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2008 | Buch

High-Level Synthesis

From Algorithm to Digital Circuit

herausgegeben von: Philippe Coussy, Adam Morawiec

Verlag: Springer Netherlands



1. User Needs
One can see successful adoption in industry of innovative technologies mainly in the cases where they provide acceptable solution to very concrete problems that this industry is facing. High-level synthesis promises to be one of the solutions to cope with the significant increase in the demand for design productivity beyond the state-of-the-art methods and flows. It also offers an unparalleled possibility to explore the design space in an efficient way by dealing with higher abstraction levels and fast implementation ways to prove the feasibility of algorithms and enables optimisation of performances.Beyond the productivity improvement, which is of course very pertinent in the design practice, the system and SoC companies are more and more concerned with their overall capability to design highly complex systems providing sophisticated functions and services. High-level synthesis may considerably contribute to maintain such a design capability in the context of continuously increasing chip manufacturing capacities and ever growing customer demand for function-rich products.
In this chapter three leading industrial users present their expectations with regard to the high-level synthesis technology and the results of their experiments in practical application of currently available HLS tools and flows. The users also draw conclusions on the future directions in which they wish to see the high-level synthesis evolves like multi-clock domain support, block interface synthesis, joint optimisation of the datapath and control logic, integration of automated testing to the generated hardware or efficient taking into account of the target implementation technology for ASICs and FPGAs in the synthesis process.
Pascal Urard, Joonhwan Yi, Hyukmin Kwon, Alexandre Gouraud
2. High-Level Synthesis: A Retrospective
High-level Synthesis or HLS represented an ambitious attempt by the community to provide capabilities for “algorithms to gates” for a period of almost three decades. The technical challenge in realizing this goal drew researchers from various areas ranging from parallel programming, digital signal processing, and logic synthesis to expert systems. This article takes a journey through the years of research in this domain with a narrative view of the lessons learnt and their implication for future research. As with any retrospective, it is written from a purely personal perspective of our research efforts in the domain, though we have made a reasonable attempt to document important technical developments in the history of high-level synthesis.
Rajesh Gupta, Forrest Brewer
3. Catapult Synthesis: A Practical Introduction to Interactive C Synthesis
The design complexity of today's electronic applications has outpaced traditional RTL methods which involve time consuming manual steps such as micro-architecture definition, handwritten RTL, simulation, debug and area/speed optimization through RTL synthesis. The Catapult® Synthesis tool moves hardware designers to a more productive abstraction level, enabling the efficient design of complex ASIC/FPGA hardware needed in modern applications. By synthesizing from specifications in the form of ANSI C++ programs, hardware designers can now leverage a precise and repeatable process to create hardware much faster than with conventional manual methods. The result is an error-free flow that produces accurate RTL descriptions tuned to the target technology.
This paper provides a practical introduction to interactive C synthesis with Catapult® Synthesis. Our introduction gives a historical perspective on high-level synthesis and attempts to demystify the stereotyped views about the scope and applicability of such tools. In this part we will also take a look at what is at stake – beyond technology – for successful industrial deployment of a high-level synthesis methodology. The second part goes over the Catapult workflow and compares the Catapult approach with traditional manual methods. In the third section, we provide a detailed overview on how to code, constrain and optimize a design with the Catapult Synthesis tool. The theoretical concepts revealed in this section will be illustrated and applied in the real-life case study presented in the fourth part, just prior to the concluding section.
