2010 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Energy Absorption of Axially-Impacted Column Controlled by Transverse Impact
verfasst von : Tadaharu Adachi
Erschienen in: Mechanics and Model-Based Control of Smart Materials and Structures
Verlag: Springer Vienna
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Energy absorption of a column under an axial impact was controlled by a transverse impact which attributed instantaneous reduction of the structural stiffness. It was found that the absorption of the axial impact energy increased due to the post-buckling deformation being enlarged by transverse impact, though the axial impact load decreased. The experiment showed that the time elapsed from the beginning of the axial impact to the transverse impact significantly influenced the energy absorption. A transverse impact applied simultaneously with an axial impact produced the highest energy absorption. The method suggested in this paper could increase the energy absorption without loosing any stiffness and static strength.