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2017 | Buch

Periods and Nori Motives


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This book casts the theory of periods of algebraic varieties in the natural setting of Madhav Nori’s abelian category of mixed motives. It develops Nori’s approach to mixed motives from scratch, thereby filling an important gap in the literature, and then explains the connection of mixed motives to periods, including a detailed account of the theory of period numbers in the sense of Kontsevich-Zagier and their structural properties.
Period numbers are central to number theory and algebraic geometry, and also play an important role in other fields such as mathematical physics. There are long-standing conjectures about their transcendence properties, best understood in the language of cohomology of algebraic varieties or, more generally, motives. Readers of this book will discover that Nori’s unconditional construction of an abelian category of motives (over fields embeddable into the complex numbers) is particularly well suited for this purpose. Notably, Kontsevich's formal period algebra represents a torsor under the motivic Galois group in Nori's sense, and the period conjecture of Kontsevich and Zagier can be recast in this setting.
Periods and Nori Motives is highly informative and will appeal to graduate students interested in algebraic geometry and number theory as well as researchers working in related fields. Containing relevant background material on topics such as singular cohomology, algebraic de Rham cohomology, diagram categories and rigid tensor categories, as well as many interesting examples, the overall presentation of this book is self-contained.



Background Material

Chapter 1. General Set-Up
In this chapter we collect some standard notation used throughout the book.
Annette Huber, Stefan Müller-Stach
Chapter 2. Singular Cohomology
In this chapter we give a short introduction to singular cohomology. Many properties are only sketched, as this theory is considerably better known than de Rham cohomology, for example.
Annette Huber, Stefan Müller-Stach
Chapter 3. Algebraic de Rham Cohomology
Let k be a field of characteristic zero. We are going to define relative algebraic de Rham cohomology for general varieties over k, not necessarily smooth.
Annette Huber, Stefan Müller-Stach
Chapter 4. Holomorphic de Rham Cohomology
We are going to define a natural comparison isomorphism between algebraic de Rham cohomology and singular cohomology of varieties over the complex numbers with coefficients in \(\mathbb {C}\). The link is provided by holomorphic de Rham cohomology, which we study in this chapter.
Annette Huber, Stefan Müller-Stach
Chapter 5. The Period Isomorphism
The aim of this section is to define well-behaved isomorphisms between singular and de Rham cohomology of algebraic varieties.
Annette Huber, Stefan Müller-Stach
Chapter 6. Categories of (Mixed) Motives
We review different candidates for the category of motives over a field k.
Annette Huber, Stefan Müller-Stach

Nori Motives

Chapter 7. Nori’s Diagram Category
We explain Nori’s construction of an abelian category attached to the representation of a diagram and establish some properties for it. The construction is completely formal. It mimics the standard construction of the Tannakian dual of a rigid tensor category with a fibre functor. Only, we do not have a tensor product or even a category but only what we should think of as the fibre functor.
Annette Huber, Stefan Müller-Stach
Chapter 8. More on Diagrams
The aim of this chapter is to introduce and study additional structures on a diagram such that its diagram category becomes a rigid tensor category. The assumptions are tailored to the application to Nori motives.
Annette Huber, Stefan Müller-Stach
Chapter 9. Nori Motives
We describe Nori’s construction of an abelian category of motives. It is defined as the diagram category (see Chaps. 7 and 8) of a certain diagram. It is universal for all cohomology theories that can be compared with singular cohomology.
Annette Huber, Stefan Müller-Stach
Chapter 10. Weights and Pure Nori Motives
In this chapter, we explain how Nori motives relate to other categories of motives. By the work of Harrer, the realisation functor from geometric motives to absolute Hodge motives factors via Nori motives. We then use this in order to establish the existence of a weight filtration on Nori motives with rational coefficients. The category of pure Nori motives turns out to be equivalent to André’s category of motives via motivated cycles.
Annette Huber, Stefan Müller-Stach


Chapter 11. Periods of Varieties
A period, or more precisely, a period number may be thought of as the value of an integral that occurs in a geometric context. In their papers [Kon99, KZ01], Kontsevich and Zagier list various ways of defining a period. We show that all these variants give the same notion.
Annette Huber, Stefan Müller-Stach
Chapter 12. Kontsevich–Zagier Periods
We compare the set of Kontsevich–Zagier periods defined by integrals over semi-algebraic subsets of \(\mathbb {R}^n\) with cohomological periods.
Annette Huber, Stefan Müller-Stach
Chapter 13. Formal Periods and the Period Conjecture
Following Kontsevich (see Kontsevich in Operads and motives in deformation quantization. Lett. Math. Phys. 48(1):35–72, 1999), we now introduce another algebra \(\tilde{\mathbb {P}}(k)\) of formal periods from the same data we have used in order to define the actual period algebra of a field in Chap. 11. The main aim of this chapter is to give conceptual interpretation of this algebra of formal periods. We then use it to formulate and discuss the period conjecture.
Annette Huber, Stefan Müller-Stach


Chapter 14. Elementary Examples
In this section, we treat some basic examples like values of logarithms, quadratic forms and periods of curves.
Annette Huber, Stefan Müller-Stach
Chapter 15. Multiple Zeta Values
We study in some detail the very important class of periods called multiple zeta values (MZV). These are periods of mixed Tate motives, which we discussed in Sect. 6.​4. Multiple zeta values are in fact periods of unramified mixed Tate motives, a full subcategory of all mixed Tate motives.
Annette Huber, Stefan Müller-Stach
Chapter 16. Miscellaneous Periods: An Outlook
In this chapter, we collect several other important examples of periods in the literature for the convenience of the reader.
Annette Huber, Stefan Müller-Stach
Periods and Nori Motives
verfasst von
Annette Huber
Stefan Müller-Stach
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