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25-05-2023 | Original Paper

Comprehensive study of additively manufactured windings of aircraft electric machines made of powder alloy based on aluminum with carbon nanotubes

Authors: Flyur Ismagilov, Vyacheslav Vavilov, Ildus Sayakhov, Egor Pronin, Evelina Zaynagutdinova, Alexander Podguzov

Published in: Electrical Engineering | Issue 5/2023

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Serious requirements are put forward for aircraft electric machines (EMs) in terms of weight and size indicators. To reduce the mass of EMs, it is possible to consider aluminum windings, the density of which is 3 times less than that of copper windings. However, due to the much lower electrical conductivity of aluminum (40% less than that of copper), the overall performance of EMs with the same output parameters with aluminum windings is higher. In this regard, there is an interest in the electrical industry in increasing the electrical conductivity of aluminum windings. This problem can theoretically be solved by using carbon nanotubes (CNTs) together with aluminum. This article presents the results of a study of additive windings of aircraft EMs from a powder alloy based on aluminum with CNTs. Visual inspection shows that aluminum windings with CNTs have a 7.4 times more porous structure. The results of experimental studies show that after adding CNTs, the electrical conductivity of aluminum windings became 35% lower and the resistance 50% higher compared to aluminum windings without CNTs. Thus, in the presented work, additive aluminum windings with CNTs exhibit much worse electromagnetic properties compared to aluminum windings without CNTs.

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Comprehensive study of additively manufactured windings of aircraft electric machines made of powder alloy based on aluminum with carbon nanotubes
Flyur Ismagilov
Vyacheslav Vavilov
Ildus Sayakhov
Egor Pronin
Evelina Zaynagutdinova
Alexander Podguzov
Publication date
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Published in
Electrical Engineering / Issue 5/2023
Print ISSN: 0948-7921
Electronic ISSN: 1432-0487

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