Issue 3/2024
Content (18 Articles)
Nature abhors a vacuum: invasive themes and other outputs from the tenth plenary of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES-10)
- Editorial
Peter Bridgewater, Dirk S. Schmeller
A review on the biodiversity and conservation of mangrove ecosystems in Indonesia
- Review Paper
Rahman, Frijona F. Lokollo, Gratia D. Manuputty, Ronald D. Hukubun, Krisye, Maryono, Mintje Wawo, Yusli Wardiatno
Climate change from an ectotherm perspective: evolutionary consequences and demographic change in amphibian and reptilian populations
- Open Access
- Review Paper
Sofía I. Hayden Bofill, Mozes P. K. Blom
Mapping scientific fieldwork data: a potential tool for improving and strengthening Antarctic Specially Protected Areas as an effective measure for protecting Antarctic biodiversity
- Review Paper
Carla Ximena Salinas, César A. Cárdenas, Marcelo González-Aravena, Lorena Rebolledo, Francisco Santa Cruz
Cumulative effects of offshore wind farms on common guillemots (Uria aalge) in the southern North Sea - climate versus biodiversity?
- Open Access
- Original Research
Verena Peschko, Henriette Schwemmer, Moritz Mercker, Nele Markones, Kai Borkenhagen, Stefan Garthe
Diverging responses to natural and anthropogenic habitats in aftrotropical birds and butterflies
- Open Access
- Original Research
Jan Christian Habel, Moses Mulwa, Laura Wagner, Thomas Schmitt, Mike Teucher, Werner Ulrich
Species and ecological communities as management surrogates for threatened biodiversity
- Open Access
- Original Research
Javiera Olivares-Rojas, Carly N. Cook, Michelle S. Ward, Jessica C. Walsh
Human influence on the distribution of cacao: insights from remote sensing and biogeography
- Open Access
- Original Research
Matheus Colli-Silva, James Edward Richardson, Antonio Figueira, José Rubens Pirani
Modeling the effects of climate change on the habitat suitability of Mediterranean gorgonians
- Original Research
Nicolò Bellin, Valeria Rossi
Predicting the anthropogenic impacts on vegetation diversity of protected rangelands: an application of artificial intelligence
- Original Research
Ali Jahani, Maryam Saffariha, Zeinab Hosein Nezhad
Mapping pressures on biodiversity: the contribution of thematic detail to decision making
- Open Access
- Original Research
Magda Pla, Virgilio Hermoso, Joan Pino, Lluís Brotons
Bayesian analysis of biodiversity patterns via beam trawl versus video transect—a comparative case study of Svalbard rhodolith beds
- Open Access
- Original Research
Eileen Straube, Hermann Neumann, Max Wisshak, Gregor Mathes, Sebastian Teichert
“Traditional” use in a global world: unsustainable ethnozoological usage among Himalayan ethnic groups drives species to extinction
- Original Research
Shiekh Marifatul Haq, Muhammad Waheed, Rainer W. Bussmann
Conservation of freshwater biodiversity in North Africa under future climate and land-cover changes
- Original Research
Abla Belhaj, Mario Mingarro, David Sánchez-Fernández, Nard Bennas, Brahim Chergui, Susana Pallarés
Are threatened seabird colonies of the pacific ocean genetically vulnerable? The case of the red-tailed tropicbird, Phaethon rubricauda, as a model species
- Original Research
Andrea I Varela, Katherina Brokordt, Juliana A Vianna, María José Frugone, Stefanie MH Ismar-Rebitz, Chris P Gaskin, Nicholas Carlile, Terence O’Dwyer, Josh Adams, Eric A VanderWerf, Guillermo Luna-Jorquera
Perceived social benefits and drawbacks of sea turtle conservation efforts in a globally important sea turtle rookery
- Open Access
- Original Research
Sara Vieira, Victor Jiménez, Betânia Ferreira-Airaud, Antunes Pina, Venceslau Soares, Manjula Tiwari, Maria A. Teodósio, Rita Castilho, Ana Nuno
Conserving large mammals on small islands: A case study on one of the world’s most understudied pigs, the Togean islands babirusa
- Open Access
- Original Research
Agus Sudibyo Jati, Bayu Wisnu Broto, Gabriela Franzoi Dri, Kurnia Latifiana, Shawn Fraver, Ikeu Sri Rejeki, Bustang, Alessio Mortelliti
Correction: Unravelling the genetic pattern of seagrass (Posidonia oceanica) meadows in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea
- Open Access
- Correction
Victoria Litsi-Mizan, Catalina A. García-Escudero, Costas S. Tsigenopoulos, Kostas Tsiaras, Vasilis Gerakaris, Eugenia T. Apostolaki