2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Automatic Full Body Inverse Dynamic Analysis Based on Personalized Body Model and MoCap Data
verfasst von : M. J. Tsai, Allen Lee, H. W. Lee
Erschienen in: Advances in Mechanisms, Robotics and Design Education and Research
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
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A dual mode 3D body scanning/motion capturing system has been developed for creating personalized 3D body model as well as capturing body motion. The 3D body scanned data of an actor is arranged into a customized and structured digital body model. The body geometric parameters such as the centroid, moment of inertia, and principle axes can be accurately calculated from body segments. In addition, kinematic parameters such as joint angles, velocities, and accelerations of body segments can be computed from the motion data. Combining both the body geometric and kinematic parameters, free body diagrams are employed to balance the joint forces and moments of each body segments using New-Euler method. Finally, a full body inverse dynamics algorithm is applied to analyze the captured motion data performed by the actor. The resultant joint forces/moments are compared to those from the literatures. The whole process is completed in an automatic way without manual intervention.