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1983 | Buch | 3. Auflage


An Introduction

verfasst von: Professor Dr. Dr. h. c. Hermann Haken

Verlag: Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Buchreihe : Springer Series in Synergetics


Über dieses Buch

Over the past years the field of synergetics has been mushrooming. An ever­ increasing number of scientific papers are published on the subject, and numerous conferences all over the world are devoted to it. Depending on the particular aspects of synergetics being treated, these conferences can have such varied titles as "Nonequilibrium Nonlinear Statistical Physics," "Self-Organization," "Chaos and Order," and others. Many professors and students have expressed the view that the present book provides a good introduction to this new field. This is also reflected by the fact that it has been translated into Russian, Japanese, Chinese, German, and other languages, and that the second edition has also sold out. I am taking the third edition as an opportunity to cover some important recent developments and to make the book still more readable. First, I have largely revised the section on self-organization in continuously extended media and entirely rewritten the section on the Benard instability. Sec­ ond, because the methods of synergetics are penetrating such fields as eco­ nomics, I have included an economic model on the transition from full employ­ ment to underemployment in which I use the concept of nonequilibrium phase transitions developed elsewhere in the book. Third, because a great many papers are currently devoted to the fascinating problem of chaotic motion, I have added a section on discrete maps. These maps are widely used in such problems, and can reveal period-doubling bifurcations, intermittency, and chaos.


