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2014 | Book

Walter Gautschi, Volume 1

Selected Works with Commentaries

Editors: Claude Brezinski, Ahmed Sameh

Publisher: Springer New York

Book Series : Contemporary Mathematicians


About this book

Walter Gautschi has written extensively on topics ranging from special functions, quadrature and orthogonal polynomials to difference and differential equations, software implementations, and the history of mathematics. He is world renowned for his pioneering work in numerical analysis and constructive orthogonal polynomials, including a definitive textbook in the former, and a monograph in the latter area.

This three-volume set, Walter Gautschi: Selected Works with Commentaries, is a compilation of Gautschi’s most influential papers and includes commentaries by leading experts. The work begins with a detailed biographical section and ends with a section commemorating Walter’s prematurely deceased twin brother. This title will appeal to graduate students and researchers in numerical analysis, as well as to historians of science.

Selected Works with Commentaries, Vol. 1

Numerical Conditioning

Special Functions

Interpolation and Approximation

Selected Works with Commentaries, Vol. 2

Orthogonal Polynomials on the Real Line

Orthogonal Polynomials on the Semicircle

Chebyshev Quadrature

Kronrod and Other Quadratures

Gauss-type Quadrature

Selected Works with Commentaries, Vol. 3

Linear Difference Equations

Ordinary Differential Equations


History and Biography


Works of Werner Gautschi

Table of Contents

1. Preface
Walter Gautschi is a world-renowned numerical analyst whose research contributions cover a wide range of topics including numerical conditioning, special functions, interpolation and approximation, orthogonal polynomials, quadrature, linear recurrence relations, ordinary differential equations, and history of mathematics. His contributions have had a significant impact on the field, and his papers are widely cited. Walter has published 3 books, 34 book chapters, 160 refereed journal papers, 7 refereed papers in conference proceedings, translated 3 books, and edited 5 conference proceedings. His papers are characterized by their clarity of exposition and will remain excellent resources for researchers in the field. Walter has 4820 citations in Google Scholar and 174,000 citations in Google. His two books: Numerical analysis — an introduction, published by Birkhäuser, and Orthogonal polynomials — computation and approximation, published by Oxford University Press, have set a high standard for graduate textbooks in their respective subjects.
Claude Brezinski, Ahmed Sameh

Walter Gautschi

2. Biography of Walter Gautschi
Walter Gautschi was born on December 11, 1927 in Basel, Switzerland, together with his twin brother Werner. He attended primary and secondary schools in Basel, graduating in 1947 from the Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Gymnasium. He then enrolled at the University of Basel to study mathematics as the primary subject, with physics, physical chemistry, and actuarial mathematics as secondary subjects. In the early 1950s he became an assistant of Professor Alexander M. Ostrowski, obtaining a Ph. D. in 1953 under his supervision with a thesis on graphical integration of ordinary differential equations. He then received a twoyear fellowship for study abroad from the Janggen-Poehn foundation in St. Gallen, of which he spent the first year at the Istituto Nazionale per le Applicazioni del Calcolo in Rome, founded and directed by Mauro Picone, and a second year at the Harvard Computation Laboratory. It was at the Harvard Computation Laboratory where he got his first hands-on experience with electronic computers, programming (in machine code) on Professor Aiken’s MARK III computer. In 1956, under a contract with the American University, he joined the staff of the Computation Laboratory at the National Bureau of Standards in Washington, D. C. (now the National Institute of Standards and Technology). There, his major project was the preparation of two chapters of the Handbook of Mathematical Functions edited by Milton Abramowitz and Irene A. Stegun. Abramowitz introduced Walter to the work of J. C. P. Miller on backward recurrence, which became one of the early areas of emphasis in Walter’s research. Because of employment difficulties related to Walter’s Swiss citizenship, he had to leave the Bureau in 1959 and he joined Alston Householder’s Mathematics Panel at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Through contacts with chemists at the laboratory, he became interested in the numerical aspects of Gaussian quadrature and orthogonal polynomials, which was to become one of the principal areas of Walter’s research contributions. During the four years at the Oak Ridge laboratory he was twice invited to lecture at the Michigan University Engineering Summer Conferences then organized by Robert C. F. Bartels.
Claude Brezinski, Ahmed Sameh
3. A brief summary of my scientific work and highlights of my career
I have worked in a number of different areas of (mostly computational) mathematics. They are organized here in thirteen sections. For the sake of brevity, when referring to joint papers, coauthors are not identified explicitly.
Walter Gautschi
4. Publications
B1. (with H. Bavinck and G. M. Willems) Colloquium approximatietheorie, MC Syllabus 14, Mathematisch Centrum Amsterdam, 1971.
Walter Gautschi


5. Numerical conditioning
A theme running through Gautschi’s work is numerical conditioning. His many papers on this topic fall broadly into two categories: those on conditioning of Vandermonde matrices and those on conditioning of polynomials.
Nicholas J. Higham
6. Special functions
The collection of papers by Walter Gautschi dealing with special functions has, of course, connections with other sections in these volumes. First, we have to mention the article [GA29], which is included in Section 14 dedicated to difference equations, where the conditioning of three-term recurrence relations is analyzed and methods of computation using recurrence relations are developed; for a more recent review, see [GA150]. Recurrence relations are basic tools for computing special functions, particularly functions of hypergeometric type. In [GA29], also the relation between the existence of a minimal solution for the recurrence and the convergence of the associated continued fraction is discussed. Reference [GA29] is a pioneering and influential paper in the field of special functions, and it is a highly cited paper (316 citations as of now).
Javier Segura
7. Interpolation and approximation
In the papers collected here, Walter Gautschi makes vital contributions to the theory of interpolation and approximation. He considers attenuation factors in practical Fourier analysis, Padé approximants associated with Hamburger series, the convergence behavior of continued fractions with real elements, moment-preserving spline approximations, and the convergence of extended Lagrange interpolation. Further, he uses numerical computations to examine the validity of mathematical conjectures regarding zeros of Jacobi polynomials and weighted Newton–Cotes quadrature formulae.
Miodrag M. Spalević


8. Papers on Numerical Conditioning
Walter Gautschi
9. Papers on Special Functions
Walter Gautschi
10. Papers on Interpolation and Approximation
Walter Gautschi
Walter Gautschi, Volume 1
Claude Brezinski
Ahmed Sameh
Copyright Year
Springer New York
Electronic ISBN
Print ISBN

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