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Low-frequency noise performance of a molybdenum ditelluride double-gate MOSFET

Authors: M. Muthu Manjula, R. Ramesh

Published in: Journal of Computational Electronics | Issue 5/2023

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This work investigates the low-frequency noise performance of a 2H-type monolayer/bilayer molybdenum ditelluride (MoTe2) double-gate MOSFET. A hybrid simulation technique involving both QuantumWise ATK and Sentaurus TCAD tools has been used to simulate the device characteristics. First, density functional theory (DFT) has been used to simulate the electrical characteristics of monolayer and bilayer 2H–MoTe2. The parameters (bandgap and effective mass, mobility etc.) obtained using the atomistic simulator tool are exported into Sentaurus TCAD to simulate the drain current characteristics. We have used the kinetic velocity model and quantum model to account for the ballistic mobility and quantum effects in the device. The noise simulation for the bilayer MoTe2 is computed using the impedance field method. Noise parameters such as noise power spectral density (SID) as a function of frequency and bias, and noise figure have also been simulated.

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Low-frequency noise performance of a molybdenum ditelluride double-gate MOSFET
M. Muthu Manjula
R. Ramesh
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Journal of Computational Electronics / Issue 5/2023
Print ISSN: 1569-8025
Electronic ISSN: 1572-8137