1.. Goal
Why You Might Read This Book
Let us begin with some typical observations of our daily life. When we bring a cold body in contact with a hot body, heat is exchanged so that eventually both bodies acquire the same temperature (Fig. 1.1). The system has become completely homogeneous, at least macroscopically. The reverse process, however, is never observed in nature. Thus there is a unique direction into which this process goes.
Hermann Haken
2.. Probability
What We Can Learn From Gambling
The objects we shall investigate in our book may be quite different. In most cases, however, we shall treat systems consisting of very many subsystems of the same kind or of very few kinds. In this chapter we deal with the subsystems and define a few simple relations. A single subsystem may be among the following:
  • atoms
  • molecules
  • photons (light quanta)
  • cells
  • plants
  • animals
  • students
Hermann Haken
3.. Information
How to Be Unbiased
In this chapter we want to show how, by some sort of new interpretation of probability theory, we get an insight into a seemingly quite different discipline, namely information theory. Consider again the sequence of tossing a coin with outcomes 0 and 1. Now interpret 0 and 1 as a dash and dot of a Morse alphabet. We all know that by means of a Morse alphabet we can transmit messages so that we may ascribe a certain meaning to a certain sequence of symbols. Or, in other words, a certain sequence of symbols carries information. In information theory we try to find a measure for the amount of information.
Hermann Haken
4.. Chance
How Far a Drunken Man Can Walk
While in Chapter 2 we dealt with a fixed probability measure, we now study stochastic processes in which the probability measure changes with time. We first treat models of Brownian movement as example for a completely stochastic motion. We then show how further and further constraints, for example in the frame of a master equation, render the stochastic process a more and more deterministic process.
This Chapter 4, and Chapter 5, are of equal importance for what follows. Since Chapter 4 is somewhat more difficult to read, students may also first read 5 and then 4. On the other hand, Chapter 4 continues directly the line of thought of Chapters 2 and 3. In both cases, chapters with an asterisk in the heading may be omitted during a first reading.
Hermann Haken
5.. Necessity
Old Structures Give Way to New Structures
This chapter deals with completely deterministic processes. The question of stability of motion plays a central role. When certain parameters change, stable motion may become unstable and completely new types of motion (or structures) appear. Though many of the concepts are derived from mechanics, they apply to many disciplines.
Hermann Haken
6.. Chance and Necessity
Reality Needs Both
Consider a football dribbled ahead over the grass by a football (soccer) player. Its velocity v changes due to two causes. The grass continuously slows the ball down by a friction force whereas the football player randomly increases the velocity of the ball by his kicks.
Hermann Haken
7.. Self-Organization
Long-Living Systems Slave Short-Living Systems
In this chapter we come to our central topic, namely, organization and self-organization. Before we enter into the mathematical treatment, let us briefly discuss what we understand by these two words in ordinary life.
Hermann Haken
8.. Physical Systems
The laser is nowadays one of the best understood many-body problems. It is a system far from thermal equilibrium and it allows us to study cooperative effects in great detail. We take as an example the solid-state laser which consists of a set of laser-active atoms embedded in a solid state matrix (cf. Fig. 1.9). As usual, we assume that the laser end faces act as mirrors serving two purposes: They select modes in axial direction and with discrete cavity frequencies. In our model we shall treat atoms with two energy levels. In thermal equilibrium the levels are occupied according to the Boltzmann distribution function. By exciting the atoms, we create an inverted population which may be described by a negative temperature. The excited atoms now start to emit light which is eventually absorbed by the surroundings, whose temperature is much smaller than ℏω/k B (where ω is the light frequency of the atomic transition and k B is Boltzmann’s constant) so that we may put this temperature ≈ 0. From a thermodynamic point of view the laser is a system (composed of the atoms and the field) which is coupled to reservoirs at different temperatures. Thus the laser is a system far from thermal equilibrium.
Hermann Haken
9.. Chemical and Biochemical Systems
Basically, we may distinguish between two different kinds of chemical processes:
Several chemical reactants are put together at a certain instant, and we are then studying the processes going on. In customary thermodynamics, one usually compares only the reactants and the final products and observes in which direction a process goes. This is not the topic we want to treat in this book. We rather consider the following situation, which may serve as a model for biochemical reactants.
Several reactants are continuously fed into a reactor where new chemicals are continuously produced. The products are then removed in such a way that we have steady state conditions. These processes can be maintained only under conditions far from thermal equilibrium. A number of interesting questions arise which will have a bearing on theories of formation of structures in biological systems and on theories of evolution. The questions we want to focus our attention on are especially the following:
Under which conditions can we get certain products in large well-controlled concentrations?
Can chemical reactions produce spatial or temporal or spatio-temporal patterns?
To answer these questions we investigate the following problems:
deterministic reaction equations without diffusion
deterministic reaction equations with diffusion
Hermann Haken
10.. Applications to Biology
In theoretical biology the question of cooperative effects and self-organization nowadays plays a central role. In view of the complexity of biological systems this is a vast field. We have selected some typical examples out of the following fields:
Ecology, population-dynamics
Hermann Haken
11.. Sociology and Economics
Intuitively it is rather obvious that formation of public opinion, actions of social groups, etc., are of a cooperative nature. On the other hand it appears extremely difficult if not impossible to put such phenomena on a rigorous basis because the actions of individuals are determined by quite a number of very often unknown causes. On the other hand, within the spirit of this book, we have seen that in systems with many subsystems there exist at least two levels of description: One analysing the individual system and its interaction with its surrounding, and the other one describing the statistical behavior using macroscopic variables. It is on this level that a quantitative description of interacting social groups becomes possible.
Hermann Haken
12.. Chaos
Sometimes scientists like to use dramatic words of ordinary language in their science and to attribute to them a technical meaning. We already saw an example in Thorn’s theory of “catastrophes”. In this chapter we become acquainted with the term “chaos”. The word in its technical sense refers to irregular motion. In previous chapters we encountered numerous examples for regular motions, for instance an entirely periodic oscillation, or the regular occurrence of spikes with well-defined time intervals. On the other hand, in the chapters about Brownian motion and random processes we treated examples where an irregular motion occurs due to random, i. e., in principle unpredictable, causes.
Hermann Haken
13.. Some Historical Remarks and Outlook
The reader who has followed us through our book has been most probably amazed by the profound analogies between completely different systems when they pass through an instability. This instability is caused by a change of external parameters and leads eventually to a new macroscopic spatio-temporal pattern of the system. In many cases the detailed mechanism can be described as follows: close to the instability point we may distinguish between stable and unstable collective motions (modes). The stable modes are slaved by the unstable modes and can be eliminated. In general, this leads to an enormous reduction of the degrees of freedom. The remaining unstable modes serve as order parameters determining the macroscopic behavior of the system. The resulting equations for the order parameters can be grouped into a few universality classes which describe the dynamics of the order parameters. Some of these equations are strongly reminiscent of those governing first and second order phase transitions of physical systems in thermal equilibrium. However, new kinds of classes also occur, for instance describing pulsations or oscillations. The interplay between stochastic and deterministic “forces” (“chance and necessity”) drives the systems from their old states into new configurations and determines which new configuration is realized.
Hermann Haken
verfasst von
Professor Dr. Dr. h. c. Hermann Haken
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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