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2019 | Buch

Equidistribution and Counting Under Equilibrium States in Negative Curvature and Trees

Applications to Non-Archimedean Diophantine Approximation


Über dieses Buch

This book provides a complete exposition of equidistribution and counting problems weighted by a potential function of common perpendicular geodesics in negatively curved manifolds and simplicial trees. Avoiding any compactness assumptions, the authors extend the theory of Patterson-Sullivan, Bowen-Margulis and Oh-Shah (skinning) measures to CAT(-1) spaces with potentials. The work presents a proof for the equidistribution of equidistant hypersurfaces to Gibbs measures, and the equidistribution of common perpendicular arcs between, for instance, closed geodesics. Using tools from ergodic theory (including coding by topological Markov shifts, and an appendix by Buzzi that relates weak Gibbs measures and equilibrium states for them), the authors further prove the variational principle and rate of mixing for the geodesic flow on metric and simplicial trees—again without the need for any compactness or torsionfree assumptions.

In a series of applications, using the Bruhat-Tits trees over non-Archimedean local fields, the authors subsequently prove further important results: the Mertens formula and the equidistribution of Farey fractions in function fields, the equidistribution of quadratic irrationals over function fields in their completions, and asymptotic counting results of the representations by quadratic norm forms.

One of the book's main benefits is that the authors provide explicit error terms throughout. Given its scope, it will be of interest to graduate students and researchers in a wide range of fields, for instance ergodic theory, dynamical systems, geometric group theory, discrete subgroups of locally compact groups, and the arithmetic of function fields.


Chapter 1. Introduction
In this book, we study equidistribution and counting problems concerning locally geodesic arcs in negatively curved spaces endowed with potentials, and we deduce, from the special case of tree quotients, various arithmetic applications to equidistribution and counting problems in non-Archimedean local fields.
Anne Broise-Alamichel, Jouni Parkkonen, Frédéric Paulin

Geometry and Dynamics in Negative Curvature

Chapter 2. Negatively Curved Geometry
Let X be a geodesically complete proper CAT(–1) space, let x0 ∈ X be an arbitrary basepoint, and let Γ be a nonelementary discrete group of isometries of X.
Anne Broise-Alamichel, Jouni Parkkonen, Frédéric Paulin
Chapter 3. Potentials, Critical Exponents,and Gibbs Cocycles
Let X be a geodesically complete proper CAT(–1) space, let x0 ∈ X be an arbitrary basepoint, and let Γ be a nonelementary discrete group of isometries of X.
Anne Broise-Alamichel, Jouni Parkkonen, Frédéric Paulin
Chapter 4. Patterson–Sullivan and Bowen–Margulis Measures with Potential on CAT(–1) Spaces
In this chapter, we discuss geometrically and dynamically relevant measures on the boundary at infinity of X and on the space of geodesic lines gX.
Anne Broise-Alamichel, Jouni Parkkonen, Frédéric Paulin
Chapter 5. Symbolic Dynamics of Geodesic Flows on Trees
In this chapter, we give a coding of the discrete-time geodesic ow on the nonwandering sets of quotients of locally finite simplicial trees X without terminal vertices by nonelementary discrete subgroups of Aut(X) by a subshift of finite type on a countable alphabet.
Anne Broise-Alamichel, Jouni Parkkonen, Frédéric Paulin
Chapter 6. Random Walks on Weighted Graphs of Groups
Let X be a locally finite simplicial tree without terminal vertices, and let X = ∣X∣1 be its geometric realisation. Let Γ be a nonelementary discrete subgroup of Aut(X).
Anne Broise-Alamichel, Jouni Parkkonen, Frédéric Paulin
Chapter 7. Skinning Measures with Potential on CAT(–1) Spaces
In this chapter, we introduce skinning measures as weighted pushforwards of the Patterson{Sullivan densities associated with a potential to the unit normal bundles of convex subsets of a CAT(–1) space.
Anne Broise-Alamichel, Jouni Parkkonen, Frédéric Paulin
Chapter 8. Explicit Measure Computations for Simplicial Trees and Graphs of Groups
In this chapter, we compute skinning measures and Bowen{Margulis measures for some highly symmetric simplicial trees X endowed with a nonelementary discrete subgroup Г of Aut(X).
Anne Broise-Alamichel, Jouni Parkkonen, Frédéric Paulin
Chapter 9. Rate of Mixing for the Geodesic Flow
The main part of the chapter then consists in proving analogous bounds for the discrete-time and continuous-time geodesic ow for quotient spaces of simplicial and metric trees respectively.
Anne Broise-Alamichel, Jouni Parkkonen, Frédéric Paulin

