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259546 search results for:

Finance + Banking 

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  1. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Digital Transformation in Finance and Banking Sectors

    This chapter discussed the effect of digital transformation in the banking and financial sector. This chapter examined the overview of banks and the financial sector and the role of COVID-19 in increasing the pace and adoption of digital …

    Toluwa Celestine Oladele
    Published in:
    Digital Transformation in South Africa (2024)
  2. 26-02-2024 | EditorialNotes

    Introduction to the special issue on electronic commerce in banking and finance

  3. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Digital Transformation in the Finance and Banking Sector

    The finance and banking sector must embrace digital transformation more now than ever, to stay competitive. Implementation of digital transformation initiatives and strategies could unlock costs and processes efficiencies and ensure sustainable …

    Pulane Modiha
    Published in:
    Digital Transformation in South Africa (2024)
  4. 2023 | Book

    Hire Purchase Under Shirkah al-Milk (HPSM) in Islamic Banking and Finance

    A Shari'ah Analysis

    It provides a thorough exploration of the documentation and accounting procedures, while also addressing potential Shari’ah-related issues in HPSM, and will be of potential interest to students, researchers, policymakers and practitioners, offering a comprehensive understanding of how HPSM is applied within the Islamic finance industry.

    M. Kabir Hassan, Muhammad Mostofa Hossain, Aishath Muneeza
    Springer Nature Switzerland
  5. 2024 | Book

    Contemporary Issues in Finance, Investment and Banking in Malaysia

    This book is a valuable read for undergraduate students, postgraduate students, academicians, researchers, and professionals working in the economics, finance, and banking industries, particularly in Southeast Asia.

    Springer Nature Singapore
  6. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    ChatGPT in Finance and Banking

    This chapter highlights the impactful role of ChatGPT in the finance and banking sector. We examine how ChatGPT can streamline operational processes, enhance fraud detection, and personalize financial services. We further discuss its …

    Ken Huang, Xi Chen, Youwei Yang, Jyoti Ponnapalli, Grace Huang
    Published in:
    Beyond AI (2023)
  7. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Intermediaries’ Model in Banking and Finance and the Treatment of Fintech in the European Union: A Critical Approach

    Intermediation has become a major phenomenon. Major companies are acting as intermediaries between businesses and clients. European financial and banking legislation has been built around intermediaries, such as credit institutions or investment …

    Patrick Barban
    Published in:
    Commercial Banking in Transition (2024)
  8. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Potential Impact of Metaverse-Based Banking on Employment in the Banking Sector in India

    This study examines the potential impact of metaverse-based banking on employment in the banking sector in India. With the increasing adoption of digital technologies, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, metaverse-based banking is …

    Arti Singh, Ibha Rani
    Published in:
    Islamic Finance (2024)
  9. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    The Domestic Monetary System: Banking and Central Banking

    All “modern money” systems (including those of the “past 4000 years at least” as Keynes put it) are state money systems in which the sovereign chooses a money of account and then imposes tax liabilities in that unit. It can then issue currency …

    L. Randall Wray
    Published in:
    Modern Money Theory (2024)
  10. 2023 | Book

    Data Analytics for Management, Banking and Finance

    Theories and Application

    This book is a practical guide on the use of various data analytics and visualization techniques and tools in the banking and financial sectors. It focuses on how combining expertise from interdisciplinary areas, such as machine learning and …

    Springer Nature Switzerland
  11. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Decentralized Finance: How dApps Disrupt Banking

    This chapter discusses the value and need for trust in economic and financial transactions. We discuss the various definitions of trust, how money functions, and how banks have influenced the development of money. It is our intent to explain the …

    Cordelia Friesendorf, Alena Blütener
    Published in:
    Decentralized Finance (DeFi) (2023)
  12. 2024 | Book

    Islamic Finance

    New Trends in Law and Regulation

    This volume discusses the new trends in law and regulation in Islamic finance. Islamic finance is a particular component of the global financial system and is very different from secular finance. To understand the development of Islamic finance

    Book Series:
    Contributions to Management Science
    Springer Nature Switzerland
  13. 15-02-2016 | Mobile Banking | Topic page

    Mobile Banking

  14. 15-02-2016 | Online Banking | Topic page

    Online Banking

  15. 15-02-2016 | Private Banking | Topic page

    Private Banking

  16. 15-02-2016 | Multikanal-Banking | Topic page


  17. 11-02-2016 | Corporate Finance | Topic page


  18. 12-02-2016 | Kapitalmarkt | Topic page


  19. 11-02-2016 | Fremdkapital | Topic page


  20. 11-02-2016 | Eigenkapital | Topic page


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