2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Distributed and Specialized Agent Communities
verfasst von : Jesús Ángel Román, Sara Rodríguez, Juan Manuel Corchado
Erschienen in: Trends in Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems
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SCODA (Distributed and Specialized Agent COmmunities) is presented, like a new modular architecture for multi-agent systems development. By means of SCODA, multi-agent systems development is allowed under specialized modular philosophy, through it, the functionalities of the system can be extended in scaled form, according to the objectives. SCODA is composed by small subsystems of agents called, Specialized Intelligent Communities (CIE), which provide the necessary functionalities to solve the objectives needed across distributed services. By means of these CIE, scalability of the systems is allowed, so that they could be re-used in different developments, independently of his purpose.