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2019 | Buch

Fixed Point Theorems and Applications


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This book addresses fixed point theory, a fascinating and far-reaching field with applications in several areas of mathematics. The content is divided into two main parts. The first, which is more theoretical, develops the main abstract theorems on the existence and uniqueness of fixed points of maps. In turn, the second part focuses on applications, covering a large variety of significant results ranging from ordinary differential equations in Banach spaces, to partial differential equations, operator theory, functional analysis, measure theory, and game theory. A final section containing 50 problems, many of which include helpful hints, rounds out the coverage. Intended for Master’s and PhD students in Mathematics or, more generally, mathematically oriented subjects, the book is designed to be largely self-contained, although some mathematical background is needed: readers should be familiar with measure theory, Banach and Hilbert spaces, locally convex topological vector spaces and, in general, with linear functional analysis.



Fixed Point Theorems

Chapter 1. The Banach Contraction Principle
In this case, it is readily seen that there exists the smallest value \(\lambda \) for which the inequality holds, called the Lipschitz constant of f.
Vittorino Pata
Chapter 2. The Boyd-Wong Theorem
The following result is proved in Boyd and Wong (Proc Amer Math Soc 20:458–464, 1969 [8]).
Vittorino Pata
Chapter 3. Further Extensions of the Contraction Principle
Further generalizations of the BCP Theorem 1.​1 can be found in the literature (see, e.g., [30, 36]). We report here a couple of results in that direction.
Vittorino Pata
Chapter 4. Weak Contractions
We now dwell on the case of maps on a metric space which are contractive without being contractions.
Vittorino Pata
Chapter 5. Contractions of -Type
Let (Xd) be a complete metric space. Selecting an arbitrary \(x_0\in X\), that we may call the zero of X, we denote.
Vittorino Pata
Chapter 6. Sequences of Maps and Fixed Points
Let (Xd) be a complete metric space. We consider the problem of convergence of fixed points for a sequence of maps \(f_n:X\rightarrow X\). Corollary 1.​3 will be implicitly used in the statements of the next two theorems.
Vittorino Pata
Chapter 7. Fixed Points of Non-expansive Maps
Let X be a Banach space, \(C\subset X\) nonempty, closed, bounded and convex, and let \(f:C\rightarrow C\) be a non-expansive map, namely, such that
$$d(f(x),f(y))\le d(x,y),\qquad \forall x, y\in C.$$
The problem is whether f admits a fixed point in C. The answer, in general, is false.
Vittorino Pata
Chapter 8. The Riesz Mean Ergodic Theorem
If T is a non-expansive linear map of a uniformly convex Banach space, then all the fixed points of T are recovered by means of a limit procedure.
Vittorino Pata
Chapter 9. The Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem
For every integer \(n\ge 1\), we denote the n-dimensional unit disk.
Vittorino Pata
Chapter 10. The Schauder-Tychonoff Fixed Point Theorem
In order to prove the main result of this chapter, the Schauder-Tychonoff fixed point theorem, we first need a definition and a lemma.
Vittorino Pata
Chapter 11. Further Consequences of the Schauder-Tychonoff Theorem
In concrete applications it is somehow easier to work with functions defined on the whole space X, and rather ask more restrictive conditions, such as compactness, on the maps.
Vittorino Pata
Chapter 12. The Markov-Kakutani Theorem
This result is concerned with common fixed points of a family of linear maps.
Vittorino Pata
Chapter 13. The Kakutani-Ky Fan Theorem
Along this chapter, let X be a locally convex space.
Vittorino Pata