Thomas Bollaert
4. Algorithmic Synthesis Using PICO
An Integrated Framework for Application Engine Synthesis and Verification from High Level C Algorithms
The increasing SoC complexity and a relentless pressure to reduce time-to-market have left the hardware and system designers with an enormous design challenge. The bulk of the effort in designing an SoC is focused on the design of product-defining application engines such as video codecs and wireless modems. Automatic synthesis of such application engines from a high level algorithmic description can significantly reduce both design time and design cost. This chapter reviews high level requirements for such a system and then describes the PICO (Program-In, Chip-Out) system, which provides an integrated framework for the synthesis and verification of application engines from high level C algorithms. PICO's novel approach relies on aggressive compiler technology, a parallel execution model based on Kahn process networks, and a carefully designed hardware architecture template that is cost-efficient, provides high performance, and is sensitive to circuit level and system level design constraints. PICO addresses the complete hardware design flow including architecture exploration, RTL design, RTL verification, system validation and system integration. For a large class of modern embedded applications, PICO's approach has been shown to yield extremely competitive designs at a fraction of the resources used traditionally thereby closing the proverbial design productivity gap.
Shail Aditya, Vinod Kathail
5. High-Level SystemC Synthesis with Forte's Cynthesizer
This chapter will describe the SystemC-based design style and verification approach used with the Cynthesizer high-level synthesis product from Forte Design Systems. It will outline the SystemC and C++ constructs that are supported for synthesis and cover C++ techniques used for creating modular, reusable interfaces. Techniques for specifying constraints and controlling the high-level synthesis results will be described.
Michael Meredith
6. AutoPilot: A Platform-Based ESL Synthesis System
The rapid increase of complexity in System-on-a-Chip design urges the design community to raise the level of abstraction beyond RTL. Automated behavior-level and system-level synthesis are naturally identified as next steps to replace RTL synthesis and will greatly boost the adoption of electronic system-level (ESL) design. High-level executable specifications, such as C, C++, or SystemC, are also preferred for system-level verification and hardware/software co-design.
In this chapter we present a commercial platform-based ESL synthesis system, named AutoPilot™ offered by AutoESL Design Technologies, Inc. AutoPilot is based on the xPilot system originally developed at UCLA. It automatically generates efficient RTL code from C, C++ or SystemC descriptions for a given system platform and simultaneously optimize logic, interconnects, performance, and power. Preliminary experiments demonstrate very promising results for a wide range of applications, including hardware synthesis, system-level design exploration, and reconfigurable accelerated computing.
Zhiru Zhang, Yiping Fan, Wei Jiang, Guoling Han, Changqi Yang, Jason Cong
7. “All-in-C” Behavioral Synthesis and Verification with CyberWorkBench
From C to Tape-Out with No Pain and A Lot of Gain
This chapter introduces the benefits of C language-based behavioral synthesis design methodology over traditional RTL-based methods for System LSI, or SoC designs. A comprehensive C-based tool flow, based on CyberWorkBench™ (CWB), developed during the last 20 years at NEC's R&D laboratories is introduced. This includes behavioral synthesis and formal verification and hardware—software co-simulation of entire complex SoC. First we introduce the “all-in-C” concept based on CWB.
Then we discuss the behavioral synthesis for various types of circuits and examine the advantages of behavioral synthesis on the hand of commercial ICs. We show that currently entire SoCs are created using this flow in a fraction of the time taken by traditional approaches.
Behavioral IP and C-based configurable processor synthesis and automatic architecture exploration is explained next. At the end we demonstrate a real world example of a mobile phone SoC where most of the modules are synthesized from C descriptions using CWB.
Kazutoshi Wakabayashi, Benjamin Carrion Schafer
8. Bluespec: A General-Purpose Approach to High-Level Synthesis Based on Parallel Atomic Transactions
Bluespec SystemVerilog (BSV) provides an approach to high-level synthesis that is general-purpose. That is, it is widely applicable across the spectrum of data- and control-oriented blocks found in modern SoCs. BSV is explicitly parallel and based on atomic transactions, the best-known tool for specifying complex concurrent behavior, which is so prevalent in SoCs. BSV's atomic transactions encompass communication protocols across module boundaries, enabling robust scaling to large systems and robust IP reuse. The timing model is smoothly refinable from initial coarse functional models to final production designs. A powerful type system, extreme parameterization, and higher-order descriptions permit a single parameterized source to generate any member of a family of microarchitectures with different performance targets (area, clock speed, power); here, too, the key enabler is the control-adaptivity arising out of atomic transactions. BSV's features enable design by refinement from executable specification to final implementation; architectural exploration with early architectural feedback; early fast executable models for software development; and a path to formal verification.
