Issue 2/2023 Special issue dedicated to Ørnulf Borgan
Content (9 Articles)
Bivariate pseudo-observations for recurrent event analysis with terminal events
Julie K. Furberg, Per K. Andersen, Sofie Korn, Morten Overgaard, Henrik Ravn
Estimating distribution of length of stay in a multi-state model conditional on the pathway, with an application to patients hospitalised with Covid-19
Ruth H. Keogh, Karla Diaz-Ordaz, Nicholas P. Jewell, Malcolm G. Semple, Liesbeth C. de Wreede, Hein Putter
Phase-type models for competing risks, with emphasis on identifiability issues
- Open Access
Bo Henry Lindqvist
Analysis and asymptotic theory for nested case–control designs under highly stratified proportional hazards models
Larry Goldstein, Bryan Langholz
The partly parametric and partly nonparametric additive risk model
- Open Access
Nils Lid Hjort, Emil Aas Stoltenberg
Cox regression can be collapsible and Aalen regression can be non-collapsible
- Open Access
Sven Ove Samuelsen
A boosting first-hitting-time model for survival analysis in high-dimensional settings
- Open Access
Riccardo De Bin, Vegard Grødem Stikbakke
On logistic regression with right censored data, with or without competing risks, and its use for estimating treatment effects
Paul Frédéric Blanche, Anders Holt, Thomas Scheike