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2012 | Buch

Interactive Theorem Proving

Third International Conference, ITP 2012, Princeton, NJ, USA, August 13-15, 2012. Proceedings

herausgegeben von: Lennart Beringer, Amy Felty

Verlag: Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Buchreihe : Lecture Notes in Computer Science


Über dieses Buch

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the Third International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving, ITP 2012, held in Princeton, NJ, USA, in August 2012. The 21 revised full papers presented together with 4 rough diamond papers, 3 invited talks, and one invited tutorial were carefully reviewed and selected from 40 submissions. Among the topics covered are formalization of mathematics; program abstraction and logics; data structures and synthesis; security; (non-)termination and automata; program verification; theorem prover development; reasoning about program execution; and prover infrastructure and modeling styles.



Invited Talks

MetiTarski: Past and Future
A brief overview is presented of MetiTarski [4], an automatic theorem prover for real-valued special functions: ln , \(\exp\), sin, cos, etc. MetiTarski operates through a unique interaction between decision procedures and resolution theorem proving. Its history is briefly outlined, along with current projects. A simple collision avoidance example is presented.
Lawrence C. Paulson
Computer-Aided Cryptographic Proofs
EasyCrypt is an automated tool that supports the machine-checked construction and verification of security proofs of cryptographic systems, and that has been used to verify emblematic examples of public-key encryption schemes, digital signature schemes, hash function designs, and block cipher modes of operation. The purpose of this paper is to motivate the role of computer-aided proofs in the broader context of provable security and to illustrate the workings of EasyCrypt through simple introductory examples.
Gilles Barthe, Juan Manuel Crespo, Benjamin Grégoire, César Kunz, Santiago Zanella Béguelin
A Differential Operator Approach to Equational Differential Invariants
(Invited Paper)
Hybrid systems, i.e., dynamical systems combining discrete and continuous dynamics, have a complete axiomatization in differential dynamic logic relative to differential equations. Differential invariants are a natural induction principle for proving properties of the remaining differential equations. We study the equational case of differential invariants using a differential operator view. We relate differential invariants to Lie’s seminal work and explain important structural properties resulting from this view. Finally, we study the connection of differential invariants with partial differential equations in the context of the inverse characteristic method for computing differential invariants.
André Platzer

Invited Tutorial

Abella: A Tutorial
Abella is an interactive theorem prover aimed at developing the meta-theory of programming languages, logics, and other systems with binding. Abella uses a higher-order abstract syntax representation of object systems, and the Abella logic provides rich features for manipulating this representation. The result is that binding-related issues are handled automatically by Abella, so users are freed to focus directly on the interesting parts of their proofs. This tutorial explains these concepts in depth and illustrates them through examples from various domains.
Andrew Gacek

Formalization of Mathematics I

A Cantor Trio: Denumerability, the Reals, and the Real Algebraic Numbers
We present a formalization in ACL2(r) of three proofs originally done by Cantor. The first two are different proofs of the non-denumerability of the reals. The first, which was described by Cantor in 1874, relies on the completeness of the real numbers, in the form that any infinite chain of closed, bounded intervals has a non-empty intersection. The second proof uses Cantor’s celebrated diagonalization argument, which did not appear until 1891. The third proof is of the existence of real transcendental (i.e., non-algebraic) numbers. It also appeared in Cantor’s 1874 paper, as a corollary to the non-denumerability of the reals. What Cantor ingeniously showed is that the algebraic numbers are denumerable, so every open interval must contain at least one transcendental number.
Ruben Gamboa, John Cowles
Construction of Real Algebraic Numbers in Coq
This paper shows a construction in Coq of the set of real algebraic numbers, together with a formal proof that this set has a structure of discrete Archimedean real closed field. This construction hence implements an interface of real closed field. Instances of such an interface immediately enjoy quantifier elimination thanks to a previous work. This work also intends to be a basis for the construction of complex algebraic numbers and to be a reference implementation for the certification of numerous algorithms relying on algebraic numbers in computer algebra.
Cyril Cohen
A Refinement-Based Approach to Computational Algebra in Coq
We describe a step-by-step approach to the implementation and formal verification of efficient algebraic algorithms. Formal specifications are expressed on rich data types which are suitable for deriving essential theoretical properties. These specifications are then refined to concrete implementations on more efficient data structures and linked to their abstract counterparts. We illustrate this methodology on key applications: matrix rank computation, Winograd’s fast matrix product, Karatsuba’s polynomial multiplication, and the gcd of multivariate polynomials.
Maxime Dénès, Anders Mörtberg, Vincent Siles

