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2021 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

1. Introduction

verfasst von : Ryszard Bartnik, Tomasz Wojciech Kowalczyk

Erschienen in: Hierarchical Gas-Gas Systems

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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Hierarchical systems (Figs. 2.​3, 2.​4, 3.​1, 3.​2 and 3.​3) are multi-level, clockwise or anticlockwise systems. The clockwise systems include heat engines, while the anticlockwise—heat and power machines. The basic property of hierarchical systems is the fact that heat from an external heat source is input only for one cycle. For an engine it is the cycle superior in hierarchy, i.e. the cycle operating at the highest temperature range, while for a heat and power machine, chiller or heat exchanger it is the lowest cycle in the hierarchy, i.e. the cycle operating at the lowest temperature range. For each remaining cycles the input heat is the heat exported from cycles, in the case of engine, in the hierarchy directly above them, while for a heat and power machine, from cycles located directly below them (Figs. 2.​3, 2.​4).

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Zurück zum Zitat Bartnik R (2009) Gas-steam power plants and combined heat and power plants. Energy and economic efficiency (in Polish: Elektrownie i elektrociepłownie gazowoparowe. Efektywność energetyczna i ekonomiczna), WNT, Warszawa 2009 (reprint 2012, 2017) Bartnik R (2009) Gas-steam power plants and combined heat and power plants. Energy and economic efficiency (in Polish: Elektrownie i elektrociepłownie gazowoparowe. Efektywność energetyczna i ekonomiczna), WNT, Warszawa 2009 (reprint 2012, 2017)
Zurück zum Zitat Bartnik R, Buryn Z, Hnydiuk-Stefan A, Skomudek W (2020) Power Plant Retrofit and Modernization (in Polish: Modernizacja elektrowni. Efektywność energetyczna i ekonomiczna), WNT, Warszawa Bartnik R, Buryn Z, Hnydiuk-Stefan A, Skomudek W (2020) Power Plant Retrofit and Modernization (in Polish: Modernizacja elektrowni. Efektywność energetyczna i ekonomiczna), WNT, Warszawa
Zurück zum Zitat Bartnik R, Buryn Z, Hnydiuk-Stefan A, Skomudek W (2019) Dual-fuel gas-steam combined heat and power plants (in polish: dwupaliwowe elektrownie i elektrociepłownie gazowo-parowe. Efektywność energetyczna i ekonomiczna), WNT, Warszawa Bartnik R, Buryn Z, Hnydiuk-Stefan A, Skomudek W (2019) Dual-fuel gas-steam combined heat and power plants (in polish: dwupaliwowe elektrownie i elektrociepłownie gazowo-parowe. Efektywność energetyczna i ekonomiczna), WNT, Warszawa
Zurück zum Zitat Bartnik R (2013) The modernization potential of gas turbines in the coal-fired power industry. Thermal and Economic Effectiveness, Springer, London Bartnik R (2013) The modernization potential of gas turbines in the coal-fired power industry. Thermal and Economic Effectiveness, Springer, London
Zurück zum Zitat Bartnik R, Buryn Z, Hnydiuk-Stefan A (2017) Methodology and a continuous time mathematical model for selecting the optimum capacity of a heat accumulator integrated with a CHP plant (in Polish: Ekonomika Energetyki w modelach matematycznych z czasem ciągłym). Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa Bartnik R, Buryn Z, Hnydiuk-Stefan A (2017) Methodology and a continuous time mathematical model for selecting the optimum capacity of a heat accumulator integrated with a CHP plant (in Polish: Ekonomika Energetyki w modelach matematycznych z czasem ciągłym). Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa
Zurück zum Zitat Bartnik R, Bartnik B (2014) Economic calculation in the energy sector (in Polish: Rachunek ekonomiczny w energetyce). WNT, Warszawa Bartnik R, Bartnik B (2014) Economic calculation in the energy sector (in Polish: Rachunek ekonomiczny w energetyce). WNT, Warszawa
verfasst von
Ryszard Bartnik
Tomasz Wojciech Kowalczyk