry out business process reengineering (BPR) in the organization concerned. More precisely, this phase deals with identifying and implementing changes to improve or optimize the functioning of the system.
Talib Damij
Chapter 7. Object Model
The fourth phase of TAD methodology deals with the development of the object model of the system. This phase has six steps: The first five steps create the initial object model and the sixth completes the object model.
Talib Damij
Chapter 8. Design
The first four phases of TAD Methodology represent the analysis of the real world of the system by defining its functionality and static structure. The fifth phase of the methodology deals with designing the system and preparing it for implementation. This phase has two steps. The first step specifies the operations of the object model, and the second step develops the application model of the system.
Talib Damij
Chapter 9. Implementation
The sixth phase of TAD methodology deals with the implementation of the system developed in the previous phases. The inputs to the implementation phase are
  • ■ the object model,
  • ■ the application model,
  • ■ the algorithms related to both models.
Talib Damij


Chapter 10. Internal Clinic
This chapter covers the second application (the first application was discussed throughout Chapters 4 to 9). The chapter illustrates the use of TAD methodology in developing a hospital information system. For this purpose, let us imagine a Gastroenterological Internal Clinic, which includes Care, Diagnostic, and Surgery departments. Usually, a patient is accepted by the Reception Office and then directed to the Care Department for treatment. If the doctors decide that a certain patient needs surgery, then the patient will be directed to the Surgery Department.
Talib Damij
Chapter 11. Clinic for Small Animals
This chapter introduces the third application: the use of TAD methodology to develop an information system in a clinic for small animals. The clinic had no information system. Its work involved three noncon-nected small computer applications in different locations.
Talib Damij
Chapter 12. Payment Movement
The current chapter discusses the development of an information system, which deals with a banks payment movement with customers. Payment movement is a very wide and complex process. For this reason, we cannot introduce it as a whole in this book. We will treat only a few of its primary functions, such as
  • ■ opening an account,
  • ■ withdrawing and depositing of a sum of money,
  • ■ making cheque payments,
  • ■ making credit card payments and
  • ■ closing an account.
Talib Damij
Chapter 13. Student Office
The fifth application deals with the development of an information system for a student office.
Talib Damij

TAD Case-Tool

Chapter 14. TAD Case-Tool
This final chapter introduces the TAD case-tool. This software implements most of the algorithms of TAD methodology described in the previous chapters. The purpose of developing such a case-tool is to support the use of the methodology and to enable the reader to test the ideas and concepts of the methodology explained in different phases and steps.
Talib Damij
Tabular Application Development for Information Systems
Talib Damij
Copyright Year
Springer New York
Electronic ISBN
Print ISBN