Program Abstraction and Logics

Bridging the Gap: Automatic Verified Abstraction of C
Before low-level imperative code can be reasoned about in an interactive theorem prover, it must first be converted into a logical representation in that theorem prover. Accurate translations of such code should be conservative, choosing safe representations over representations convenient to reason about. This paper bridges the gap between conservative representation and convenient reasoning. We present a tool that automatically abstracts low-level C semantics into higher level specifications, while generating proofs of refinement in Isabelle/HOL for each translation step. The aim is to generate a verified, human-readable specification, convenient for further reasoning.
David Greenaway, June Andronick, Gerwin Klein
Abstract Interpretation of Annotated Commands
This paper formalizes a generic abstract interpreter for a while-language, including widening and narrowing. The collecting semantics and the abstract interpreter operate on annotated commands: the program is represented as a syntax tree with the semantic information directly embedded, without auxiliary labels. The aim of the paper is simplicity of the formalization, not efficiency or precision. This is motivated by the inclusion of the material in a theorem prover based course on semantics.
Tobias Nipkow
Verifying and Generating WP Transformers for Procedures on Complex Data
We present the formalized theory of a weakest precondition calculus for procedures on complex data with integrity constraints. The theory defines the assertion language and the wp-transformer. It contains the proofs for soundness and “weakestness” of the preconditions. Furthermore, we formalize a normalization process that eliminates all elementary updates from preconditions. This normalization property is important for efficient checking of the preconditions in programs. The theory is completely realized in Isabelle/HOL and used for generating the Haskell implementation of the wp-transformer and the normalization process.
The wp generation is developed for procedures on complex data with integrity constraints, for example XML documents satisfying a schema. Efficient checkability allows maintaining the constraints with acceptable computing resources. It is a central motivation of our work and has influenced many design decisions.
Patrick Michel, Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter

Data Structures and Synthesis

Bag Equivalence via a Proof-Relevant Membership Relation
Two lists are bag equivalent if they are permutations of each other, i.e. if they contain the same elements, with the same multiplicity, but perhaps not in the same order. This paper describes how one can define bag equivalence as the presence of bijections between sets of membership proofs. This definition has some desirable properties:
  • Many bag equivalences can be proved using a flexible form of equational reasoning.
  • The definition generalises easily to arbitrary unary containers, including types with infinite values, such as streams.
  • By using a slight variation of the definition one gets set equivalence instead, i.e. equality up to order and multiplicity. Other variations give the subset and subbag preorders.
  • The definition works well in mechanised proofs.
Nils Anders Danielsson
Applying Data Refinement for Monadic Programs to Hopcroft’s Algorithm
We provide a framework for program and data refinement in Isabelle/HOL. It is based on a refinement calculus for monadic expressions and provides tools to automate canonical tasks such as verification condition generation. It produces executable programs, from which Isabelle/HOL can generate verified, efficient code in various languages, including Standard ML, Haskell and Scala.
In order to demonstrate the practical applicability of our framework, we present a verified implementation of Hopcroft’s algorithm for automata minimisation.
Peter Lammich, Thomas Tuerk
Synthesis of Distributed Mobile Programs Using Monadic Types in Coq
We present a methodology for the automatic synthesis of certified, distributed, mobile programs with side effects in Erlang, using the Coq proof assistant.
First, we define monadic types in the Calculus of Inductive Constructions, using a lax monad covering the distributed computational aspects. These types can be used for the specifications of programs in Coq. From the (constructive) proofs of these specifications we can extract Haskell code, which is decorated with symbols representing distributed nodes and specific operations for distributed computations. These syntactic annotations are exploited by a back-end compiler to produce actual mobile code for a suitable runtime environment (Erlang, in our case).
Then, we introduce an object type theory for distributed computations, which can be used as a front-end programming language. These types and terms are translate to CIC extended with monadic types; this allows us to prove the soundess of the object type theory, and to obtain an implementation of the language via Coq’s extraction features.
This methodology can be ported to other computational aspects, by suitably adapting the monadic type theory and the back-end compiler.
Marino Miculan, Marco Paviotti


