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Oscillations of transverse magnetoresistance in the conduction band of quantum wells at different temperatures and magnetic fields

Authors: U. I. Erkaboev, R. G. Rakhimov

Published in: Journal of Computational Electronics | Issue 2/2024

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In this work, the influence of two-dimensional state density on oscillations of transverse electrical conductivity in heterostructures with rectangular quantum wells is investigated. A new analytical expression is derived for calculating the temperature dependence of the transverse electrical conductivity oscillation and the magnetoresistance of a quantum well. For the first time, a mechanism is developed for oscillating the transverse electrical conductivity and magnetoresistance of a quantum well from the first-order derivative of the magnetic field (differential) \(\frac{{\partial \left( {\rho_{ \bot }^{2d} (E,B,T,d)} \right)}}{\partial B}\) at low temperatures and weak magnetic fields. The oscillations of electrical conductivity and magnetoresistance of a narrow-band quantum well with a non-parabolic dispersion law are investigated. The proposed theory investigates the results of experiments of a narrow-band quantum well (InxGa1−xSb). The experiment shows that the oscillations of the transverse magnetoresistance of the InxGa1−xSb quantum filament, measured at a temperature of 2 K, transform into a continuous energy spectrum due to thermal washing under the influence of the temperature growth dynamics.

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Oscillations of transverse magnetoresistance in the conduction band of quantum wells at different temperatures and magnetic fields
U. I. Erkaboev
R. G. Rakhimov
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Journal of Computational Electronics / Issue 2/2024
Print ISSN: 1569-8025
Electronic ISSN: 1572-8137