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A Comprehensive Review on Computer Vision and Fuzzy Logic in Forensic Science Application

Authors: Prarthi Thakkar, Darshil Patel, Isha Hirpara, Jinesh Jagani, Smit Patel, Manan Shah, Ameya Kshirsagar

Published in: Annals of Data Science | Issue 3/2023

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Criminalistics is another name for forensic science. It uses science in a criminal investigation as governed by judicial criteria of acceptable, relevant, and admissible evidence and criminal procedure. Forensic science has been around for a long time and has seen considerable changes, from fingerprint identification to DNA analysis and digital forensics. The study focuses on the most critical technologies in forensic science, then deconstructs numerous computer vision, image processing, and fuzzy logic methodologies in the large subject of forensic research. It also addresses the prospects for using the technology in approaches ranging from biometric identification to a 3D reconstruction of a crime scene. To some extent, adopting the numerous methodologies outlined in the paper helps overcome the disadvantages and challenges of traditional forensics procedures. Furthermore, some constraints are taken into account. For example, in various ways, the primary evidence is pre-processed and translated to an intermediate or more lucid form before the crux algorithms are applied. As a result, there is still plenty of room for research in this subject, such as developing solid algorithms, making the technology accept raw data, etc. If utilized correctly, forensic science technology has the potential to affect a paradigm shift in the criminal justice system.

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A Comprehensive Review on Computer Vision and Fuzzy Logic in Forensic Science Application
Prarthi Thakkar
Darshil Patel
Isha Hirpara
Jinesh Jagani
Smit Patel
Manan Shah
Ameya Kshirsagar
Publication date
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Published in
Annals of Data Science / Issue 3/2023
Print ISSN: 2198-5804
Electronic ISSN: 2198-5812

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