Issue 2/2023
Content (12 Articles)
- Open Access
Customer satisfaction, loyalty behaviors, and firm financial performance: what 40 years of research tells us
Vikas Mittal, Kyuhong Han, Carly Frennea, Markus Blut, Muzeeb Shaik, Narendra Bosukonda, Shrihari Sridhar
- Open Access
National customer orientation: an empirical test across 112 countries
Ofer Mintz, Imran S. Currim, Rohit Deshpandé
Strategic use of just-below numbers in packaged-foods calorie information
Robert M. Schindler, Mathew S. Isaac, Rebecca Jen-Hui Wang
The role of presentation order in consumer choice: the abrupt disparity effect
Kivilcim Dogerlioglu-Demir, Cenk Koçaş, Nilsah Cavdar Aksoy
- Open Access
An investigation of the impact of Black male and female actors on US movies’ box-office across countries
Verdiana Giannetti, Jieke Chen
- Open Access
Hollywood caught in two worlds? The impact of the Bechdel test on the international box office performance of cinematic films
Johann Valentowitsch
Understanding non-fungible tokens (NFTs): insights on consumption practices and a research agenda
Rami Alkhudary, Bertrand Belvaux, Nathalie Guibert
- Open Access
- Idea Corner
Vulnerable consumers: marketing research needs to pay more attention to the brain health of consumers
Andrija Javor, Monika Koller, Nick Lee, Hans Breiter
- Open Access
How expressing one’s likes and dislikes affects enjoyment: a replication
Julia Sophia Wittich, Jan R. Landwehr, Daniel Wentzel