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Empirical Economics

Issue 4/2024

Content (15 Articles)

Open Access

Uncertainty and long-run economy: the role of R &D and business dynamism

Andrzej Cieślik, Mehmet Burak Turgut

Open Access

A joint impulse response function for vector autoregressive models

Thomas F. P. Wiesen, Paul M. Beaumont

Open Access

The evolution of the natural rate of interest: evidence from the Scandinavian countries

Hanna Armelius, Martin Solberger, Erik Spånberg, Pär Österholm

Open Access

Pandemic, sentiments over COVID-19, and EU convergence

Athanasios Anastasiou, Nicholas Apergis, Athina Zervoyianni

Open Access

Job expectations and financial fragility: evidence from pre-COVID Spain

Marcos Álvarez-Espiño, Sara Fernández-López, Lucía Rey-Ares