Towards Provably Robust Watermarking
Watermarking techniques are used to help identify copies of publicly released information. They consist in applying a slight and secret modification to the data before its release, in a way that should be robust, i.e., remain recognizable even in (reasonably) modified copies of the data. In this paper, we present new results about the robustness of watermarking schemes against arbitrary attackers, and the formalization of those results in Coq. We used the Alea library, which formalizes probability theory and models probabilistic programs using a simple monadic translation. This work illustrates the strengths and particularities of the induced style of reasoning about probabilistic programs. Our technique for proving robustness is adapted from methods commonly used for cryptographic protocols, and we discuss its relevance to the field of watermarking.
David Baelde, Pierre Courtieu, David Gross-Amblard, Christine Paulin-Mohring
Priority Inheritance Protocol Proved Correct
In real-time systems with threads, resource locking and priority scheduling, one faces the problem of Priority Inversion. This problem can make the behaviour of threads unpredictable and the resulting bugs can be hard to find. The Priority Inheritance Protocol is one solution implemented in many systems for solving this problem, but the correctness of this solution has never been formally verified in a theorem prover. As already pointed out in the literature, the original informal investigation of the Property Inheritance Protocol presents a correctness “proof” for an incorrect algorithm. In this paper we fix the problem of this proof by making all notions precise and implementing a variant of a solution proposed earlier. Our formalisation in Isabelle/HOL uncovers facts not mentioned in the literature, but also shows how to efficiently implement this protocol. Earlier correct implementations were criticised as too inefficient. Our formalisation is based on Paulson’s inductive approach to verifying protocols.
Xingyuan Zhang, Christian Urban, Chunhan Wu
Formalization of Shannon’s Theorems in SSReflect-Coq
The most fundamental results of information theory are Shannon’s theorems. These theorems express the bounds for reliable data compression and transmission over a noisy channel. Their proofs are non-trivial but rarely detailed, even in the introductory literature. This lack of formal foundations makes it all the more unfortunate that crucial results in computer security rely solely on information theory (the so-called “unconditional security”). In this paper, we report on the formalization of a library for information theory in the SSReflect extension of the Coq proof-assistant. In particular, we produce the first formal proofs of the source coding theorem (that introduces the entropy as the bound for lossless compression), and the direct part of the more difficult channel coding theorem (that introduces the capacity as the bound for reliable communication over a noisy channel).
Reynald Affeldt, Manabu Hagiwara

(Non-)Termination and Automata

Stop When You Are Almost-Full
Adventures in Constructive Termination
Disjunctive well-foundedness, size-change termination, and well-quasi-orders are examples of techniques that have been successfully applied to program termination. Although these works originate in different communities, they rely on closely related principles and both employ similar arguments from Ramsey theory. At the same time there is a notable absence of these techniques in programming systems based on constructive type theory. In this paper we’d like to highlight the aforementioned connection and make the core ideas widely accessible to theoreticians and programmers, by offering a development in type theory which culminates in some novel tools for induction. Inevitably, we have to present some Ramsey-like arguments: Though similar proofs are typically classical, we offer an entirely constructive development based on the work of Bezem and Veldman, and Richman and Stolzenberg.
Dimitrios Vytiniotis, Thierry Coquand, David Wahlstedt
Certification of Nontermination Proofs
Automatic tools for proving (non)termination of term rewrite systems, if successful, deliver proofs as justification. In this work, we focus on how to certify nontermination proofs. Besides some techniques that allow to reduce the number of rules, the main way of showing nontermination is to find a loop, a finite derivation of a special shape that implies nontermination. For standard termination, certifying loops is easy. However, it is not at all trivial to certify whether a given loop also implies innermost nontermination. To this end, a complex decision procedure has been developed in [1]. We formalized this decision procedure in Isabelle/HOL and were able to simplify some parts considerably. Furthermore, from our formalized proofs it is easy to obtain a low complexity bound. Along the way of presenting our formalization, we report on generally applicable ideas that allow to reduce the formalization effort and improve the efficiency of our certifier.
Christian Sternagel, René Thiemann
A Compact Proof of Decidability for Regular Expression Equivalence
The article describes a compact formalization of the relation between regular expressions and deterministic finite automata, and a formally verified, efficient algorithm for testing regular expression equivalence, both based on the notion of pointed regular expression [8].
Andrea Asperti

Program Verification

Using Locales to Define a Rely-Guarantee Temporal Logic
In this paper, we present an agent-based logic called Rely-Guarantee Temporal Logic (RGTL), developed using the Isabelle theorem prover. RGTL provides a formalism for expressing complex temporal-logic specifications of multi-agent systems, as well as a compositional method of reasoning about the dependencies between components in such a system. Taking advantage of Isabelle’s locale functionality, we are able to express various choices about the notion of “strategy” used in the logic (e.g., memoryless/memory-based) as parameters to the semantics, whereas previously these choices were considered to define semantics for distinct variants of agent-based logics. We can then state and formally verify various aspects of RGTL, including its reasoning principles and its expressiveness relative to Alternating-time Temporal Logic (ATL), independently of the type of underlying strategies, by using locales to axiomatize the necessary requirements on strategies.
William Mansky, Elsa L. Gunter
A Framework for Higher-Order Separation Logic in Coq
We present a comprehensive set of tactics for working with a shallow embedding of a higher-order separation logic for a subset of Java in Coq. The tactics make it possible to reason at a level of abstraction similar to pen-and-paper separation-logic proof outlines. In particular, the tactics allow the user to reason in the embedded logic rather than in the concrete model, where the stacks and heaps are exposed. The development is generic in the choice of heap model, and most of the development is also independent of the choice of programming language.
Jesper Bengtson, Jonas Braband Jensen, Lars Birkedal