Geometric Equidistribution and Counting

Chapter 10. Equidistribution of Equidistant Level Sets to Gibbs Measures
Before stating this equidistribution result, we begin with a technical construction that will also be useful in the following chapter.
Anne Broise-Alamichel, Jouni Parkkonen, Frédéric Paulin
Chapter 11. Equidistribution of Common Perpendicular Arcs
In this chapter, we prove the equidistribution of the initial and terminal vectors of common perpendiculars of convex subsets, at the universal covering space level, for Riemannian manifolds and for metric and simplicial trees.
Anne Broise-Alamichel, Jouni Parkkonen, Frédéric Paulin
Chapter 12. Equidistribution and Counting of Common Perpendiculars in Quotient Spaces
In this chapter, we use the results of Chapter 11 to prove equidistribution and counting results in Riemannian manifolds (or good orbifolds) and in metric and simplicial graphs (of groups).
Anne Broise-Alamichel, Jouni Parkkonen, Frédéric Paulin
Chapter 13. Geometric Applications
In this final chapter of Part II, we apply the equidistribution and counting results obtained in the previous chapters in order to study geometric equidistribution and counting problems for metric and simplicial trees concerning conjugacy classes in discrete isometry groups and closed orbits of geodesic flows.
Anne Broise-Alamichel, Jouni Parkkonen, Frédéric Paulin

Arithmetic Applications

Chapter 14. Fields with Discrete Valuations
In the present chapter, before embarking on our arithmetic applications, we recall basic facts on local fields for the convenience of the geometer reader.
Anne Broise-Alamichel, Jouni Parkkonen, Frédéric Paulin
Chapter 15. Bruhat–Tits Trees and Modular Groups
In this chapter, we give background information and preliminary results on the main link between the geometry and the algebra used for our arithmetic applications: the (discrete-time) geodesic ow on quotients of Bruhat{Tits trees by arithmetic lattices.
Anne Broise-Alamichel, Jouni Parkkonen, Frédéric Paulin
Chapter 16. Equidistribution and Counting of Rational Points in Completed Function Fields
Let K be a (global) function field over Fq of genus g, let v be a (normalised discrete) valuation of K, let Kv be the associated completion of K, and let Rv be the affine function ring associated with v.
Anne Broise-Alamichel, Jouni Parkkonen, Frédéric Paulin
Chapter 17. Equidistribution and Counting of Quadratic Irrational Points in Non-Archimedean Local Fields
We use these results to deduce equidistribution and counting results of quadratic irrational elements in non-Archimedean local fields.
Anne Broise-Alamichel, Jouni Parkkonen, Frédéric Paulin
Chapter 18. Equidistribution and Counting of Cross-ratios
The following properties of relative heights are easy to check using the definitions, the invariance properties of the cross-ratio, and Equation (17.1).
Anne Broise-Alamichel, Jouni Parkkonen, Frédéric Paulin
Chapter 19. Equidistribution and Counting of Integral Representations by Quadratic Norm Forms
In the final chapter of this book, we give another arithmetic equidistribution and counting result of rational elements in non-Archimedean local fields of positive characteristic, again using our geometric equidistribution and counting results of common perpendiculars in trees summarised in Section 15.4.
Anne Broise-Alamichel, Jouni Parkkonen, Frédéric Paulin
Equidistribution and Counting Under Equilibrium States in Negative Curvature and Trees
verfasst von
Anne Broise-Alamichel
Jouni Parkkonen
Frédéric Paulin
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