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1993 | Buch

One-Dimensional Dynamics

verfasst von: Welington de Melo, Sebastian van Strien

Verlag: Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Buchreihe : Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 3. Folge / A Series of Modern Surveys in Mathematics


Über dieses Buch

One-dimensional dynamics has developed in the last decades into a subject in its own right. Yet, many recent results are inaccessible and have never been brought together. For this reason, we have tried to give a unified ac count of the subject and complete proofs of many results. To show what results one might expect, the first chapter deals with the theory of circle diffeomorphisms. The remainder of the book is an attempt to develop the analogous theory in the non-invertible case, despite the intrinsic additional difficulties. In this way, we have tried to show that there is a unified theory in one-dimensional dynamics. By reading one or more of the chapters, the reader can quickly reach the frontier of research. Let us quickly summarize the book. The first chapter deals with circle diffeomorphisms and contains a complete proof of the theorem on the smooth linearizability of circle diffeomorphisms due to M. Herman, J.-C. Yoccoz and others. Chapter II treats the kneading theory of Milnor and Thurstonj also included are an exposition on Hofbauer's tower construction and a result on fuB multimodal families (this last result solves a question posed by J. Milnor).


Chapter 0. Introduction
This book is about real one-dimensional discrete dynamical systems. We consider continuous maps f: NN where N is an interval or a circle and — if this leads to better results — we shall often assume that f is smooth.
Welington de Melo, Sebastian van Strien
Chapter I. Circle Diffeomorphisms
This chapter is devoted to the study of invertible one-dimensional dynamical systems. In the later chapters we shall see that, although the non-invertible case is quite different, many techniques and theorems for analyzing these non-invertible systems find their roots in the invertible case. One of our aims in this book is to emphasize these similarities.
Welington de Melo, Sebastian van Strien
Chapter II. The Combinatorics of One-Dimensional Endomorphisms
In this chapter we will discuss endomorphisms of the circle and of the interval from a combinatorial point of view. The aim is to develop an analogue to the topological description of circle homeomorphisms given in Section I.1. As in that section, the main ingredient here is symbolic dynamics and the structure to be considered is the order structure of the interval or of the circle.
Welington de Melo, Sebastian van Strien
Chapter III. Structural Stability and Hyperbolicity
In this chapter we want to analyze which one-dimensional systems are structurally stable. In Chapter I this question was quite easy to answer: a circle diffeomorphism is structurally stable if and only if all periodic points of f are hyperbolic. Moreover structurally stable diffeomorphisms form an open and dense set. (These statements were shown in Exercise I.4.1.) For non-invertible maps the situation is much more complicated and partly unknown. The concept of hyperbolicity of some infinite compact set will play an essential role in this discussion. As we will see in this chapter non-invertible one-dimensional dynamical systems have many infinite hyperbolic sets whereas circle diffeomorphisms have none.
Welington de Melo, Sebastian van Strien
Chapter IV. The Structure of Smooth Maps
In the last chapter we described the structure of the unimodal maps with negative Schwarzian derivative. The ingredients we used were: i) the combinatorial theory of Section II.3; ii) the finiteness of attractors; iii) the non-existence of wandering intervals. For ii) and iii) we used the assumption on the Schwarzian derivative.
Welington de Melo, Sebastian van Strien
Chapter V. Ergodic Properties and Invariant Measures
In this chapter we want to study the typical behaviour of orbits. Up till now we have seen that the topological behaviour of interval maps is quite well understood: for example if f is a unimodal interval map with negative Schwarzian derivative and such that the fixed point on the boundary is repelling, then by Guckenheimer’s theorem, see Theorem III.4.1, there are three possibilities:
f has a periodic attractor and then the basin of this attractor is a dense set in the interval;
f is infinitely renormalizable and then there exists a corresponding solenoidal Cantor set on which f acts as an adding machine, and, furthermore, a dense set of points is attracted by this Cantor set;
f is finitely often renormalizable and f is transitive on some finite union of intervals Λ: there exists a dense orbit in Λ. A dense set of points is attracted to A and periodic points appear densely in Λ.
Welington de Melo, Sebastian van Strien
Chapter VI. Renormalization
In this chapter we will discuss the renormalization techniques which were introduced in one-dimensional dynamics independently by Feigenbaum (1978), (1979) and Coullet and Tresser (1978) to explain some quantitative and universal phenomena appearing in bifurcations of one parameter families of unimodal maps. More precisely, let f t be a full one parameter family of unimodal maps of the interval I = [−1, 1]. For instance, f t may be the quadratic family. As we saw in Section II.5, because f t is a full family, there exists an interval [al, b1] in the parameter space such that for every t in this interval, f t has a restrictive interval Il,t = [p′(t),p(t)]of period 2 where p(t) is a fixed point of f t and f t(p′(t)) = p(t). Furthermore, f t 2 is a unimodal map from Il,t into itself and the family [a l, b 1] ∋tf t 2 | I 1,t is again full. In particular, \(f_{b1}^2|{I_{1,b1}}\) is a surjective unimodal map and there is a parameter value \({\tilde b_1}\) ∈(a 1, b1) such that the critical point of \(f_{{{\tilde b}_1}}^2|{I_{1,{{\tilde b}_1}}}\) is a fixed point. Since this family of first return maps is again full, we can repeat the argument and we get, by induction, a decreasing sequence of intervals [a n , b n ] in the parameter space, and, for each t∈[a n , b n ] an interval I n,tI such that the first return map of f t to I n, t is a unimodal map which coincides with the restriction of \(f_t^{{2^n}}\) to this interval. Furthermore, \(t \mapsto f_t^{{2^n}}|{I_{n,t}}\) is a full family of unimodal maps. In particular, there exists \({\tilde b_n} \in [{a_n},{b_n}]\) such that the critical point of \({f_{\tilde b}}_n\) is periodic of period 2 n and f t has zero topological entropy for \(t \leqslant {\tilde b_n}\). Let a , be the limit of a n when n → ∞. As we have seen before \({f_{a\infty }}\) has an attracting Cantor set and the dynamics of the restriction of \({f_{a\infty }}\) to this Cantor set is conjugate to the adding machine, see Section III.4.
Welington de Melo, Sebastian van Strien
Chapter VII. Appendix
The purpose of this appendix is to present some basic definitions, theorems and background material for this book. We assume the reader to be familiar with manifolds.
Welington de Melo, Sebastian van Strien
One-Dimensional Dynamics
verfasst von
Welington de Melo
Sebastian van Strien
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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