Rishiyur S. Nikhil
9. GAUT: A High-Level Synthesis Tool for DSP Applications
From C Algorithm to RTL Architecture
This chapter presents GAUT, an academic and open-source high-level synthesis tool dedicated to digital signal processing applications. Starting from an algorithmic bit-accurate specification written in C/C++, GAUT extracts the potential parallelism before processing the allocation, the scheduling and the binding tasks. Mandatory synthesis constraints are the throughput and the clock period while the memory mapping and the I/O timing diagram are optional. GAUT next generates a potentially pipelined architecture composed of a processing unit, a memory unit and a communication with a GALS/LIS interface.
Philippe Coussy, Cyrille Chavet, Pierre Bomel, Dominique Heller, Eric Senn, Eric Martin
10. User Guided High Level Synthesis
The User Guided Synthesis approach targets the generation of coprocessor under timing and resource constraints. Unlike other approaches that discover the architecture through a specific interpretation of the source code, this approach requires that the user guides the synthesis by specifying a draft of its data-path architecture. By providing this information, the user can get nearly the expected design in one shot instead of obtaining an acceptable design after an iterative process. Of course, providing a data-path draft limits its use to circuit designers.
The approach requires three inputs: The first input is the description of the algorithm to be hardwired. It is purely functional, and does not contain any statement or pragma indicating cycle boundaries. The second input is a draft of the data-path on which the algorithm is to be executed. The third one is the target frequency of the generated hardware.
The synthesis method is organized in two main tasks. The first task, called Coarse Grain Scheduling, targets the generation of a fully functional data-path. Using the functional input and the draft of the data-path (DDP), that basically is a directed graph whose nodes are functional or memorization operators and whose arcs indicate the authorized data-flow among the nodes, this task generates two outputs
  • The first one is a RT level synthesizable description of the final coprocessor datapath, by mapping the instructions of the functional description on the DDP.
  • The second one is a coarse grain finite state machine in which each operator takes a constant amount of time to execute. It describes the flow of control without knowledge of the exact timing of the operators, but exhibits the parallelism among the instruction flow.
The data-path is synthesized, placed and routed with back-end tools. After that, the timings such as propagation, set-up and hold-times, are extracted and the second task, called Fine Grain Scheduling, takes place. It basically performs the retiming of the Coarse Grain finite state machine taking into account the target frequency and the fine timings of the data-path implementation.
Compared to the classical High Level Synthesis approaches, the User Guided Synthesis induces new algorithmic problems. For Coarse Grain Scheduling, it consists of finding whether an arithmetic and logic expression of the algorithmic input can be mapped on the given draft data-path or not, and when several mappings are found, to choose the one that maximizes the parallelism and minimizes the added resources. So the Coarse Grain Scheduling can be seen as a classical compiler, the differences being firstly that the target instruction set is not hardwired in the compiler but described fully or partially in the draft data-path, and secondly that a small amount of hardware can be added by the tools to optimize speed.
For Fine Grain Scheduling, it consists of reorganizing the finite state machine to ensure that the data-path commands are synchronized with the execution delays of the operators they control. The fine grain scheduling also poses interesting algorithmic problems, both in optimization and in scheduling.
Ivan Augé, Frédéric Pétrot
11. Synthesis of DSP Algorithms from Infinite Precision Specifications
Digital signal processing (DSP) technology is the core of many modern application areas. Computer vision, data compression, speech recognition and synthesis, digital audio and cameras, are a few of themany fields where DSP technology is essential.
