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Ausgabe 2/1998

Inhalt (11 Artikel)

Guest editor’s comment

Introduction to the Special Issue: “Men in Families”

Suzanne M. Bianchi

Men’s involvement in parenting in the united states

Father by law: Effects of joint legal custody on nonresident fathers’ involvement with children

Judith A. Seltzer

Men’s involvement in parenting in the united states

Who gets custody?

Maria Cancian, Daniel R. Meyer

Men’s involvement in parenting in the united states

The impact of child support on cognitive outcomes of young children

Laura M. Argys, H. Elizabeth Peters, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Judith R. Smith

Men’s involvement in parenting in the united states

Young unwed fathers of afdc children: do they provide support?

Anu Rangarajan, Philip Gleason

Men’s involvement in parenting in the united states

Parenting from a distance: The effects of paternal characteristics on contact between nonresidential fathers and their children

Elizabeth C. Cooksey, Patricia H. Craig

Men’s involvement in parenting in the united states

Paternal involvement with adolescents in intact families: The influence of fathers over the life course

Kathleen Mullan Harris, Frank F. Furstenberg, Jeremy K. Marmer

Men’s reproductive behavior and parenting outside of the united states

Fathers and absent fathers: Sociodemographic similarities in britain and the united states

Lynda Clarke, Elizabeth C. Cooksey, Georgia Verropoulou

Men’s reproductive behavior and parenting outside of the united states

Men matter: Additive and interactive gendered preferences and reproductive behavior in kenya

F. Nii-Amoo Dodoo

Research notes

Work, income, the economy, and married fathers as child-care providers

Lynne M. Casper, Martin O’Connell