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2017 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

6. A Sustainable Business Model: Experiences of Indian Micro Enterprises

Authors : Rabi N. Kar, Minakshi Kar, Amrita Kaur

Published in: Towards A Common Future

Publisher: Springer Singapore

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Micro enterprises have remained an important part of the Indian economy from ancient times. Uniquely innovated through ‘Craft Technology’, some products like ‘muslin’ enjoyed pride of place in medieval India and attained fame in foreign countries until the emergence of factory-made cloth. Even today, these enterprises are at the helm of harnessing innovations for commercial purposes. However, they need technological synergies through collaborations with universities, R&D institutions and incubators. This chapter aim to explore the business models and innovative practices of micro enterprises in the Indian hinterland. It also attempts to standardize those business models, their innovations and practices, with possible synergies through collaborations that may be replicated in other developing countries.

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A Sustainable Business Model: Experiences of Indian Micro Enterprises
Rabi N. Kar
Minakshi Kar
Amrita Kaur
Copyright Year
Springer Singapore

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