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Urban Ecosystems

Issue 5/2023

Content (24 Articles)

Open Access

Green space in an extremely exposed part of the city center “Aorta of Warsaw” - Case study of the urban lawn

Jan Winkler, Eugeniusz Koda, Jana Červenková, Igor Děkanovský, Aleksandra Nowysz, Łukasz Mazur, Aleksandra Jakimiuk, Magdalena Daria Vaverková

Urban food forestry transforms fine-scale soil function for rapid and uniform carbon sequestration

Brad Oberle, Steven Bressan, Joseph McWilliams, Erika Díaz-Almeyda

Open Access

Biochar, but not soil microbial additives, increase the resilience of urban plant species to low water availability

Anthony Manea, Samiya Tabassum, Martin Lambert, Ariningsun Cinantya, Alessandro Ossola, Michelle R. Leishman

A novel urban vegetation mapping approach for fire risk assessment: A Mediterranean case study

Maria Mahamed (Polinova), Lea Wittenberg, Haim Kutiel, Anna Brook

Open Access

Carnivore coexistence in Chicago: niche partitioning of coyotes and red foxes

Alyson M. Cervantes, Robert L. Schooley, Elizabeth W. Lehrer, Travis Gallo, Maximilian L. Allen, Mason Fidino, Seth B. Magle

Open Access

Spatiotemporal variation in water availability drives insect community dynamics in an urban riparian zone

Alyssa Bonfoey, Sugjit Singh Padda, Zachary Stahlschmidt

Urban landscapes affect wild bee maternal investment and body size

Sandara N. R. Brasil, Merna M. R. Khair, Anthony C. Ayers, Jesse L. Huisken, Sandra M. Rehan

Open Access

Assessing the impact of free-ranging cats (Felis silvestris catus) and dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) on wildlife in a natural urban reserve in Mexico City

A. Karina Ramos-Rendón, Fernando Gual-Sill, Fernando A. Cervantes, Constantino González-Salazar, Rodrigo García-Morales, Enrique Martínez-Meyer

Open Access

The lure of the big city: smaller Danish rookeries are increasingly associated with urban land cover

Henning Heldbjerg, Claus Lunde Pedersen, Ole R. Therkildsen, Thomas Bregnballe, Henning Ettrup, Johnny Kahlert, Thomas Vikstrøm, Anthony D. Fox

Spatial-temporal effects on fish diversity and assemblages in a highly modified environment

Mohamad Aqmal-Naser, Kei’ichiro Iguchi, Amirrudin B. Ahmad

Open Access

Water in the city: visitation of animal wildlife to garden water sources and urban lakes

Esther K. Gibbons, Paul G. Close, Bronte E. Van Helden, Nicola J. Rooney

How butterfly communities are structured and have changed in urbanized areas of Marseille: a 12-year monitoring survey

M. Ternisien, M. Deschamps-Cottin, M.-H. Lizée, L. March, C. Robles, B. Vila

Open Access

Associations between wildlife observations, human-tick encounters and landscape features in a peri-urban tick hotspot

Casey L. Taylor, Henry W. Lydecker, Dieter F. Hochuli, Peter B. Banks

Open Access

Bat use of golf courses depends on surrounding landscape context

Evan Drake, Maarten Vonhof, Brooke Maslo

Fecal glucocorticoid metabolites are correlated with urbanization but not body condition in eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus)

Raven Ouellette, Gabriela Mastromonaco, Colin J. Garroway, Albrecht I Schulte-Hostedde

Open Access

Conservation of skinks in New Zealand cities

Christopher K. Woolley, Stephen Hartley, John G. Innes, Danielle F. Shanahan, Yolanda van Heezik, Deborah J. Wilson, Nicola J. Nelson

Dynamics of nest availability occurrence of Blue and Yellow Macaw (Ara ararauna) nests in the urban area of ​​Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul

Larissa Tinoco, Aline Calderan, Sabrina Cristiane Appel, Edson Diniz Lino Pereira, Maria Cecília Barbosa de Toledo, Neiva Maria Robaldo Guedes