Some Applications

Chapter 14. The Implicit Function Theorem
Let XY be Banach spaces, let \(x_0\in U\subset X\) with U open, and let \(f:U\rightarrow Y\).
Vittorino Pata
Chapter 15. Location of Zeros
Let XY be Banach spaces, and \(f: B_X(x_0,r)\rightarrow Y\) be a Fréchet differentiable map. In order to find a zero for f, the idea is to apply an iterative method constructing a sequence \(x_n\) starting from \(x_0\) so that \(x_{n+1}\) is the zero of the tangent \(\tau \) of f at the point \(x_{n}\) (see Definition 14.​2). Assuming then \([f'(x)]^{-1}\in L(Y, X)\) on \(B_X(x_0,r)\), one has
Vittorino Pata
Chapter 16. Ordinary Differential Equations in Banach Spaces
Let X be a Banach space, and let [ab] be a closed bounded interval of the real line. The notion of Riemann integral and the related properties can be extended with no differences from the case of real-valued functions to X-valued functions on [ab].
Vittorino Pata
Chapter 17. The Lax-Milgram Lemma
Let V be a real Hilbert space with scalar product \(\langle \cdot ,\cdot \rangle _V\) and norm \(\Vert \cdot \Vert _V\). We denote the action of an element \(v^*\) of the dual space \(V^*\) on \(v\in V\) by \(\langle v^*, v\rangle \).
Vittorino Pata
Chapter 18. An Abstract Elliptic Problem
Let \((V,\langle \cdot ,\cdot \rangle _V,\Vert \cdot \Vert _V)\) be a real Hilbert space. Again, we denote the action of an element \(v^*\) of the dual space \(V^*\) on \(v\in V\) by \(\langle v^*, v\rangle \).
Vittorino Pata
Chapter 19. Semilinear Evolution Equations
Let X be a Banach space. Assume we are given an evolution equation in X of the form.
Vittorino Pata
Chapter 20. An Abstract Parabolic Problem
Let \((V,H, V^*)\) be a Hilbert triple, with V separable and \(V\Subset H\) (cf. Chap. 17 ff.), and let \(A:V\rightarrow V^*\) be an elliptic operator associated to a continuous and coercive symmetric bilinear form on V (which can be assumed to be equal to the scalar product of V).
Vittorino Pata
Chapter 21. The Invariant Subspace Problem
The invariant subspace problem is probably the problem of operator theory. The question, that attracted the attention of a great number of mathematicians, is quite simple to state.
Vittorino Pata
Chapter 22. Measure Preserving Maps on Compact Hausdorff Spaces
Let X be a compact Hausdorff space, and let P(X) be the set of all  Borel probability measures on X. By means of the Riesz representation theorem,  the dual space of \({\mathcal C}(X)\) can be identified with the space M(X) of complex regular Borel measures on X Recall that the norm \(\Vert \mu \Vert \) of an element \(\mu \in M(X)\) is given by the total variation of \(\mu \). It is straightforward to check that P(X) is convex and closed in the weak\(^*\) topology of M(X).
Vittorino Pata
Chapter 23. Invariant Means on Semigroups
Let S be a semigroup, that is, a set endowed with an associative product
$$(s, t)\mapsto st.$$
We consider the (real) Banach space of all real-valued bounded functions on S, namely,
$$\ell ^\infty (S)=\Big \{f:S\rightarrow {\mathbb R}\,\,\,\text { such that}\,\,\,\Vert f\Vert \doteq \sup _{s\in S}|f(s)|<\infty \Big \}. $$
An element \(f\in \ell ^\infty (S)\) is called positive if \(f(s)\ge 0\) for every \(s\in S\). A linear functional \({\Lambda }:\ell ^\infty (S)\rightarrow {\mathbb R}\) is called positive if \({\Lambda }f\ge 0\) for every positive element \(f\in \ell ^\infty (S)\). We agree to denote a constant function on S by the value of the constant.
Vittorino Pata
Chapter 24. Haar Measures
A topological group is a group G endowed with a Hausdorff topology that makes the group operations continuous; namely, the map \((x, y)\mapsto xy\) is continuous for every \(x, y\in G\), and the map \(x\mapsto x^{-1}\) is continuous for every \(x\in G\).
Vittorino Pata
Chapter 25. Game Theory
We consider a game with \(n\ge 2\) players, under the assumption that the players do not cooperate among themselves. Each player pursues a strategy, in dependence of the strategies of the other players.
Vittorino Pata

Some Problems

Chapter 26. Problems
Let X be a metric space (not necessarily complete). A map \(f:X\rightarrow X\) is said to be closed if, whenever \(x_n\rightarrow x\) and \(f(x_n)\rightarrow y\), it follows that \(y=f(x)\).
Vittorino Pata
Fixed Point Theorems and Applications
verfasst von
Prof. Vittorino Pata
Electronic ISBN
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