Although Moore’s law continues to hold in the semiconductor industry, the computational demands of modern DSP algorithms outstrip the available computational power of modern microprocessors. This necessitates the use of custom hardware implementations for DSP algorithms. Design of these implementations is a time consuming and complex process. This chapter focuses on techniques that aim to partially automate this task.
The main thesis of this chapter is that domain-specific knowledge for DSP allows the specification of behaviour at infinite precision, adding an additional ‘axis’ of arithmetic accuracy to the typical design space of power consumption, area, and speed. We focus on two techniques, one general and one specific, for optimizing DSP designs.
Christos-Savvas Bouganis, George A. Constantinides
12. High-Level Synthesis of Loops Using the Polyhedral Model
The MMAlpha Software
High-level synthesis (HLS) of loops allows efficient handling of intensive computations of an application, e.g. in signal processing. Unrolling loops, the classical technique used in most HLS tools, cannot produce regular parallel architectures which are often needed. In this Chapter, we present, through the example of the MMAlpha testbed, basic techniques which are at the heart of loop analysis and parallelization. We present here the point of view of the polyhedral model of loops, where iterative calculations are represented as recurrence equations on integral polyhedra. Illustrated from an example of string alignment, we describe the various transformations allowing HLS and we explain how these transformations can be merged in a synthesis flow.
Steven Derrien, Sanjay Rajopadhye, Patrice Quinton, Tanguy Risset
13. Operation Scheduling: Algorithms and Applications
Operation scheduling (OS) is an important task in the high-level synthesis process. An inappropriate scheduling of the operations can fail to exploit the full potential of the system. In this chapter, we try to give a comprehensive coverage on the heuristic algorithms currently available for solving both timing and resource constrained scheduling problems. Besides providing a broad survey on this topic, we focus on some of the most popularly used algorithms, such as List Scheduling, Force-Directed Scheduling and Simulated Annealing, as well as the newly introduced approach based on the Ant Colony Optimization meta-heuristics. We discuss in details on their applicability and performance by comparing them on solution quality, performance stability, scalability, extensibility, and computation cost.Moreover, as an application of operation scheduling, we introduce a novel uniformed design space exploration method that exploits the duality of the time and resource constrained scheduling problems, which automatically constructs a high quality time/area tradeoff curve in a fast, effective manner.
Gang Wang, Wenrui Gong, Ryan Kastner
14. Exploiting Bit-Level Design Techniques in Behavioural Synthesis
Most conventional high-level synthesis algorithms and commercial tools handle specification operations in a very conservative way, as they assign operations to one or several consecutive clock cycles, and to one functional unit of equal or larger width. Independently of the parameter to be optimized, area, execution time, or power consumption, more efficient implementations could be derived from handling operations at the bit level. This way, one operation can be decomposed into several smaller ones that may be executed in several inconsecutive cycles and over several functional units. Furthermore, the execution of one operation fragment can begin once its input operands are available, even if the calculus of its predecessors finishes at a later cycle, and also arithmetic properties can be partially applied to specification operations. These design strategies may be either exploited within the high-level synthesis, or applied to optimize behavioural specifications or register-transfer-level implementations.
María Carmen Molina, Rafael Ruiz-Sautua, José Manuel Mendías, Román Hermida
15. High-Level Synthesis Algorithms for Power and Temperature Minimization
Increasing digital system complexity and integration density motivate automation of the integrated circuit design process. High-level synthesis is a promising method of increasing designer productivity. Continued process scaling and increasing integration density result in increased power consumption, power density, and temperature. High-level synthesis for integrated circuit (IC) power and thermal optimization has been an active research area in the recent past. This chapter explains the challenges power and temperature optimization pose for high-level synthesis researchers and summarizes research progress to date.
Li Shang, Robert P. Dick, Niraj K. Jha
High-Level Synthesis
herausgegeben von
Philippe Coussy
Adam Morawiec
Springer Netherlands
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