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13-07-2023 | Original Paper

Influence of stator teeth deformation on the electromagnetic force and acoustic noise of claw pole alternators

Authors: Shuanglong Wu, Shaotao Chen, Jihan He, Yushen Huang, Xiangyu Yan, Zhaoguo Chen, Long Qi

Published in: Electrical Engineering | Issue 5/2023

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In this paper, the influence of stator teeth deformation on electromagnetic force and acoustic noise of claw pole alternators was investigated. The characteristics of stator teeth deformation caused by welding and assembly were first illustrated, and the influence of stator teeth deformation on the frequency and spatial order of electromagnetic force harmonics was deduced analytically. Then the electromagnetic forces of three alternators with different stator teeth deformation types were simulated by the finite element method, and compared with the electromagnetic force of nominal alternator. In addition, a multi-physics simulation model was established and the electromagnetic noise of the above three different stator teeth deformation alternators was calculated. Finally, the changes in phase current and output current of claw pole alternator with and without stator teeth deformation were analyzed. The analysis results were verified by back-EMF bench test and noise bench test. Results showed that although stator teeth deformation would not change the frequency components of the electromagnetic force, but would generate additional electromagnetic force harmonics. When the number of deformed teeth was not an integer multiple of the rotor pole-pair number, the electromagnetic force harmonics with extra spatial order would appear.

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Influence of stator teeth deformation on the electromagnetic force and acoustic noise of claw pole alternators
Shuanglong Wu
Shaotao Chen
Jihan He
Yushen Huang
Xiangyu Yan
Zhaoguo Chen
Long Qi
Publication date
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Published in
Electrical Engineering / Issue 5/2023
Print ISSN: 0948-7921
Electronic ISSN: 1432-0487

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