Rough Diamonds I: Reasoning about Program Execution

Mechanised Separation Algebra
We present an Isabelle/HOL library with a generic type class implementation of separation algebra, develop basic separation logic concepts on top of it, and implement generic automated tactic support that can be used directly for any instantiation of the library. We show that the library is usable by multiple example instantiations that include structures such as a heap or virtual memory, and report on our experience using it in operating systems verification.
Gerwin Klein, Rafal Kolanski, Andrew Boyton
Directions in ISA Specification
This rough diamond presents a new domain-specific language (DSL) for producing detailed models of Instruction Set Architectures, such as ARM and x86. The language’s design and methodology is discussed and we propose future plans for this work. Feedback is sought from the wider theorem proving community in helping establish future directions for this project. A parser and interpreter for the DSL has been developed in Standard ML, with an ARMv7 model used as a case study.
Anthony Fox

Theorem Prover Development

More SPASS with Isabelle
Superposition with Hard Sorts and Configurable Simplification
Sledgehammer for Isabelle/HOL integrates automatic theorem provers to discharge interactive proof obligations. This paper considers a tighter integration of the superposition prover SPASS to increase Sledgehammer’s success rate. The main enhancements are native support for hard sorts (simple types) in SPASS, simplification that honors the orientation of Isabelle simp rules, and a pair of clause-selection strategies targeted at large lemma libraries. The usefulness of this integration is confirmed by an evaluation on a vast benchmark suite and by a case study featuring a formalization of language-based security.
Jasmin Christian Blanchette, Andrei Popescu, Daniel Wand, Christoph Weidenbach
A Language of Patterns for Subterm Selection
This paper describes the language of patterns that equips the SSReflect proof shell extension for the Coq system. Patterns are used to focus proof commands on subexpressions of the conjecture under analysis in a declarative manner. They are designed to ease the writing of proof scripts and to increase their readability and maintainability.
A pattern can identify the subexpression of interest approximating the subexpression itself, or its enclosing context or both. The user is free to choose the most convenient option.
Patterns are matched following an extremely precise and predictable discipline, that is carefully designed to admit an efficient implementation.
In this paper we report on the language of patterns, its matching algorithm and its usage in the formal library developed by the Mathematical Components team to support the verification of the Odd Order Theorem.
Georges Gonthier, Enrico Tassi

Formalization of Mathematics II

Numerical Analysis of Ordinary Differential Equations in Isabelle/HOL
Many ordinary differential equations (ODEs) do not have a closed solution, therefore approximating them is an important problem in numerical analysis. This work formalizes a method to approximate solutions of ODEs in Isabelle/HOL.
We formalize initial value problems (IVPs) of ODEs and prove the existence of a unique solution, i.e. the Picard-Lindelöf theorem. We introduce generic one-step methods for numerical approximation of the solution and provide an analysis regarding the local and global error of one-step methods.
We give an executable specification of the Euler method as an instance of one-step methods. With user-supplied proofs for bounds of the differential equation we can prove an explicit bound for the global error. We use arbitrary-precision floating-point numbers and also handle rounding errors when we truncate the numbers for efficiency reasons.
Fabian Immler, Johannes Hölzl
Proof Pearl: A Probabilistic Proof for the Girth-Chromatic Number Theorem
The Girth-Chromatic number theorem is a theorem from graph theory, stating that graphs with arbitrarily large girth and chromatic number exist. We formalize a probabilistic proof of this theorem in the Isabelle/HOL theorem prover, closely following a standard textbook proof and use this to explore the use of the probabilistic method in a theorem prover.
Lars Noschinski

Rough Diamonds II: Prover Infrastructure and Modeling Styles

Standalone Tactics Using OpenTheory
Proof tools in interactive theorem provers are usually developed within and tied to a specific system, which leads to a duplication of effort to make the functionality available in different systems. Many verification projects would benefit from access to proof tools developed in other systems. Using OpenTheory as a language for communicating between systems, we show how to turn a proof tool implemented for one system into a standalone tactic available to many systems via the internet. This enables, for example, LCF-style proof reconstruction efforts to be shared by users of different interactive theorem provers and removes the need for each user to install the external tool being integrated.
Ramana Kumar, Joe Hurd
Functional Programs: Conversions between Deep and Shallow Embeddings
This paper presents a method which simplifies verification of deeply embedded functional programs. We present a technique by which proof-certified equations describing the effect of functional programs (shallow embeddings) can be automatically extracted from their operational semantics. Our method can be used in reverse, i.e. from shallow to deep embeddings, and thus for implementing certifying code synthesis: we have implemented a tool which maps HOL functions to equivalent Lisp functions, for which we have a verified Lisp runtime. A key benefit, in both directions, is that the verifier does not need to understand the operational semantics that gives meanings to the deep embeddings.
Magnus O. Myreen
Interactive Theorem Proving
herausgegeben von
Lennart Beringer
Amy Felty
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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