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Urban Ecosystems

Issue 2/2022

Content (25 Articles)

Forest structure and anthropogenic disturbances regulate plant invasion in urban forests

Prakash Chandra Aryal, Chandramani Aryal, Kiran Bhusal, Devendra Chapagain, Man Kumar Dhamala, Sanu Raja Maharjan, Parveen K. Chhetri

Develop a public response model of soundscape for urban landscape garden parks

Guoqing Di, Junli Xiang, Yao Yao, Cong Chen, Qinhao Lin

Open Access

Influences of landscape structure on butterfly diversity in urban private gardens using a citizen science approach

Manfred Pendl, Raja Imran Hussain, Dietmar Moser, Thomas Frank, Thomas Drapela

Greenhouse gases and green roofs: carbon dioxide and methane fluxes in relation to substrate characteristics

Md Abdul Halim, Juliana Vantellingen, Adam S. Gorgolewski, William K. Rose, Jennifer A. P. Drake, Liat Margolis, Sean C. Thomas

Predicting burrowing owl flight trajectories in urban environments

Eduardo Guimarães Santos, Helga Correa Wiederhecker, Ricardo Bomfim Machado

Response of urban tree DBH to fast urbanization: Case of coastal Zhanjiang in south China

Xia-Lan Cheng, Mir Muhammad Nizamani, Chi-Yung Jim, Salman Qureshi, Shuang Liu, Zhi-Xin Zhu, Si-Si Wu, Kelly Balfour, Hua-Feng Wang

The use of geotechnologies for the identification of the urban flora in the city of Teresina, Brazil

Marcelo Ribeiro Mesquita, Shivani Agarwal, Leonardo Henrique Guedes de Morais Lima, Maria Regiane Araujo Soares, Diogo Brunno e Silva Barbosa, Vladimir Costa Silva, Guilherme Loureiro Werneck, Carlos Henrique Nery Costa

Open Access

Assessment of dispersal and population structure of Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) in a seaport setting

Fernanda Gatto-Almeida, Amanda de Araújo Soares, Tiago Marafiga Degrandi, Liliani Marilia Tiepolo, Florian Pichlmueller, Iris Hass

Influence of habitat type and distance from source area on bird taxonomic and functional diversity in a Neotropical megacity

Marcos Antônio Melo, Patrícia Mara Sanches, Demóstenes F. Silva Filho, Augusto João Piratelli

The effect of artificial light on bat richness and nocturnal soundscapes along an urbanization gradient in an arid landscape of central Peru

José Luis Mena, Jorge Rivero, Emilio Bonifaz, Pamela Pastor, Jaime Pacheco, T. Mitchell Aide

Estimating carbon storage in urban forests of New York City

Clara C. Pregitzer, Chloe Hanna, Sarah Charlop-Powers, Mark A. Bradford

High species turnover shapes anuran community composition in ponds along an urban-rural gradient

Carolina Cunha Ganci, Diogo B. Provete, Thomas Püttker, David Lindenmayer, Mauricio Almeida-Gomes