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Learning & Behavior

Issue 2/2017

Content (12 Articles)

Open Access Outlook

Understanding dog cognition by functional magnetic resonance imaging

Ludwig Huber, Claus Lamm


Capuchin monkeys can make and use stone tools

Edward A. Wasserman, Roger K. R. Thompson


Boosting weakened synapses to treat Alzheimer’s disease

Robert J. McDonald, Scott H. Deibel


Perceptual learning with tactile stimuli in rodents: Shaping the somatosensory system

Nicole Pacchiarini, Kevin Fox, R. C. Honey

Timing of interfering events in one-trial serial overshadowing of a taste aversion

Dorothy W. S. Kwok, Justin A. Harris, Robert A. Boakes

Rats in a levered T-maze task show evidence of time–place discriminations in two different measures

Scott H. Deibel, Andrew B. Lehr, Chelsea Maloney, Matthew L. Ingram, Leanna M. Lewis, Anne-Marie P. Chaulk, Pam D. Chaulk, Darlene M. Skinner, Christina M. Thorpe

Open Access

Effects of forced movements on learning: Findings from a choice reaction time task in rats

Hidekazu Kaneko, Hiroto Sano, Yasuhisa Hasegawa, Hiroshi Tamura, Shinya S. Suzuki